Saturday, April 25, 2015


    Last month a senior district court judge named Richard Matsch threw out a law suit by Sandy and Lonnie Phillips against Lucky Gunner and other firearms retailers wherein the Phillips, with dollar signs in their eyes, asserted that the retailers were responsible for James Holmes murdering a bunch of innocents in the "Gun Free Zone" theater in Aurora Colorado. The judge judiciously awarded the defendants attorney's fees and other court related costs to be paid for by the Phillips. The judge wisely asserted:

    "Neither the web nor the face-to-face sales of ammunition and other products to Holmes can plausibly constitute a substantial factor causing the deaths and injuries in this theater shooting."

    To have done otherwise would have opened a whole legal can of worms. For instance, the parents of a child killed by a drunk driver would have legal precedent for asserting that the car dealer who sold the car to the drunk driver was responsible for the death of their child. The parents of a child killed by a murderer wielding a kitchen knife purchased at Costco could assert that Costco was to  blame for the death of their child. 

It would have made more sense if the greedy Sandy and Lonnie Phillips sued the theater owner, the Brady Campaign and other puppets of the powerful and murderous Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL). After all, the driving philosophy behind the murderous CTTEL is THE DEADLY LIE: "Oh, you don't need to carry a gun for self-defense; the police will protect you." The CTTEL promotes this lie and the theater owner enforced it with their posted policy of not allowing any defensive guns in the theater, only those of mass murderers and other evil doers. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Psalm 94:16
    When one reads about Christian bakers, florists, photographers, wedding venue
operators, et al being persecuted for wanting to practice their religion according to the dictates of their own conscience, instead of the deviant consciences of radical homosexuals, one cannot help but see the hate-filled intolerance and bigotry exhibited by the Gaystapo and their slack-jawed, glazed-eyed, mouth-breathing, drool-dripping easily demagogued and manipulated winged-monkey supporters. It is becoming increasingly evident that the anti-religious bigotry of the fascist homo-Taliban is gaining momentum as they wage their Jihad for a de facto repeal of the 1st Amendment's "Fee Exercise" clause and the 13th Amendment's abolition of slavery in order to establish their homo-Caliphate here in the U.S.A..

    The intolerant-left/progressives/liberals refuse to recognize that the desire of the
devoutly religious to be free from slavery and religious persecution has nothing to do with denying homosexuals their right to pretend they're "married" but everything to do with the foaming-at-the-mouth, vein-bulging, eye-bugging, spit-spewing, spasms & convulsions-inducing hysteria and hate that motivates many of the bigoted, sexually dysfunctional vagina-phobic anus/rectum-philes, penis-phobes and their simple-minded minions as they wage their unrelenting fascist war of hate and intolerance towards those who refuse to endorse, enable, affirm or support their bio-incongruent Jihad to redefine marriage; a redefinition away from it's sane, sexually normal, historical, and bio-congruent configuration as a coupling between a man and a woman. This, of course, is the only kind of marriage that can result in the combining their DNA into the proverbial "One Flesh"; a stark contrast to the futility of trying to fertilize feces with sperm or an ovum with a non-ejaculating fist/dildo. 

    In Luke 22: 36 Jesus, speaking about conditions after his return to heaven said, "..and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." These words are a warning to Christians and brings to mind the disarmed and helpless Jews during the Kristallnaucht (Night Of Broken Glass) in 1938 Germany and Austria. A night that was eventually followed by a government sponsored extermination of the Jews. What are you as a Christian going to do when the government goons and other ideological minions of the Gaystapo come to wreck havoc on your home of business? Will you helplessly stand by while they burn your home or business to the ground and arrest you and your loved ones, or will you fight back? I suggest you stop channeling your resources into the deluxe cable/satellite package, a new boat, jet skis or a time share, and instead use the money to stock up on guns and ammunition. Life free or die a martyr!

"Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”
Psalm 144:1


"Sustainability" is just a leftist-lunatic euphemism for Disdainability, a neo-marxist covert agenda where being a good comrade is measured by:

  1. Disdain for the constitution.
  2. Disdain for freedom.
  3. Disdain for capitalism.
  4. Disdain for conservative women & men.
  5. Disdain for anyone who isn't living in poverty, especially the hardworking but "evil" rich.
  6. Disdain for anyone who isn't a societal parasite.
  7. Disdain for anyone who doesn't support open borders and amnesty.
  8. Disdain for affordable electricity.
  9. Disdain for affordable gasoline.
  10. Disdain for affordable water.
  11. Disdain for consumerism.
  12. Disdain for private automobile ownership.
  13. Disdain for single family housing.
  14. Disdain for those who worship the God of the Bible.
  15. Disdain for those who believe in the civil right articulated in the 2nd Amendment.
  16. Disdain for independent and critical thinkers.
  17. Disdain for the freedom to choose how many children you will have.
  18. Disdain for anyone who doesn't support homosexual "marriage" and the population sustainability it facilitates.
  19. Disdain for those who think it is wrong to dismember babies alive in the womb to keep the population at a "sustainable" level or for any other reason except when the mother's life is actually in danger.
  20. Disdain for those who can't be easily demagogued and manipulated.
  21. Disdain for anyone who doesn't support the domestic terrorists embodied in the constitution-contemptuous and tyrannical DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling duopoly and their embracing of the religion of "sustainability"

Sunday, April 19, 2015


    Some Muslim clown called "The Goebbels of ISIS" has just called all the sleeper cells to rise up and raise hell with all of us infidels. These hate-filled worshipers of Allah, aka: Satan, are serious so I hope you've prepared by stocking up on guns, ammo and food because what they've got planned next for us is going to make 9/11 look like a trip to Disneyland. This is because the only things that have changed since 9/11 is now government goons get to grope you and your wife at the airport, they spy on your credit card accounts, your bank accounts, your emails, texts, phone calls and web surfing and the president can kill you if he wants to simply by declaring you to be a terrorist. Meanwhile, the RepukingGoon and DemonKrap ruling duopoly, that in response to 9/11 now treats you like suspects instead of citizens, are still issuing student and work VISAs to infidel-hating Muslims from the same countries that the 9/11 terrorists were from; and as an added bonus, they keep our borders open to foreign invaders, including terrorists, to come in and suck at the government tit or kill us or both. What's even more amazing is that the hordes of easily manipulated and demagogued idiots that make up most of the electorate (that probably means you too) will continue to stupidly and robotically vote the ruling duopoly back into power election after election even though there is a better choice. God help us!

Friday, April 10, 2015



There is an important lesson to be learned in viewing this specially produced video of the murder of Walter Scott by the thug police officer Michael Slager. Watch this special video of the shooting to learn what it is: