Friday, November 18, 2016


    I define all the cops who had the opportunity but never arrested Donald Trump or the Finger-Rapist Traitor Joe biden as bad cops. After all, both Trump and Traitor Joe shit on the constitution with their Fauci Virus-based, "Eviction Moratorium", confiscation of private property.

    All cops who've ever made arrests similar to the cops that arrested Shaneen Allen, Elizabeth Enderli, Gordon Van Gilder, Stephon Josey-Davis, Utah nurse Alex Wubbels and Gunnery Sgt. Peter Boby while letting NBC's leftist propagandist David Gregory remain free are also bad cops.

  All the cops that enforce the anti-civil-rights laws in states with laws similar to the tyrannical New Jersey "laws" that resulted in the death of Carol Bowe are bad cops. Carol Bowe could have had the ability to effectively fight back like Kristi McMains but for bad cops who would have proudly arrested her if she had exercised her 2nd Amendment civil rights without the permission of civil-rights-loathing, corrupt and tyrannical politicians. Yep, the corrupt and tyrannical politicians for whom all bad cops gladly act as thug enforcers of tyranny.

    Furthermore, all the "cops" in corrupt James Comey's Federal Bureau of Investigation Corruption who haven't resigned in protest of Comey's vile corruption are bad cops. 

    Let's not forgot all the cops in illegal, so-called "Sanctuary Cities" that haven't arrested the illegal alien foreign-invader butt-kissing politicians in their city for defying Title 8, Section 1373 of the U.S. Code. They too are bad cops

     As I see it, all cops who never have the time to arrest their fellow lawless cops (Sanctuary City Police Chiefs are a prime example of some who need to be arrested) but always seem to have the time to enforce illegal infringements against our 2nd Amendment civil rights (CommieFornia's newest infringements being a good example) are also bad cops.

   So, tell me again why I should respect the cops.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


  In the midst of the media's hand-wringing over who will be in Trump's cabinet, Trump's supporters are ignoring the elephant in the room that is exemplified in how quickly Donald The-Fip-Flopper-Trump folded like a cheap umbrella over the unconstitutional minimum wage, after just a little cajoling by the leftist propagandist Bill O'Rielley. Given this, and other evidence of Trump's malleable "core convictions",  I predict, that during the Trump adminstration, with prodding from left-wing-nut CINO (Conservative-In-Name-Only)  Speaker of The House Paul Ryan & CINO Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader:

(1)  He will break his promise to push for a special prosecutor to look into Shrillary Rotten Clitoris' and Obama's treasonous disregard for the Espionage Act.
(2)  He'll buckle to DemonCrap demands to not sign legislation repealing Obama Care but will sign legislation "amending" it; wherein, it will retain all the major elements of tyranny that the DemonCraps and leftist RepugnantGoons treasure.

(3)  He, like his mentor the  racist, Muslim domestic terrorist  Obama, whom he said he respects, will continue to sign spending bills that unconstitutionally help fund Planned Baby-Butchering.

(4)  He will deride and denigrate the COS (Article V, Convention Of The States) movement and do nothing on his own to achieve any of it's goals for constraining the banana republic tyranny of the Federal government.

(5)  Nothing will be done to address the "entitlement bomb" (HE ACTUALLY WANT'S ANOTHER UNCONSTITUTIONAL ENTITLEMENT!)  that is ticking toward a Greece-like financial collapse for our country.

(6)  With his proposed TRILLION dollar infra-Pork-sure job "stimulus" scheme, as just one example, Trump will habitually sign deficit-laden budgets that will continue to balloon the national debt, just like Obama did, as well as his CINO 
role model Georgie Bush did -- you know, the Bush that all the "lesser-of-two-evils" "useful idiots" voted for because, "Profligate-spenders Gore & Kerry had to be stopped!
(7)  The "RepugnantGoon-controlled"-controlled (more accurately "Leftist/Liberal/Progressive-controlled congress) will pass and Trump will sign a gas tax increase to fund their unconstitutional vote-buying scheme through unconstitutional federal meddling in “infrastructure.”
(8)  Hell-bent on screwing the poor and middle class to appease their big corporate re-election campaign donors, The "RepugnantGoon-controlled"-congress will pass, and Trump will sign, legislation forcing business owners into more slavery as tax collectors for states in which they don't reside, i.e. "The Internet Sales Tax" scheme. 
(9) The "RepugnantGoon-controlled"-congress, thanks to the covert DemonCraps Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and other faux "conservatives", will never even vote on affirming national "Right-to-Carry Reciprocity" that is already the ignored-law-of-the-land under the "full faith & credit" clause as well as the 14th Amendment. Their votes on this in the past were just "show-votes" designed to fool "useful idiot's" into re-electing them.
(10) The "RepugnantGoon-controlled"-congress, dominated by constitution-contemptuous bigger-government, leftists RepugnantGoons and their DemonCrap golfing buddies, will thwart any attempt by Trump to eliminate the evil and wasteful Department Of Education or any of the other of the countless, useless, wasteful. lawlessly-legislating departments, bureaus and agencies that comprise the tyrannical "4th and unconstitutional Branch" of the despotic and evil federal government. 
    In any event, given that the serial, unrepentant adulterer, self-righteous , godless, baby-butchering Trump has demonstrated himself to be a quintessential lying, establishment politician with "core convictions" that he changes more frequently than his underwear, and given he is packing his administration with RepugnantGoon establishment mini-tyrants, e.g. Rience Priebus, I don't have much hope for him actually following through on any of his promises that are actually constitutional. For the sake of our country, I pray that he'll prove me as wrong as I was about his chances of ever being elected.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


    The election is over, & I'm eating a big plate of crow for being wrong in my "Fourteen Reasons..."  prediction that the insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris would be our next dictator BUT, I may not yet be wrong in my assertion that the left-wing, constitution-contemptuous, adolescent, narcissistic inarticulate, buffoonish, serial adulterer and "Pussy Grabber"-Trump will never be the next dictator of our post-constitutional banana republic. 

    Despite the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Corruption's James The-Corrupt-Comey's most recent participation in obstruction of justice, the incriminating gold-mine of over 160k of Shrillay's thought-to-be-bleached-kitted emails embedded in Anthony The-Perv-Wiener's and Huma Abedin's laptop are still in the "evidence room" at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Corruption. There's little doubt many of those emails demonstrate both Shrillary's AND OBAMA'S total disregard for 18 US Code, Section 793, i.e., "The Espionage Act" and FOIA as well as multiple counts of obstruction of justice.

    This uncomfortable thought must have the voter-repudiated Obama and Shrillary wringing their hands in angst, since Trump boldly declared during his campaign that his administration will seek the appointment of a Special Prosecutor who will REALLY investigate the whole sordid mess.

    In order to avoid a lengthy prison sentence and a presidential legacy of treason, Obama, no doubt with the insistence of both Shrillary and her rapist husband Slick Willy as well as hordes of their complicit minions, now has more motive than ever to ensure that he remains dictator, of our banana republic well beyond January 2017. 

    Therefore, Obama will definitely need an excuse to  nullify Trump's election victory. To that end, Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists, that he and his fellow traitors in the RepugnantGoon-controlled congress have purposely imported into the country with the Syrian "refugees" and over our open borders, will now be covertly encouraged to strike before inauguration day 2017. This will culminate in one or more of the following Islamo-fascist instigated catastrophes.
  • A multi-pronged, across-the-country, coordinated and comprehensive, imported-Muslim terrorist attack killing thousands or millions and also resulting in collapse of our infrastructure and economy.
  • An imported-Muslim EMP or Mega-cyber attack disabling our power grid, industrial and economic infrastructure and plunging us back into the electric-powerless 19th century.
  • A nuclear attack with a Pakistani A-bomb smuggled over the open Mexican border.
    This forthcoming Obama-instigated Islamo-apocalypse will result in an immediate breakdown in our civilized society. There will be wide-spread hunger and deadly rioting in all the major cities. This will be followed by “Mad-Max”-like roving hordes of Obama's loyalist societal parasites pouring out into less populated areas looking for food, guns to steal and unarmed women to rape. 

   This chaos will be the salvation of the insidiously corrupt Obama, Shrillary and their armies of felonious winged-monkey minions. Obama will seize on the calamity to declare Martial Law, "..until public order can be re restored". Of course, this declaration of Martial Law will include the indefinite negation of Trump's election victory.

   But, to permanently insulate himself, and by association Shrillary and all of their complicit winged-monkey minions, from any possibility of future prosecution for their treasonous and justice-obstructing sins, He'll probably also "temporarily" (actually permanently) disband the congress and replace the entire judiciary with his loyalist puppets. 

   Under the guise of “restoring public order”, Obama will also issue  "executive orders" dictatorial edicts declaring the suspensions of the Bill of Rights and the posse comitatus act of 1878. 

    Now for what Obama's minions will call real "Tin-foil-hat" stuff:   To inoculate himself and Shrillary from militia-centric prosecution by an outraged people, and also under the guise of "restoring public order", Obama, via a dictatorial edict issued during a round of golf, will ban the possession of all firearms. In a time of societal chaos, this will leave the weak, disabled, the old and women particularly vulnerable to rape and death by the roving hordes of Obama's societal parasites, infidel-phobic Muslims and other foreign invaders Obama will have post-martial-law-naturalized for citizenship.

    To assist local law-enforcement officers in enforcing tyranny and in disarming pissed-off Americans (something they already do)  Obama will command the S.W.A.T units in his obscenely and heavily armed bureaucracies, and most of the armed forces which will remain loyal to him instead of the constitution, to immediately begin an across-the-country sweep to confiscate all firearms.

     Murders, rapes, robberies, property crimes, sex slavery, beheading & Muslim Terrorist attacks will sky-rocket as a result of the gun confiscations. So will he deaths of Obama's loyalist soldiers, bureaucrats and police, dying at the hands of citizens and state militias who refuse to give up their weapons and submit to Obama's dictatorship.

    After Obama's armed forces, loyal to him rather than the constitution, begin their firearms confiscation efforts, It's possible that Texas, Utah, and other “conservative states” will secede from the Union and form The Union Of Free States, U.F.S., using the U.S.A. constitution discarded by Obama and his "martial law" as their governing manifesto.

   Given his huge megalomaniacal ego, in reaction to the state successions, Obama may attempt to bomb and invade the U.F.S into submission to his dictatorship. But after more than a year of facing fierce opposition from state militias and former U.S. forces stationed in and now loyal to the U.F.S., and overwhelming condemnation from the U.N. for fire-bombing and killing millions of innocent civilians in major urban areas like Dallas, Texas, Mobile Alabama and Ogden Utah, he'll be forced to stop his murderous war on the secessionist states. During a news conference to announce again how wonderful things are under his despotic rule, he will declare that an indefinite truce is necessary in order to focus resources on his industrial and economic recovery, a "recovery" still lacking only in the leftist-leaning "Blue" states remaining loyal to Obama. 

    In Obama's loyalist states, and under the guise of facilitating his much touted but non-existent “recovery”,  Obama will set up “Detention Centers” for the “re-education” of domestic terrorists he says are subverting his "recovery". Meanwhile, millions of refugees from his leftist loyalist states will attempt to gain admittance to the U.F.S. and millions of Obama's societal parasites will flood the "loyalist states" from the U.F.S. after their parasitic handouts are discontinued by the U.F.S..

    Obama's tyranny-enforcing goons from his heavily armed executive-controlled bureaucracies and members of his heavily homosexual and transgender armed forces that disregarded their oath to defend the constitution for their loyalty to Obama, will conduct across-the-Obama-loyalist-states "domestic terrorist sweeps" to arrest and place in the Detention Centers, managed under a government contract obtained by Planned Parenthood, all Christians, Orthodox Jews, Tea-party supporters, Republican Party Leaders, Constitutionalists, Blacks and other minorities that dared to step off the leftist plantation of victimization and government dependence, as well as all other “subversives” retarding his “recovery”.

    Mysteriously, the stench of death will permeate the the proximities of the detention centers and noxious plumes of black smoke will billow, 24/7 from "refuse incinerators" that ostensibly also generate "green" electricity; electricity not only for the detention centers but also for the communities that surround them.  Obama's eco-fascist-goon-controlled EPA will announce that they have no concern that the smoke is a pollutant.

Stock-up on guns, ammo and food, friends, before it all happens.

Monday, November 7, 2016



(1) The Federal Government is to instigate "fairness" by ensuring “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”.

True or False

(2) Our rights are created or negated by the Federal Government including its Supreme Court.

True or False

(3) The constitution states that "..achieving racial and ethnic diversity..." is one of the authorized functions of the Federal Government.

True or False

(4) The constitution states that implementing "Social Justice" is a primary role of the Federal Government.

True or False

(5) The constitution states that "..most powers for the governance of the nation shall be in Washington D.C."

True or False

(6) The constitution states that in order to "..promote the general welfare, the congress shall have the authority to pass any laws to accomplish that goal."

True or False

(7) The constitution was amended so that the directors in the various government agencies, for example: the Environmental Protection Agency, can enact any laws they deem necessary for preserving the environment.

True or False

(8) The constitution states that The President and Federal Judges can "..enact laws they believe will promote fairness, equality and social justice if the congress fails to do so."

True or False

(9) The Department Of Education, The Department Of Homeland Security, The Department Of Social Justice and The Department Of Diversity & Inclusion are listed in the constitution as The Four Branches Of Government.

True or False

(10) The constitution states that "..Federal Judges shall have the authority to change the constitution's meaning from what the founders understood it to mean when they wrote it, so that the constitution can be a "Living Constitution".

True or False

(11) When the President or members of the congress take their oath of office, they swear to uphold Supreme Court rulings, both past and future rulings.

True or False

(12) The constitution states, "..and the people shall choose candidates from between either the Democrat or Republican parties for the governance of the nation."

True or False

The Quiz Answer Key is HERE


If you answered any of the questions in the “Should You Be Voting” quiz as “TRUE” you are a bonified constitution-illiterate and a citizen moron who should never be allowed any where near a voting booth.

Thursday, November 3, 2016



Hi Mark,

During During the November 2nd episode of LevinTV, you suggested that anyone who voted for a 3rd party candidate would be throwing their vote away. But who is really throwing away their vote? As I see it, a vote for the  DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's entrenchment of our post-constitutional, banana republic is the epitome of a  vote thrown away?  The most frequently heard rationalization for this actual throw-away voting is  "We've got to stop the DemonCrap (insert name here) from becoming president! You frosted that cake with the assertion that then “..we can then duke it out...” later with the elected, leftist RepugnantGoon over conservative principles. Mark, that's been the rationalization for the real throwing away of one's vote for over 80 years. The folks who use it ignore the indisputable fact that adherence to that vote-wasting paradigm has resulted in the unabated leftward shift of our country and it's current status as a post-constitutional banana republic. Indeed, It seems me that you, and like-minded constitution-based conservatives, have been duped into limiting your vote to the false choice of whether to lynch our nation with a 6ft rope or and 8ft rope.

Mark, I suggest it's time to refuse to be an accessory to our nation's execution, by buying into the RepugnantGoon's, perpetually deployed false-choice lynching scam. Doing so only reinforces the RepugnantGoon establishment's perception that they can habitually lie, back-stab and wage war on constitutional conservatives without any substantive or lasting repercussions--thus the aforementioned unabated leftward shift of our country.

Forgive me for suggesting to you that the dual cancers of constitution-illiteracy among the electorate, and of constitution-contemptuousness among those who actuate the levers of political power, is now too deeply rooted to hope that if only we can just lynch our nation with a longer rope, perhaps we can negotiate with the executioners, and their cheering illiterates, for some clemency before the inevitable drop snaps the neck of our remaining liberties.

I would encourage you and other constitution-based conservatives to stick with your constitution-based convictions in both word and courageous deed. You can do this by voting for a 3rd party candidate in either the Federalist or Constitution Partys. In doing so, you can “..duke it out..” by being a part of the catalyst that will eventually refresh the proverbial tree of liberty rather than continue the slow-boiling of the unsuspecting frog in the ruling duopoly's pot of metastasizing tyranny. Other than an Article V Convention Of The States, it's the only realistic chance we have to “duke it out” with any lasting success.

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