Saturday, September 24, 2016


One of my many sins is not being a humble man, so it is painful to admit that I was wrong about Ted Cruz. I mistook him for a man of wisdom and stalwart character with a long-term perspective and rock-solid conservative convictions. A man who would be immune to the "useful idiot" manipulating Good Cop Vs Bad cop con-job used by the leftist dominated RepugnantGoon party every election. Instead he's proven himself to be just another "useful idiot".
Sadly, it appears that his "conservative convictions" are as malleable as those of his fellow "useful idiots" Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Jeff Sessions, Phil Robertson, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr., Ralph E. Reed, Michael Reagan, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, Michael Savage, Chris Cox (NRA), et al, who have short-sightedly & stupidly decided to continue to help the RepugnantGoon party in it's relentless war against conservatives. In their gullibility, they do this by reinforcing the RepugnantGoon party establishment's proven perception that they can habitually crap on the constitution and the rule of law because the "useful idiots" can always be relied upon to vote for them anyway.
Sure, Cruz and other "useful idiots" will rationalize their short-sighted, traitorous sell-out to tyranny by saying that "Hillary must be stopped", but at what cost? The long-term, continued unimpeded leftward lurching of our country into the abyss of tyranny as facilitated by convictions-surrendering "useful idiots" like Ted Cruz and others for over 80 years?

Sunday, September 11, 2016


    I'm sorry, but generally speaking, the American people, comprised mostly of societal parasites and slack-jawed, glazed-eyed, easily manipulated and demagogued "useful idiots", fixated on twitter, Monday Night Football, Dancing With The Stars, are blithering idiots. Why? Because they continue to vote for the Muslim Butt-Kissing-&-importing domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, who even after 3,000 Americans were murdered on 9/11/2001, willfully continue to leave our boarders open to foreign invaders from everywhere. They continue to import infidel-hating Muslims into our homeland on student VISAs from known terrorist-harboring countries, and then let them overstay their VISAS? Worse yet, they are maliciously importing hundreds of thousands of infidel-phobic Muslim savages into our county every year, from places like Syria and Sudan and putting them on welfare. 

As an added bonus, it has recently come to light that the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly were complicit in covering up the fact that the Saudi Government as documented in this news article  and this news article, provided support for the 9/11 MuzScum terrorists.

    To further illustrate just how imbecilic the American people are, they seem oblivious to  the ruling duopoly's contempt for them and their rights. They have transformed us from citizens to suspects whose phone calls, emails and Internet activity are tracked by the ruling duopoly's NSA secret police.

   Despite the ruling duopoly's egregious and purposely open invitations for more terrorism, the “useful idiot” infested American People are so gullible that they foolishly believe that because their wives, daughters, mothers, the handicapped and aging veterans are being groped by 4th Amendment trampling TSA-Gestapo thugs at the airport that we're safer than we were 9/11/2001. No wonder we're no longer a “Great Nation. “ A Pathetic Nation” would be a better adjective.