Saturday, July 30, 2016


    I'm often told by REAL Conservatives, i.e. those who actually revere the Constitution and it's constraints on the power of the federal government as articulated in Article 1: Section 8 and the 10th Amendments of the Constitution, that they won't vote for their fellow REAL Conservative candidate from, perhaps, the Constitution party, or the American Conservative Party. Why? Because even though a candidate from either of those parties may more accurately reflect their constitution-centric convictions, such a candidate "...can't win, so I would be wasting my vote". With this shallow “logic”, they rationalize their intent to vote for the leftist, anti-constitution RepugnantPuke Candidate from the RepugnantPuke faction of DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly. Thus in unison with their fellow Real Conservatives, they become the cause behind their objection that a REAL Conservative candidate “can't win”.

    This "wasted vote" paranoia is heavily relied upon by the RepugnantPuke party establishment as they deploy their Good Cop/Bad Cop con-job every election in order to retain the vote of the party's easily manipulated "useful idiots" and thus, their 155-year-plus iron grip on the power with the DemonCraps, their fellow constitution-contemptuous domestic terrorists in their back-slapping ruling duopoly.

In the case of the RepugnantPukes, their kool-aid-dispensing media propagandist puppets, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Shaun Hannity, Michael Savage, Kurt Schlicter, Ed Morrisey, et al, are the pontificating facilitators in the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine. They will reliably proclaim, for example, "Sure Donald Trump [The Good Cop] is a constitution illiterate and contemptuous megalomaniac and über narcissist with a lot of leftist, neo-fascist proclivities, but if you don't vote for him you'll assure the election of Hillary Clinton [The Bad Cop] and you'll be wasting your vote". Thanks to his perpetually repeated manipulation, the RepugnantPuke party establishment has repeatedly and successfully played REAL conservatives supporters for “useful idiot” patsies who have unwittingly become traitorous accessories to the fall of our once great, liberty, property-rights, equal justice and rule-of-law embracing constitutional republic; a republic long since replaced by the DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly with The People's Neo-Fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika.

    Thanks to the reliably stellar success of their Good Cop Vs. Bad Cop con-job, the RepugnantPuke establishment corrupticians, know that they can contemptuously, laughingly and habitually ignore the appeals of REAL Conservatives for a return to our founding roots of a smaller, constitutionally constrained federal government without any repercussions. This frees them to slavishly serve the interests of their shadow constituencies, many shared with the Democrats: The racist illegal alien foreign invader lobby, the Muslim savages & Sharia Law lobby, huge, political influence-buying multi-national corporations, multi-national bankers, environmentalist fanatics and other powerful, constitution-loathing special interest groups. These nefarious entities, unlike an “Average Joe” constitutional conservative constituent, provide them with the big money they need to buy “useful idiot” manipulating media time and other campaign tools necessary for maintaining their tyrannical grip on power.

    What most real, constitutional conservatives don't realize is that by allowing themselves to be repetitively manipulated by this “Lesser Of Two Evils” good cop vs. bad “Wasted Vote” charade into being “useful idiots” for the RepugnantPuke establishment, they end up wasting their votes votes anyway. Why? Well, by voting contrary to their convictions, they are always victimized by the RepugnantPuke establishment, being deprived of more of their liberties while even more despotic power shifts to the evil DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly ensconced in Washington, D.C.. 

    They grimace, seeing the country's political spectrum ratcheting further and further to the left of center (the center correctly being defined as the federal government adhering to the limitations on its power set forth in the Constitution, not by the ruling duopoly or their media propagandists or political pundit's propensity for re-defining the center further and further to the left) to the point were it's an indisputable fact that we now live in a quintessential banana republic. A banana republic that I call The People's Neo-Fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika. A banana republic with a banana republic's characteristic two-tiered system of un-equal justice under the law, along with unconstitutional taxation, criminalizing legislation and regulation without the consent of the governed and dictatorial edicts issued by a constitution-ignoring, power usurping tyrant president dictator and an arrogant, oligarch- stacked Supreme Court.

Fortunately, the brave men and women who died to establish our once great but now defunct constitutional republic were not so easily cowed into compromising their convictions for fear that their efforts to establish independence from King George III would be "wasted". The Good Cop/Bad Cop routine of that day was played out by the British governing authorities and weenie colonists who were loyalists to the British Crown. They argued it would make more sense to be passive, or better yet, actively support the crown in its continued subjugation of themselves and their fellow colonists. After all, Britain, at that time, had the most powerful military force in the world. Resistance would be a "waste"-- it would be futile.

They were told that If they resisted the King's tyranny things would be far worse for them. If they weren't killed by the mighty British army in battle, they would eventually be hanged for sedition, once the rebellion was inevitably crushed. The minute men responded to this "wasted effort" mentality the same way freedom loving, Real Conservatives should respond to the "wasted vote" rationalization so common today. They courageously acted in accordance with their convictions—voting against tyranny with their muskets, lead balls and black powder.

Had they instead succumbed to the "wasted effort" reasoning of the crown loyalists, metaphorically, they would have stepped into the voting booth of battle, loaded their musket, and shot lead ball votes, not into the the British lines but into each other and their fellow Americans. Fortunately they refused to be cowed and corralled “useful idiots” for King George. They stood against all odds, shoulder-to-shoulder with others who refused to be duped into submission to the crown. Each time they fired their vote into the "invincible" British lines, their muskets roared their agreement with the words of Patrick Henry:
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
    Our choice is easier to make than that of the minutemen. Currently, we don't have to risk death to vote in accordance with our convictions, therefore, now is the time for all Real Conservatives to stop being “useful idiot's” for the RepugnantPuke faction of the constitution & liberty-loathing, despotic DemonCrap & RepugnanGoon ruling duopoly. Now is the time to stop joining them as they metaphorically spit, urinate and defecate in the precious spilled blood of the courageous minute men and other founding patriots. Now is the time to stop shooting suicidal lead balls of “useful idiot” “..don't waste your vote” obedience at yourself, your fellow Americans and the constitution.

    Logically speaking, If enough REAL conservatives were to stop falling for the Good Cop Vs. Bad Cop "wasted vote" scam, in the orgasmic case scenario, a REAL conservative could win the presidency, e.g. Darrel Castle of the Constitution Party. In the 2nd best-case case scenario, the RepugnantPukes would lose by an astonishingly high margin reflected in the defection of REAL conservative votes for a REAL conservative, e.g. Darrel Castle. Sure Trump's fellow constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap the insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris would be our next dictator, but because the RepugnantPukes would be hard-pressed to ignore the fact that they lost so many of their usually reliable duped "useful idiots" who came out of their comas of cowardice and courageously voted for a REAL conservative, i.e. Darrel Castle, the RepugnantPuke party would be forced to return to their constitutional roots if they ever hoped to win again, lest they be permanently relegated to 3rd Party status.

    The Alternative of continuing with being duped "useful idiots" is the unabated leftward shift of our country into the abyss of total tyranny.

    In conclusion, now is the time to show enough courage to reject the ruling duopoly's Good Cop/Bad Cop ruse. Only then will we ever have a chance of breaking the traitorous, neo-fascist DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly's tyrannical grip of monopolistic, constitution-contemptuous power. Only then will we have a realistic hope of regaining the freedom and liberty we once had in this country. Freedom and liberty purchased with the blood of those brave minutemen.

Reality check: Elections aren’t really binary choices

Thursday, July 28, 2016


(1) Trump was a total, mega-inarticulate clown and disaster in the first debate between him and the insidiously corrupt and habitually lying bag of maggot butt pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. Shrillary was far better at slinging B.S., idiotic bromides and simplistic platitudes guaranteed to get all the "undecided", simple-minded and easily manipulated "useful idiots" to vote for her. She also did an excellent job at remaining cool and composed while she habitually kept Trump on the defensive, ranting like a maniac.  She even got him to agree with her contempt for the 5th Amendment wherein he too agrees that Americans should be deprived of their civil rights without due process.

(2) Most of the American Electorate has been successfully brainwashed to believe that it is more evil to "judge" or "discriminate" against someone because of what evil they do than the evil done by the someone who does the evil.
(3) As a result, in their twisted minds, "evil" and good have moral parity, i.e. there is no such thing as evil, particularly if what would have formerly been called "evil" is done by someone committed to a leftist, neo-fascist agenda of "social justice" ; thus, the "extremely careless", according to the corrupt head of the corrupt FBI James Comey, and lying Shrillary Rotten Clitoris,  is no worse but far better than an eagle scout.
(4) Almost  half (45%) of the populace pay no income tax and 60%  is comprised of societal parasites who are pro-slavery, i.e. the slavery of their fellow citizens who are producers to satiate their parasitic desires.
(5) As a result, the societal parasites, afflicted with the mental illness of Leftist-
lunatic-o-phrenia, will always vote for whoever will promise them the most freebies off the slavery of non-parasitic citizen producers. There is no-way that Donald The-White-Obama-Trump can out-freebie Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.
(6) Since the half of the population is comprised of societal parasites who don't pay income taxes, and many receive tax credits off the slavery of citizen producers, Trump's assertion that he'll implement "tax reform" (read tweak existing 74,000+ page incomprehensible tax code); wherein, producer citizens earning less than $50k per year will pay no income taxes, will not have enough broad appeal to propel him into office.
(7) Unlike the faux, CINO (Conservative-In-Name-Only ) "conservatives" Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Kurt Schlicter, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, et al, whose so-called "conservative convictions" are determined by party loyalty to the leftist-dominated, baby-butchering, pro-slavery, RepugnantGoon party and to the short-sighted goal of "winning" even if the country loses in the long-run, rather than loyalty to the constitution and it's precepts of liberty and property rights, there are millions of  courageous, true-to-their-convictions, actual constitutional conservatives who will not vote for Donald The-White-Obama-Trump. They know that to do so they would be traitorously spitting, urinating and defecating in the spilled blood of those who died to establish our now defunct constitutional republic.
(8) The demographics are already heavily against Donald the-White-Obama-Trump (see 1 -5 above), so there is no way he can win without the votes of REAL, conviction-solid, non-traitorous conservatives, denoted in number 6 above.
(9) Shrillary has a vagina and so does about half the population. Many of these vagina wielders are glazed-eyed "air-heads", totally devoid of critical thinking skills. This is because most of them have been educated brainwashed in government run, leftist youth indoctrination centers, aka: "Public Schools", colleges and universities. For them, as with the voters for the "black" Obama, symbolism outweighs the substance of liberty, property rights, the "rule-of-law" and a constitutionally limited, un-intrusive federal government. That's why they will vote for Shrillary simply because they too have a vagina. For these vagina-endowed air-heads, the symbolism of a vagina wielding president of the country is of paramount importance to them, even if the vagina is part of one of the most insidiously evil, vile, demonic, corrupt, habitually lying unindicted felons in the entire country.

(10) Feminist neutered American she-males, air-headed vagina wielders, and other women, with brain jello cognitive dissonance to the rapist enabling, victim-smearing role Shrillary has played for her sexual predator husband Bill, will be appalled at recently revealed, September, 2005 open-mic audio recording regarding Trump's predatory sexual sleaziness and marital infidelity. Apparently even after having only been married to his 3rd and current wife Melania for only a five months, he was still attempting to have predatory, adulterous liaisons with married women and and openly bragged about it in the lewdest of terms.

(11) Illegal alien foreign-invader-parasites vote, and they overwhelmingly vote for the DemonCrap party while negating the votes of citizens. This is particularly true in states like Commiefornia, a state among other states, wherein no proof of citizenship is required to receive a drivers' license or to register to vote or to cast a ballot; thus empowering the invading parasites with the rights and privileges of citizenship while devaluing the citizenship status of actual citizens. This is why the DemonCraps are the biggest cheerleaders for the invasion. 

(12) Donald The-White-Obama-Trump is a certified, megalomaniacal, narcissistic buffoon with really bad hair who, whenever he speaks, brings to mind a cheap Las Vegas lounge act. He also displays the vengeful pettiness of an emotionally retarded adolescent. Given that and the fact that he's a left-wing, constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap running on the RepugnantGoon ticket will be the impetus that drives the "true-to-their convictions conservatives", mentioned in number 6 above, to either stay home on election day or vote for the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidates. There's no way Donny can win without their votes, despite his psychosis-based assertions claiming otherwise.

(13) All the main-stream, establishment media, e.g. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, et al, are dominated by left-wing, neo-Marxist Sycophants that worship Shrillary Rotten Clitoris and anything connected or once-connected to her, including her bowel movements. They are acting as Shrillary's propaganda Super-PAC, extolling  the demonic & insidiously corrupt Shrillary's non-existent qualifications & glossing-over or ignoring her felonious proclivities while working feverishly to paint anything and everything Trump does in the worst possible light.

(14) Donald-The-Liar Trump flip-flopped from ejecting all illegal alien foreign invaders to being an illegal alien foreign invader butt-kisser who is in favor of a Gang-Of-Eight-like Amnesty. This back-stabbing of his cult worshipers will cause some of those who aren't psychotic "true believers" in Trumpism to stay home on election day.

And that's my fourteen reasons why the despicably corrupt, habitually lying, ethics and morals-devoid waling bag of maggot-butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris will be the next Dictator of our post-constitutional People's Neo-Fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika.

Deal with it!

Monday, July 11, 2016


    After a long painful period of leftist-inflicted illness, equal Justice under the law, here in our recently founded People's Neo-fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika, was officially pronounced dead on Tuesday, July 5th 2016, during a news conference held by the demonically corrupt head of the FBI James Comey. After clearly articulating the evidence for a litany of felonies committed as a result of her habitually arrogant, "extremely careless" gross negligence and cover-up in handling classified materials on her illegal email servers and hand-held devices during her tenure as Secretary of State Influence Peddling, Comey determined (preemptively before the conclusion of the investigation) that the insidiously evil, ethics and morals deficient, walking bag of  maggot butt-puss Shrillary Rotten Clitoris hadn't violated US Code 18, Section 793 (f)

    The bar set by the code for prosecution is "gross negligence", but in direct contradiction of all the evidence of her malfeasance given just minutes before, Comey declared that there was no evidence that Shrillary intentionally or willfully mishandled classified material; therefore, " reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." Thus, in one sweeping, logic-devoid, Orwellian manifestation of the Twilight Zone, corrupt Comey, ignoring the verbiage in the statute, unilaterally set a much higher criteria of "Specific Intent" as the threshold for a recommendation for prosecution. Of course it was obvious to all whose leftist ideology hasn't blinded them with delusional denial, that Comey did this to deliver on the "Free Pass" fix previously promised, in secret, to Satan's top emissary on earth, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. This outrageous act of evil cemented the the fact that we all now live in the septic shadow of unequal justice under the law, as is common to almost all banana republics. 

The signals that death of equal justice was imminent were many. here are just a few: 
  • Protest confiscation of state land by the federal government--Government agents sent to murder you: Robert Levy Finicum.
  • Refuse to obey an unlawful and tyrannical Supreme Court Edict redefining marriage-- Arrested and jailed: Kim Davis
  • Make a video exposing Islam as the religion of animalistic savages around the time Shrillary gets 4 people killed in Benghazi and then lies about it --Arrested and jailed: Mark Basseley Youssef 
  • Unlawfully declare your community a “Sanctuary City” for illegal alien foreign Invaders --- Receive federal funding approved by the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly: San Francisco, LosAngeles, et al.
  • Exercise your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights --- Government agents sent to kill you and burn your women and children to death: Branch Dividians.
    Shaneen Allen
  • Exercise your 2nd Amendment Civil right to self-defense --- tyranny enforcing thug cop arrests you, face prosecution for felony and subsequent imprisonment: Shaneen Allen
  • Do unauthorized removal and retention of classifed materials without malicious intent while not being a Clinton --- Get arrested by the corrupt FBI and charged with a crime. Take a plea bargain. Be fined $7,500 and put on 2 years probation while losing security clearance foreverr: Bryan Nishimura
And then then the actual execution of equal justice under the law:
  • Repeatedly lie, commit perjury, cover-up, obstruct justice & compromise national security by knowingly participating in over 100 acts of unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials while being a Clinton member of the ruling class --- Get a free pass by the corrupt FBI and then officially become DemonCrap Party nominee for president: Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.

Click HERE to read an open letter by a retired Special Agent for the FBI Hugh Galyen, written to the Corrupt Director of the FBI James Comey regarding Comey's insidiously reprehensible and evil double-standard of unequal justice under the "laws" of our Banana Republic. 

Click HERE for an even more extensive list of prosecutions the "Little People" that signaled the forthcoming death of "Equal Justice Under The Law".

Click HERE to read an important article by Judge Andrew Napolitano regarding the role of the corrupt FBI, under the corrupt leadership if the corrupt James Comey, in the death of  "Equal Justice Under The Law" as demonstrated by its free pass given to the insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.

Click HERE to read how the fix was in for a phony FBI "investigation" into Shrillary's felonious activities because any indictment and resulting trial would show that Obama also was guilty of felonies under the Espionage Act.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


Sic semper tyrannis ad mortem
    "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force."
~~~Thomas Jefferson

    The fight for freedom and independence from King George's tyranny would never have been possible if the colonists had been deprived of their guns by the king's tyranny-enforcing thugs dressed in pretty red coats.
    The 2nd Amendment is abundantly clear for anyone with an erudite understanding of English grammar (dependent clauses vs. independent clauses) and not afflicted with the debilitating mental illness of Leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
     "..SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". You have to be a "useful idiot" for the left or have had to attended a leftist, neo-fascist-dominated law school or other 4-year institution of more intensive leftist indoctrination to mis-construe those words to say "Shall be infringed if we say so". 

    In any event, when any judge, legislature or government executive breaks the law of the land, i.e. the constitution, and enacts an infringement of the 2nd or any other Amendment in the Bill Of Rights, it is unlawful, illegal and legally and morally null and void.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.
~~~Alexander Hamilton; Federalist # 78 
    You as a constitution-revering citizen, who has the God given inalienable right to self-defense (see 9th Amendment) and the right to be free from tyranny, are under no obligation to comply with any infringements on your right to keep and bear arms. That means ALL arms that are commonly borne by infantry soldiers in the D.C. tyrant's or state tyrant's standing armies. Therefore, you are morally justified in using lethal force against any, oath-ignoring soldier, M-16A2-wielding bureaucrat or criminal LEO TET (thug enforcers of tyranny) that try to deprive you of your life, liberty or property in an effort to enforce the unlawful acts of tyrannical government officials. This kind of resistance to compliance would be analogous to that used by our forefathers. They were morally justified in using lethal force against the red-coat enforcers of King George's tyranny when George's boys marched from Lexington to Concord to seize the colonist's weapons.

    There; I said it. Now, you need to make the following determination:
Do you have enough balls to stop TALKING ABOUT WHY the 2nd Amendment was included in The Bill Of Rights to start USING IT FOR WHY it's in the Bill of rights.
    The constitution-contemptuous tyrants who control the federal and many state governments are betting that you don't have "enough balls" to stand up to their tyranny, and for good reasons. Foremost among them is the fact that the leadership of National Rifle Association; aka; NRA, the largest and oldest "pro-2nd Amendment" organization, are really nothing more than a traitorous cabal of eunuchs that admits it will passively allow a Supreme court edict, or another congressional or presidential act of tyranny to continue to infringe or totally deprive us of our God-given rights. This is evident in their propaganda where they repeatedly tell their members (I among them) that our rights are "just one Supreme Court Justice away from being lost forever". They habitually warn us that a hostile congress can demolish the 2nd Amendment or so could an "Executive Order" (read dictatorial diktat). Conspicuously absent from any NRA propaganda is a call to arms or any implication that there would be a call to arms in response to any further infringement of our rights.  In other words, for the NRA leadership and for far too many of it's pseudo-patriot members, TALKING ABOUT WHY the 2nd Amendment is in the constitution is fine for feigning bravado and bravery, but they'll never, ever mention, let alone suggest actually USING IT FOR WHY it's in the constitution. Clearly, the NRA is only giving hypocritical lip-service to their supposed belief that the 2nd Amendment guarantees our other rights.

     Not surprisingly, recently, the traitorous NRA has even blessed the lawless, tyrannical collusion of DemonCraps & RepugantGoons to deprive us of our 5th Amendment civil right to "Due-process" in order to help congressional despots deprive us of our 2nd Amendment civil rights.

    Aside from the testicle-less NRA, another thing that gives the ruling despots confidence that they can proceed unopposed with their neo-fascist agenda of tyranny is the sad reality that, unlike our Minute Men forefathers, the average American male is a she-male coward. This is evident to them by the infringements they've easily forced on us thus far. That's why they are confident that gun owners will only whimper and snivel a little from the even greater pressure of their jack-boot of tyranny crushing down on your neck. Oh, and maybe you'll make an extra contribution to the money-hungry NRA, but they need not worry about being marched out of the Capitol Building by armed citizens intent upon lynching them for their arrogance. 

    Of course, they know that their jack-boot pressure can only be further applied with a liberal dose of diversionary bread and circuses, consisting of K-12 leftist indoctrination in government monopoly schools, Monday Night Football and 24/7 access to other T.V. sports, lust-driven reality T.V. shows or endless leftist-indoctrination sessions masquerading as T.V. sit-coms and network or cable news.  

    Patrick Henry ardently declared he had the balls when he said:
 I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! 
    So what's it going to be? How would you rather die? Do you prefer to die a ball-less-wimp at a ripe old age while pissing and shitting your diapers in a nursing home and drooling with dementia? Yeah, pissing and shitting yourself as your disarmed children and grandchildren live in slavery to the state and it's power-obsessed ruling elites? Pissing and shitting yourself because you were such a pussy you didn't have to balls to stand up and fight for your rights and the freedom of your progeny? If so, I guess you can console yourself by knowing that, at least, you never missed Monday night football, huh?

   Conversely, imagine a day, when two, three or more millions of AR-15 or AK-47 wielding Pissed-Off Patriots of America, exhibiting the courage and strength of character that emboldened our forefathers to face-down the most powerful army on the planet, with their pocket copies of the constitution, converge on America's nerve center of constitution-contemptuous tyranny -- Washington, D.C., waving the American and Gadsden Flags and holding massive banners extolling this excerpt from The Declaration Of Independence: 
 But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
    In a best case scenario, no shot would even have to be fired, save for perhaps taking-down some D.C. LEO TET trying to be a hero for despotism by disarming and arresting one or more of the millions of peaceful protesters demanding immediate repeals of all 2nd Amendment infringements. Even that would be unlikely as the TET suddenly found him/herself staring down the AR & AK muzzles of a couple of hundred or more patriot protesters. 

    If these millions of armed pissed-off-patriot protesters made it known that the tyrants in D.C. had better repeal their unlawful infringements to the 2nd, and other Amendments, or that they were prepared to forcefully remove them from office, don't you think they would give acquiescence to their demands top priority?
“In case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them,”
~~~James Madison,he asserted in the  Virginia Resolution of 1798.
    Alternatively, the least we as individuals can do is to die as a patriot, fighting for your freedom and the freedom of future generations instead of as a virtual eunuch in an adult diaper. You can refuse to obediently comply with any infringements. When government soldiers, LEOs or bureaucrat enforcers of tyranny come to deprive you of your liberty and property because of your refusal to comply with, for examples, the tyrannical banning of your right to own an ugly black rifle, or standard capacity magazines holding more bullets then the tyrant's despotic infringement allows, you can die a free man as you hurl hot, flesh-piercing lead through the immoral, jack-boot wearing jackals determined to deprive you of your inalienable, God-given rights. Make the tyrants and their goons walk in the blood of their fellow tyrants and goons in order to walk in your blood. Make your last shot fired one heard around the world of those who understand why the colonists at Concord stood their ground.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
~~~Thomas Jefferson