leftist-loon fascists that control the government in New Jersey are
at it again. Last year they wanted to send a single mother, with two
little boys, to prison for up to 11 years because she brought her
legal handgun, for which she has a concealed carry permit
in Philadelphia,
into the liberty-loathing People's Republic of New Jersey. Now they
want to send seventy-two-year-old Gordon VanGilder, a retired teacher
to prison for up to ten years for possessing an antique flintlock
incident clearly shows that the anti-2nd Amendment winged-monkey
minions of the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment
Lobby (CTTEL) are not really concerned about public or "gun
safety". Their only interest is jailing anybody who has the
audacity to exercise their civil right under the 2nd Amendment. Why?
Because doing so, in their eyes, challenges their leftist-loon,
government-is-god religion. A religion that teaches that all power
and authority should reside in the government. A citizen
possessing a gun is a blasphemous challenge to that
not-to-be-challenged authority
and must be sent to the gulag as just another political prisoner as
soon a possible.
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