Sunday, December 20, 2015


I subjected myself to the torment of watching the DemonCrap presidential candidates "debate". Below is a synopsis of what I learned from listening to these professional demagogue corrupticians:

  • We need to kiss the keesters of Muslim savages because if we don't they'll hate us even more.
  • The main reason for the San Bernardino terrorist attack is not the mass importation of Muslim savages into the United States but Gore-Bull warming and the lack of enough infringements on American's civil rights under the 2nd Amendment.
  • All the DemonKrap candidates will vigorously work to implement, at the federal level, all the 2nd Amendment civil rights infringements that didn't work in San Bernardino, Commiefornia and almost all other mass-shootings.
  • None of the hypocrite DemonKrap candidates declared that they would disband their armed security details, but they all agreed that Americans being armed doesn't make "The Little People" Americans safer.
  • None of them know the difference between a "combat assault rifle" and a civilian AR-15 or they know the difference and just wanted to demagogue and manipulate their "useful idiot" base of left-wing extremists.
  • We need to ignore the 13th Amendment and enslave more Americans to work to pay for all the "Free Stuff" that the DemonKraps want to use to buy votes from young, able-bodied societal parasites.
  • They will all work to price under-educated, un-skilled Americans out of employment by unconstitutionally mandating that employers pay under-educated and unskilled entry-level employees more than they're worth.
  • They are all ignorant of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that makes it illegal to pay women and men different wages for the same job, or they know of it but were feigning ignorance in order to manipulate their ignorant base of left-wing extremists.
  • We're supposed to believe that the evil, sinister, prevaricating, walking bag of obfuscating maggot butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris is telling us the truth about what she's going to do as president  dictator even though she has habitually lied about Benghazi, her FOIA-skirting email server and negligent handling of classified material through that server.
  • The audience appeared to consist largely of glazed-eyed, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, drool-dripping, cognitively deficient clapping seals and othWer simple-minded lower life-forms.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


    Shrillary Rotten Clitoris was kissing Muslim keesters today, not a week after some of Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists murdered 14 people in San Bernardino. What more proof do we need to show that the head of Shrillary Rotten Clitoris is filled with maggot butt-pus.

    All Americans need to realize that Islam is a Satanic counterfeit "religion", based on sanctimonious self-righteousness, dreamed up by a psychotic serial pedophile who recorded his demonic delusions in the Quran; wherein, open-ended commands are given to his deluded followers to either forcibly convert, enslave or kill all infidels. That is in fact the OROTHODOX teaching of Islam. There are some "nice" Muslim apostates that don't adhere to the orthodox teaching in the Quran, but when the demographic turns in the direction of Islam the apostates quickly shed their snake skins and become orthodox.

     Americans should not be fooled by their interactions with "nice" Muslims here in the U.S. where they are a minority. As soon as they become a demographic majority, the insidiously evil elements of their demented false prophet MuMadMan and his Satanic Quran come to the surface. Anywhere where Islam is the dominate culture women are oppressed and abused, homosexuals are killed and there is nothing but hate and intolerance for all other religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity.

    Satanic Islam is antithetical to republican, consent-of-the-governed, democratic government; therefore Americans need to work to pass a Constitutional Amendment to exclude all Muslims from the protection of freedom of religion articulated in the 1st Amendment. We must also insist that our elected officials change our immigrations laws to exclude all Muslims. If we don't; if we continue on the same insane path we are currently on, the path of politically correct Muslim butt-kissing, there will be Hell to pay with you and your kids dying at the hands of the adherents to this insidiously evil pathway to Hell -- Islam.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Dear DemonKraps and other left-wing extremist puppets of the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL):

Let me educate you by using some questions I recently received from one of your philosophical brethren in response to my comments regarding the San Bernardino attack by some of Obama's fellow Muslim domestic terrorists. I offer this free education even though It appears to me that you're all hate-filled, intolerant, freedom-loathing, constitution-contemptuous left-wing neo-fascists and attempting to do so will be an exercise in futility:

Leftist-tard Question # 1:

What 2nd Amendment right have you lost?

Educating Answers:

  1. The right to carry my weapon where ever I go so I can defend myself from Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists.

  2. The right to possess the same bearable arms as the government's standing army.

  3. In most states the right to exercise my 2nd Amendment right without the permission of a corrupt, politically motivated government bureaucrat.

  4. In some states, the right to possess certain semi-auto rifles DemonKraps and other left-wing extremists find offensive.

  5. In some states the right to possess an adequate amount of ammunition when carrying a concealed weapon.

  6. The right to put a sound suppressor on my weapon without a bureaucrats permission in order to protect my hearing.

  7. The right to exercise my 2nd Amendment right to self-defense across state lines.

Leftist-tard Question # 2:

I assume you "carry". What would have kept you from carrying if you happened to be attending that Holiday party?

Educating Answers:

In my state, it wouldn't be a problem, but in the city of San Bernardino, It's virtually impossible to get permission from a government bureaucrat to exercise your 2nd Amendment right unless, in the name of DemonKrap "Fairness", you're rich, famous, a corrupt politician or a wealthy donor to a politician.

I lived in San Bernardino County for more than 5 decades. During my last 4 years there, since I was a resident in a town under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff and not under the jurisdiction of a town chief of police. Since the county Sheriff in office at that time (no longer the case) was a "supporter of the 2nd Amendment", I went through an expensive, 6-month anal exam and actually got a rare concealed carry permit as just an average citizen (thank God I wasn't a women in Carol Bowe's situation).

Having worked for the County of San Bernardino for 10 years (at one time only a few blocks from the attack by Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists), I know that every county building is a designated "Gun Free" criminal & terrorist empowerment zone. Nonetheless, not being a mentally-ill DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist, I ignored that unconstitutional restriction and carried my weapon to work everyday, just in case such an incident as the Muslim terrorist attack were to occur.

Had someone(s) like me been at the location of the attack by Obama's fellow Muslim domestic terrorists, they wouldn't have had time to take careful aim or reload before leisurely killing their victims for fear of being "capped", and since they were cowards, they may have immediately turned tail and ran thus sparing many lives.

Leftist-tard Question # 3:

Gun Free Zone? Do you check if where you are going every time you leave your house is a GUN FREE ZONE? Nah, you don't. Is there a map of "Gun free zones" that all gun owners are forced to refer to?

Educating Answers:

It's not necessary, since in almost all states where you can actually get a "Shall Issue" permit or a "May Issue" permit to carry, you are required to know which areas are gun-free Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Zones. As for me, unless it's a court house or other area with a metal detector, I ignore the prohibition in these left-wing extremist-imposed criminal and terrorist empowerment zones since they are unconstitutional and therefore illegal. I refuse to be a victim in order to assuage the psychotic beliefs of mentally ill DemonKraps & other left-wing extremists.

Leftist-tard Question # 4:

How many guns do you think Farook's cousin, also a fully legal and American born, should be allowed to amass? Eight? Double what Farook had?

Educating Answers:

Legally speaking, As many as he wants as long as he can pass the standard Federal Background Check that almost all past U.S. mass murderers passed.

Personally speaking: I don't think any Muslim should be allowed to ever purchase any kind of firearm. Furthermore, The fact that their Satanic Qur’an, written by their demonic, pedophile, false prophet MuMadman, says that they have a duty to kill or enslave infidels, i.e. most Americans, no Muslim should EVER be allowed to immigrate to this country for any reason; furthermore, all Muslim "Americans", including Obama, are already de facto traitors who (excluding Obama), after being offered a chance to renounce Islam and prove their sincerity by consuming a pound of bacon, should, upon failing the renouncement sincerity test, be arrested and imprisoned for treason.

Since I took the time to answer the left-tards questions, I thought I'd ask him a few of my own:

Questions for Leftist-tards:

  1. In a so-called "Free Country" How many guns do you and other constitution-contemptuous DemonKraps and left-wing extremists get to decide that I can own?

  2. Do you approve of "Gun Free" criminal & terrorist empowerment zones?

  3. Can you name one deceased victim of a mass shooting that isn't actually dead because they were in a "gun free" or gun absent zone?

  4. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to obtain a concealed carry permit, do you feel at all responsible as an accessory to the murder Carol Bowe?

  5. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to carry their legally purchased gun on college or university campuses, feel at all responsible for the rape of Amanda Collins?

  6. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to carry their legally purchased gun across state lines feel at all responsible for the jailing and possible felony imprisonment of Marine veteran Elizabeth Anne Enderli?

  7. Do you support Obama's open borders and DemonKrap "Sanctuary Cities" even though more Americans have been murdered by illegal alien foreign invaders than all those murdered in mass murders in gun-free criminal and terrorist empowerment zones by the mentally ill or by Obama's fellow Muslim domestic Terrorists?

  8. Even though 99.9%+ of all guns owned by law-abiding citizens in the united states are never used in criminal activity, do you support more 2nd Amendment Infringement tyranny against those same citizens? For example, many DemonKraps and other left-wing extremists now want to make it illegal for a gun owner to lend or gift his/her gun to his/her spouse, friend or other relative without getting an expensive, time-consuming permission from a government bureaucrat?

  9. I have an AK-47, and AR-15, and AK-47 platform semi-auto shotgun, a Zastava M76 sniper rifle and numerous other rifles and semi-auto pistols with "high capacity" (actually standard capacity) magazines, totaling 27 firearms, as well as over 10,000 rounds of ammunition. If you agree with DemonKrap Diane Feinstein and other DemonKraps, which of them would you, as a tolerant and inclusive, diversity-embracing, "freedom-loving" DemonKrap or other left-wing fanatic, confiscate if you could get through my fusillade of hot lead being directed at you?

Leave your answers as a comment.