Sunday, December 20, 2015


I subjected myself to the torment of watching the DemonCrap presidential candidates "debate". Below is a synopsis of what I learned from listening to these professional demagogue corrupticians:

  • We need to kiss the keesters of Muslim savages because if we don't they'll hate us even more.
  • The main reason for the San Bernardino terrorist attack is not the mass importation of Muslim savages into the United States but Gore-Bull warming and the lack of enough infringements on American's civil rights under the 2nd Amendment.
  • All the DemonKrap candidates will vigorously work to implement, at the federal level, all the 2nd Amendment civil rights infringements that didn't work in San Bernardino, Commiefornia and almost all other mass-shootings.
  • None of the hypocrite DemonKrap candidates declared that they would disband their armed security details, but they all agreed that Americans being armed doesn't make "The Little People" Americans safer.
  • None of them know the difference between a "combat assault rifle" and a civilian AR-15 or they know the difference and just wanted to demagogue and manipulate their "useful idiot" base of left-wing extremists.
  • We need to ignore the 13th Amendment and enslave more Americans to work to pay for all the "Free Stuff" that the DemonKraps want to use to buy votes from young, able-bodied societal parasites.
  • They will all work to price under-educated, un-skilled Americans out of employment by unconstitutionally mandating that employers pay under-educated and unskilled entry-level employees more than they're worth.
  • They are all ignorant of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that makes it illegal to pay women and men different wages for the same job, or they know of it but were feigning ignorance in order to manipulate their ignorant base of left-wing extremists.
  • We're supposed to believe that the evil, sinister, prevaricating, walking bag of obfuscating maggot butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris is telling us the truth about what she's going to do as president  dictator even though she has habitually lied about Benghazi, her FOIA-skirting email server and negligent handling of classified material through that server.
  • The audience appeared to consist largely of glazed-eyed, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, drool-dripping, cognitively deficient clapping seals and othWer simple-minded lower life-forms.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


    Shrillary Rotten Clitoris was kissing Muslim keesters today, not a week after some of Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists murdered 14 people in San Bernardino. What more proof do we need to show that the head of Shrillary Rotten Clitoris is filled with maggot butt-pus.

    All Americans need to realize that Islam is a Satanic counterfeit "religion", based on sanctimonious self-righteousness, dreamed up by a psychotic serial pedophile who recorded his demonic delusions in the Quran; wherein, open-ended commands are given to his deluded followers to either forcibly convert, enslave or kill all infidels. That is in fact the OROTHODOX teaching of Islam. There are some "nice" Muslim apostates that don't adhere to the orthodox teaching in the Quran, but when the demographic turns in the direction of Islam the apostates quickly shed their snake skins and become orthodox.

     Americans should not be fooled by their interactions with "nice" Muslims here in the U.S. where they are a minority. As soon as they become a demographic majority, the insidiously evil elements of their demented false prophet MuMadMan and his Satanic Quran come to the surface. Anywhere where Islam is the dominate culture women are oppressed and abused, homosexuals are killed and there is nothing but hate and intolerance for all other religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity.

    Satanic Islam is antithetical to republican, consent-of-the-governed, democratic government; therefore Americans need to work to pass a Constitutional Amendment to exclude all Muslims from the protection of freedom of religion articulated in the 1st Amendment. We must also insist that our elected officials change our immigrations laws to exclude all Muslims. If we don't; if we continue on the same insane path we are currently on, the path of politically correct Muslim butt-kissing, there will be Hell to pay with you and your kids dying at the hands of the adherents to this insidiously evil pathway to Hell -- Islam.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Dear DemonKraps and other left-wing extremist puppets of the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL):

Let me educate you by using some questions I recently received from one of your philosophical brethren in response to my comments regarding the San Bernardino attack by some of Obama's fellow Muslim domestic terrorists. I offer this free education even though It appears to me that you're all hate-filled, intolerant, freedom-loathing, constitution-contemptuous left-wing neo-fascists and attempting to do so will be an exercise in futility:

Leftist-tard Question # 1:

What 2nd Amendment right have you lost?

Educating Answers:

  1. The right to carry my weapon where ever I go so I can defend myself from Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists.

  2. The right to possess the same bearable arms as the government's standing army.

  3. In most states the right to exercise my 2nd Amendment right without the permission of a corrupt, politically motivated government bureaucrat.

  4. In some states, the right to possess certain semi-auto rifles DemonKraps and other left-wing extremists find offensive.

  5. In some states the right to possess an adequate amount of ammunition when carrying a concealed weapon.

  6. The right to put a sound suppressor on my weapon without a bureaucrats permission in order to protect my hearing.

  7. The right to exercise my 2nd Amendment right to self-defense across state lines.

Leftist-tard Question # 2:

I assume you "carry". What would have kept you from carrying if you happened to be attending that Holiday party?

Educating Answers:

In my state, it wouldn't be a problem, but in the city of San Bernardino, It's virtually impossible to get permission from a government bureaucrat to exercise your 2nd Amendment right unless, in the name of DemonKrap "Fairness", you're rich, famous, a corrupt politician or a wealthy donor to a politician.

I lived in San Bernardino County for more than 5 decades. During my last 4 years there, since I was a resident in a town under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff and not under the jurisdiction of a town chief of police. Since the county Sheriff in office at that time (no longer the case) was a "supporter of the 2nd Amendment", I went through an expensive, 6-month anal exam and actually got a rare concealed carry permit as just an average citizen (thank God I wasn't a women in Carol Bowe's situation).

Having worked for the County of San Bernardino for 10 years (at one time only a few blocks from the attack by Obama's fellow Muslim terrorists), I know that every county building is a designated "Gun Free" criminal & terrorist empowerment zone. Nonetheless, not being a mentally-ill DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist, I ignored that unconstitutional restriction and carried my weapon to work everyday, just in case such an incident as the Muslim terrorist attack were to occur.

Had someone(s) like me been at the location of the attack by Obama's fellow Muslim domestic terrorists, they wouldn't have had time to take careful aim or reload before leisurely killing their victims for fear of being "capped", and since they were cowards, they may have immediately turned tail and ran thus sparing many lives.

Leftist-tard Question # 3:

Gun Free Zone? Do you check if where you are going every time you leave your house is a GUN FREE ZONE? Nah, you don't. Is there a map of "Gun free zones" that all gun owners are forced to refer to?

Educating Answers:

It's not necessary, since in almost all states where you can actually get a "Shall Issue" permit or a "May Issue" permit to carry, you are required to know which areas are gun-free Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Zones. As for me, unless it's a court house or other area with a metal detector, I ignore the prohibition in these left-wing extremist-imposed criminal and terrorist empowerment zones since they are unconstitutional and therefore illegal. I refuse to be a victim in order to assuage the psychotic beliefs of mentally ill DemonKraps & other left-wing extremists.

Leftist-tard Question # 4:

How many guns do you think Farook's cousin, also a fully legal and American born, should be allowed to amass? Eight? Double what Farook had?

Educating Answers:

Legally speaking, As many as he wants as long as he can pass the standard Federal Background Check that almost all past U.S. mass murderers passed.

Personally speaking: I don't think any Muslim should be allowed to ever purchase any kind of firearm. Furthermore, The fact that their Satanic Qur’an, written by their demonic, pedophile, false prophet MuMadman, says that they have a duty to kill or enslave infidels, i.e. most Americans, no Muslim should EVER be allowed to immigrate to this country for any reason; furthermore, all Muslim "Americans", including Obama, are already de facto traitors who (excluding Obama), after being offered a chance to renounce Islam and prove their sincerity by consuming a pound of bacon, should, upon failing the renouncement sincerity test, be arrested and imprisoned for treason.

Since I took the time to answer the left-tards questions, I thought I'd ask him a few of my own:

Questions for Leftist-tards:

  1. In a so-called "Free Country" How many guns do you and other constitution-contemptuous DemonKraps and left-wing extremists get to decide that I can own?

  2. Do you approve of "Gun Free" criminal & terrorist empowerment zones?

  3. Can you name one deceased victim of a mass shooting that isn't actually dead because they were in a "gun free" or gun absent zone?

  4. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to obtain a concealed carry permit, do you feel at all responsible as an accessory to the murder Carol Bowe?

  5. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to carry their legally purchased gun on college or university campuses, feel at all responsible for the rape of Amanda Collins?

  6. As a DemonKrap or other left-wing extremist who, by definition, supports making it very difficult or impossible for women to carry their legally purchased gun across state lines feel at all responsible for the jailing and possible felony imprisonment of Marine veteran Elizabeth Anne Enderli?

  7. Do you support Obama's open borders and DemonKrap "Sanctuary Cities" even though more Americans have been murdered by illegal alien foreign invaders than all those murdered in mass murders in gun-free criminal and terrorist empowerment zones by the mentally ill or by Obama's fellow Muslim domestic Terrorists?

  8. Even though 99.9%+ of all guns owned by law-abiding citizens in the united states are never used in criminal activity, do you support more 2nd Amendment Infringement tyranny against those same citizens? For example, many DemonKraps and other left-wing extremists now want to make it illegal for a gun owner to lend or gift his/her gun to his/her spouse, friend or other relative without getting an expensive, time-consuming permission from a government bureaucrat?

  9. I have an AK-47, and AR-15, and AK-47 platform semi-auto shotgun, a Zastava M76 sniper rifle and numerous other rifles and semi-auto pistols with "high capacity" (actually standard capacity) magazines, totaling 27 firearms, as well as over 10,000 rounds of ammunition. If you agree with DemonKrap Diane Feinstein and other DemonKraps, which of them would you, as a tolerant and inclusive, diversity-embracing, "freedom-loving" DemonKrap or other left-wing fanatic, confiscate if you could get through my fusillade of hot lead being directed at you?

Leave your answers as a comment.

Monday, November 16, 2015


    Sure, cops sometimes perform essential duties, but the truth is that cops also spend a disproportionate amount of their time obediently enforcing the left's constitution-contemptuous tyranny. Shaneen Allen, Elizabeth Anne Enderli, Gordon VanGilderDavid Benham are good examples.

     Yes, the "hero" cops always have time enforce unconstitutional and illegal "laws" in order to oppress we common folks, but they seldom have time to enforce legal, constitutional laws against the ruling elites. As a result, folks are just getting tired of the unequal "justice" under the law and law enforcement officer's role in perpetrating it. Folks are waking up to the fact that the majority of cops act like simple-minded, just-following-my-orders, thug enforcers of tyranny and of our People's Neo-Fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika's two-tiered injustice system.

    Now at this point, if you're a knee-jerk supporter of cops, you're probably seething with righteous indignation and boiling with the assertion that I have no evidence to back up my argument. Well, let me ask you these questions: 
    How many cops arrested or attempted to arrest the ruling elitist, upper-tier, walking bag of maggot butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris for the obscene amount of probable cause she exhibited in her multiple non-prosecuted felonies?
    Now, how many cops arrested we bottom-tier citizens during the same period of Shrillary's felonies?  
    Need I say more?

    Well, I will say more: You can bet the boils on your butt that neither Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or the traitorous, Muslim Domestic Terrorist & Village Idiot Barry Soetoro will not be arrested by any cop anytime in our lifetime; but you can also bet those same boils that when Obama or his fellow constitution-contemptuous tyrants-in-waiting, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or 
Donald The-White-Obama Trump, orders the confiscation of all firearms, most cops, with glazed-eyed, constitution-contemptuous/illiterate obedience, will gladly murder you, if necessary, in order to separate you from your firearms and enforce tyranny. Afterwards, they'll high-five each other at the end of their shift, comparing scores on who whacked the most citizens as they enforced Obama's, Shrillary's or Trumps despotism or the despotism of some other leftist DemonKrap or RepugnantPuke, constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist. This is why the real motto of cops is not "To protect & To Serve but to: 
"To Subjugate, Bully, Oppress & Abuse."
NOTE: Here's a link to an excellent article related to the above commentary. 


MEGA ANTI-STATIST: (On Actor imprisoned for possessing prop gun) "Law Abiding Citizens Are Safer In Well Armed Societies"
The story about the prop gun and New Jersey cops serves to point out that cops, in many states, not just New Jersey, spend a disproportionate amount of time not protecting us but oppressing us as thug enforcers of tyranny.

How? Did the cops know it was a prop prior to any investigation (e.g. prior to arriving at the scene)? They responded accordingly to a report about a gun sighting in violation of NJ law.

The actor is facing ten years in prison. They didn't just respond. Even after determining that he presented no danger to anyone, they obviously arrested him as thug enforcers of New Jersey's anti-civil rights tyranny. In New Jersey, they arrested a poor single Black woman  for having a gun to protect herself and she faced 3 years in prison thanks to thug cop enforcers of tyranny. In almost all states, cops gleefully act as enforcers of tyranny, especially the tyranny infringements of our 2nd Amendment civil rights.

Officers are in no position to veto laws. I do not agree with the law of NJ, but that is the law. Prosecutors can dismiss the case, but the Officer must arrest.

You're absolutely right. All coward, tyranny enforcing, constitution-illiterate, criminal thug officers are in.."no position to veto obviously unlawful "laws." Their servile, self-imposed pledge to act as agents of despotic tyranny stands in the way; therefore they will ignore THE LAW OF THE LAND, and it's clear meaning, in order to imprison good, constitution-abiding citizens for exercising their God-given inalienable, civil rights, simply because their despotic puppet masters decide they can overrule God and the constitution. It's a good thing our founding fathers did not buy into your criminal cowardice and decide that they were in no position to "veto" King George or to override his puppet courts to nullify is usurpation of our inalienable rights. I bet (assuming you're a typical, constitution-illiterate, thug cop enforcer of tyranny) that if Obama or Shrillary Rotten Clitoris were to issue a dictatorial edit or if the constitution-contemptuous tyrants in congress were to enact a "law" directing all thug cop enforcers of tyranny to confiscate all private arms, you, with glazed-eyed contempt for the constitution and puppet-like obedience would gladly murder or make countless citizens political prisoners if they refused to relinquish their 2nd Amendment civil rights; wouldn't you?

Friday, November 13, 2015


Orthodox Muslims Achmed, Zahid, Farhan, Mohammad, & Aaban, were all Muslim "immigrants" imported from Syria by our own Muslim Domestic Terrorist Barry Soetoro, aka; Barack Obama, after discussing all the perverted things they were going to do with their postmortem entitlement of a virgin harem, smirked upon seeing the “Gun-Free Zone” sign as they casually walked past it onto the campus of an American elementary school full of little infidels. The recess bell had just rang and little kids poured out of the classrooms toward the playground.
Months earlier, since they were operating on a small budget, they had decided to forego expensive black market, fully automatic REAL assault rifles, smuggled across our open Southern border, and instead use sawed-off, 12 gauge pump shotguns purchased at a discount from a local MS-13 gang of fellow "immigrants".  Zahid was the exception; he didn't like guns, insisting that “they're unsafe and incited violence,” so he decided he'd arm himself with his 1987 Buick Riviera.
It was a short distance from the school gate to the school playground, and just as they reached it, Zhid crashed through the perimeter fence with his Buick, barreling over and instantly killing 12 little infidel kids. Achmed, Farhan, Mohammad & Aaban watched the spectacle with wide grins as they shouted “Allah Akbar” and uncloaked their shotguns at a crowed of screaming children and defenseless teachers running toward them in an effort to escape Zahid's steamrolling Buick. 
They had rehearsed their team, precision killing endlessly. Achmed and Farhan moved in one direction while Achmed pumped off 5 shots of #00 Buck shot dispatching 12 little infidels to Allah's “Hell” while Mohammad and Aaban moved in the other direction with Mohammad quickly jacking 5 shots of #00 Buck shot downing 10 little infidels. Mohammad and Aaban laughed and screeched “Allah Akbar!” when they saw one well-placed shot actually behead a little blond-haired girl of about 8 years of age. As soon as Achmed & Mohammad had emptied their shotguns, Farhan and Aaban would hand them a loaded one while taking the empty one, with which they were tasked with immediately reloading for the next hand-off.
Three and a half minutes into their virgin acquisition, Zahid had succeeded and ruthlessly crushing over 30 little infidel kids and 3 teachers with his Buick, while the shotgun teams had killed well over 60 more, and no sirens could yet be heard from any approaching police.
Meanwhile, at a chapter of the billionaire Michael Bloomberg-funded, Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, our own Muslim domestic terrorist Obama was lecturing a pre-selected audience of his adoring cult worshipers about the the need for an "assault rifle" ban, background checks of the transfer of guns between friends and family members and the villainy of the NRA's insistence that Good Guys/Gals with guns are a deterrent to bad guys and gals with guns [or Buicks?].

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hate-Whitey Racist Murderers
 of Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom
    Have you ever heard of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? Probably not since the news media is preoccupied with promoting the intersectional dogma-driven, minority-supremacist racist agenda of Progressive Fascists; thus, they have a propagandistic goal of promoting the big lie that white folks are predisposed to racism while blacks are the embodiment of all that is virtuous, but nothing could be further from the truth!  

    This is evidenced by FBI, 2018 Crime Statistics;  wherein, in black-white interracial crimes, blacks are the perpetrators over 90% of the time. 

    Then there is the this video of rioting, black, hate-whitey racist savages in Milwaukee calling for vicious attacks on innocent white folks, or this video & this video of a Macy's employee and a 12-year-old by being sucker-punched by black, rabid, hate-whitey racists.  

  •     BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!: check out this video of a depraved, hate-whitey racist man punching a 90-year-old woman and  this video of a black, BLM cockroach kicking an incapacitated white man in the head. Don't miss this video of a racist black punching a 55-year-old Asian woman. Then there is this video of a CRT dogma-indoctrinated black brutally beating a 67-year-old Asian woman. and this video of a black, hate-whitey racist trying to enforce black-supremacist segregation at the University Of Virginia. Then there is this article documenting the murderous hate-whitey racism of another rabidly racist black. As an added demonic example, there is this article of how a minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racist kidnapped a white baby and burned the child to death. But wait! There more: there's this article about a hate-whitey racist that shot a 5-year-old white boy, point-blank, in the head. As an added bonus, there's this this videothis video & this article documenting that if you're "The evil White man", against which almost all blacks are indoctrinated with hate-whitey racism from birth, you are far more likely to be violently victimized by a black person than they are likely to be victimized by a white person, even though they make up a smaller part of the population.

With these disturbing facts in mind, if you're one of the proverbial "White Crackers" vilified within the predominantly racist "Black Community"...

.. Always pack heat! ALWAYS!!!!!  
Springfield XD Compact Semi-Auto

    I recommend, if you are physically capable, that you pack a good quality, reliable semi-auto of a minimum .40 caliber and a capacity of at least 13 rounds in the magazine and a 14th round "in the pipe", i.e. the chamber. Oh, and don't forget at least two spare magazines (don't call them "clips", they're something entirely different). 

A Smith & Wesson  revolver, aka: "Wheel Gun" 
     For many wise women who carry concealed gunsa semi-auto can prove to be too difficult to "rack the slide", i.e. chamber a round or clear the gun for cleaning. If you're one of these women, obtain the best quality "wheel gun", i.e. six shooter you can afford -- preferably one costing at least $500. 

    Once you have your "heater", I also STRONGLY recommend that you get some training on how to safely and effectively operate and store your firearm before you ever take it out of the box! 

    Beware, though; in seeking gun safety training don't inadvertently contact an evil, freedom-loathing, anti-self-defense puppet of the Powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL), like the insidiously evil EveryTown For Gun Safety . It would be a serious mistake to think that just because they have "Safety" in their name that they'll train you in gun safety. What they'll do is everything possible to convince you that when you or your family are confronted with an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily injury of death, by a rabid hate-whitey racist or other evil-doer, that you'll be safer if you are helplessly disarmed and defenseless, like all the hapless innocents killed in the Fort Hood, Paris France and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Then they'll ask you for donation in order to fund their sinister efforts to infringe on your civil right to self-defense. Instead, get your safety training from the largest, oldest gun safety and civil rights organization in America: The National Rifle Association, aka: NRA. You can find a certified NRA instructor at this LINK
Thug, Sylville K. Smith

    O.K., so now you've got you good quality defensive firearm and a concealed carry purse or concealed carry holster  as well as a concealed carry magazine holder to carry your "lead-lobber" and your extra defensive ammo with you at all times, but it won't do you much good if you are not constantly engaged in assessing your environment. The sooner you recognize a threat the sooner your can react and the better chance you'll have of not having to display or discharge your "heater" in order to stay alive. That means when you're outside your low-risk home or workplace, in an unsecure location like the mall, the grocery store or the gas station, don't have your head buried up your keester, buy constantly fixating on your smart phone. Being obsessed with the latest text, email or news is a good prescription for being victimized by a minority-supremacist hate-whitey racist bigot, or a Devin Kelley-like secularist-supremacist with a hate-on for Christians, an infidel-phobic MusScum imported by the MuzScum-butt-kissing DemonCraps & RepugnantGoons or some other evil-doer that happens to come upon your phone-mesmerized state of a self-induced coma. Instead, endeavor to keep your head up and swiveling back and forth, your eyes darting two and fro to constantly assess your environment. This level of alertness is often called the "YELLOW" level of situational awareness. This "YELLOW" level is also the time to become cognizant of any existing cover that could stop a bullet as well as any exits to facilitate your retreat if that presents itself as a viable option.
Hate-Whitey Racist Michael Brown

    Then, if at all possible never allow one of a hate-whitey racist  or other evil-doer to get closer than 100 feet to you. They can usually be recognized by their obvious aversion to employment or doing anything else that could be judged to be a normal productive activity. Hate-whitey racists or other evil-doers who are loitering or mindlessly wandering around in groups of two or more should always put you in the more intense "ORANGE" level of situational awareness. You should then be saying to yourself "Do I have time to move to a safer, threat avoiding position?" "Where is that good cover I saw earlier?" "If I'm attacked by this guy/those guys, What will be my battle plan? Are their innocent people that would be in my line of fire if I maintain my current position? If so, where could I move to negate imperiling the innocent? Do I have time to call 911 right now?

     If one of his seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist "sons/daughters" starts to approach you, getting within fifty feet or closer, their eyes fixed on you, you should shift into the "RED" level of situational awareness. if possible, and being mindful of trip hazards, back away, in order to maintain as much distance between you and the potential hate-whitey racist/criminal  threat as possible. Raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice so that not only the threat but as many witnesses as possible will hear and see what's going on:

"Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!!." 
Hate-Whitey Thug, Trayvon Martin

    At this point, you've made it clear to the potential threat, and as many witnesses as possible, that you are in fear for you life and for the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer to stay away from you. Any sane person, without malicious intent would recognize and respect your concern for your safety and immediately halt their advance toward you. 

    Up to this point, you've done done everything possible to negate the possibility of being accused of "brandishing a weapon" (research your state laws on this subject). Now, if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to advance toward you, this is the time when your danger awareness escalates to the RED level. Things are getting serious now and you may have to implement one or more of the possible courses of action you formulated earlier during the "ORANGE" level. 

    Assuming an exit/retreating option is not viable, and only if you still have sufficient time/distance between you and the seemingly unarmed advancing racist/evil-doer threat, again, raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice  "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! Do this as you grab the grip of your still holstered gun. For the ladies carrying in their purse, this exposure would probably entail a partial withdrawal of your gun from your purse, being careful to keep the muzzle pointed into the purse.

    This "hand on grip", exposing of your weapon step, when faced with a seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer, will serve you well should some ass-hole "progressive" or other anti-civil rights leftist-nut, zealot prosecutor try to put you in prison for defending your life or the lives of your loved ones. Why? Because now if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to approach you and you stupidly decide not to shoot in self-defense defense, it is plausible and reasonable to assume that the hate whitey racist/other evil-doer could overpower you, take your gun and use it on you/your loved ones. It has happened to many hesitant/careless police officers.

    If the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer is so stupid that even after they see you're armed with a gun, and are prepared to use deadly force and they are still advancing toward you, quickly remove your previously gripped gun from your holster/purse and, assuming you still have time/distance, bring it to the "low-ready position" while continuing to command  "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! In my never-go-be-humble opinion, "..sufficient time/distance would be no less than 21 feet (Tueller Rule), particularly if the advancing threat is wielding a knife or other non-ballistic (not a gun) weapon, i.e. fists, knife, blunt object, etc . At this point, i.e. 21 feet or less, if the still seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer keeps advancing toward you after you have issued the second or subsequent "Stop" commands, he/she/they is/are an existential lethal threat to you. 

    Now's the time to rabpidly shift into the "BLACK" or "Battle" level of situational awareness. You'll be legally justified in shooting him/her/they until he/she/they no longer poses a threat of grave bodily harm or death to you or a third party. In this kind of do or die situation, your body will flood with adrenaline, you'll lose your fine motor skills and you may develop tunnel vision. If two or more hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers are threatening you, may need a lot of ammunition. This is where those extra "high capacity" (actually they are standard capacity) magazines will come in handy since, contrary to what the producers of Hollywood "shoot-em-up" movies would have you believe, it is a rare single bullet that will stop a determined single threat let alone a group of two or more approaching hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers.

    Remember, everything up to this point applies only to a seemingly unarmed threat and only if if you still have time to use your weapon to prevent the threat from getting close enough to you (21 feet) to use a concealed weapon on you or to overpower you. If at anytime the threat displays a non-ballistic weapon in their approach toward you, quickly draw your gun, "front-sight" the threat and shout, (only if there is still time) "Stop!!!  Drop the crowbar/club/knife/bottle/table leg. If they refuse and keep coming at you, "Front Sight" and fire for "center mass" until the threat no longer exists.  If at any time they display a gun as they approach you, immediately draw your weapon, "Front Sight" and start firing as you put as much distance/cover between you and the approaching, gun wielding hate-whitey racist/criminal as possible. This will be the time when all those hours you spent at the outdoor range practice firing while moving may prove to be what saves your life.

    When you have to shoot, always aim for center mass and keep firing until the potential hate-whitey racist ""sons/daughters"" of Barry is/are no longer an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily harm or death. The "no longer" includes consciously overcoming any tunnel vision to check for additional threats on your periphery and behind you. It doesn't include chasing after a fleeing hate-whitey racist while you blaze away. If you killed the hate-whitey racist under that kind of circumstance, a competent prosecutor could have no problem convincing a jury that the fleeing racist posed no threat to you at that point and that you were nothing more than a cold-blooded killer for shooting him to death

    When you've finished using your lead-based hate-whitey racist repellant, this is when you shift into the D-SAS (Don't Say Anything Stupid) color level of "situational awareness. Yeah, I know it's not a color, but the objective now is to avoid doing or saying anything that an asshole, leftist-DemonCrap, self-defense, civil-right-hating zealot prosecutor could use to advance his/her political career at the expense of your being incarcerated in a cell with Bubba who keeps telling you what a nice tush you have. So, if you havn't already done so, immediately call 911 to report that "....there was a shooting" and that "I feared for my life!" Under no circumstances volunteer any other information to the 911 operator other than the location of "the shooting" and the need for emergency medical personnel to arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Leave the line open but DO NOT volunteer any additional information regarding the circumstances surrounding the shooting to the 911 operator. If no other threats are evident, unload your weapon and place it in plain view with the slide back, magazine removed/cylinder out and the gun out of your immediate reach This is so the cops will view you as less of a threat to them when they arrive. If possible, lend first aid to the wounded or dying hate-whitey racist "son(s)" of Barry Soetoro or the wounded/dying criminal.

    At this point you, if it appears that the hate-whitey racist(s) is/are still conscious but may not be long for this world, why not share the gospel of Jesus Christ with him/her/them. Sure he/she/they wanted to kill or maim you, but like you and me, they're a sinner in need of the God's forgiveness through the price paid for all our sins on that cross so long ago.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our lord.Romans 6: 23
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.Romans 10:13
..that if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.Romans 10:9
    If no witnesses are there during your "neutralization" of the hate-whitey racist(s)/criminal(s), your credibility with the police and before any future jury will be greatly enhanced if you not take the time to pee and even crap your pants after the fact, if you already didn't do so as the incident transpired. There is nothing like shit and pissed pants for augmenting your assertion that you where scared shitless for your life and that's why you shot the dying or dead hate-whitey racist. 

     When the cops arrive, keep your hand where they can see them, follow their commands and move slowly. Under no circumstances, no matter what they ask you, say nothing to them beyond "I thought he/was going to kill me. I've never been so scared in my life. I thought I was going to die. See, I was soo scared I shit and pissed myself." Never say anything more than this until you have an attorney there with you. If the cops ask you questions then just keep repeating the previously given talking points with the addition of "I'm too stressed and upset now to talk further without an attorney," and then repeat the talking points as often as necessary. If there are plenty of witnesses to all your attempts to keep from using deadly force, the cops may or may not arrest you. The more witnesses verifying how you did all of the above, the better chance you have of not being arrested, and if you are arrested, the better chance you have of no charges being filed. If you're targeted by a leftist-lunatic, anti-civil rights prosecutor, the less chance he'll have of getting a conviction.

    Even though you may/may not spend the night in jail, look on the bright side: You're alive and not seriously or permanently injured by one or more rabid, son-of-Barry hate-whitey racists; furthermore, if you followed all of my suggestions, it will be less likely that, non-hate-whitey racist D.A. or non-DemonKrap D.A. will put you on trial or that a evil DemonCrap anti-civil rights D.A. could every get a jury to convict you of an unlawful shooting.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Recently Presidential candidate and avowed Christian Ben Carson caused freedom-loathing leftist-lunatics to become appoplectic when he suggested that so-called “Gun Free” zones are counter productive and that we have a constitutional right to carry a firearm to defend ourselves.

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
~~ Isaiah 1:17-20 (NLT)

Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.
~~Psalm 82:3-4 (NLT)

Ben is right! If you are weaponless, you are unprepared to obey the above commands. Of course we are also to love our enemies, so If a Christian should find him/herself in such a situation similar to the deadly assault at Umpqua college/Aurora Colorado, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, et. al., he/she should immediately start dispensing lead at the servant of Satan until he/she is no longer a lethal threat. Of course, while shooting, adrenaline flow allowing, the Christian could be lovingly praying that the servant of Satan will be freed from Lucifer's grip and call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. Additionally if the servant of Satan is incapacitated by the Christian's righteously dispensed hot lead, before he/she bleeds-out into eternity or before the ambulance gets there, the Christian should share the gospel with his/her captive audience.

"..if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
~~Jesus Christ, Luke 22:36

Sounds like a command to me, brothers. So I suggest you buy a sword (i.e. a gun) and carry it with you constantly so you can protect your family and other innocents. By not doing so you are willfully disobedient of Gods commands in Luke 22:36, Psalm 82: 3-4 and Isaiah 1:17-20

Sunday, September 20, 2015


    Muslim's Satanic Quran espouses treasonous doctrine that tells them to overthrow the Constitutional government and replace it the a Islamo-Nazi Caliphate. It also promotes infidel-phobia, explicitly directing them to either force-ably convert, kill or enslave we "infidels". If racist and bigoted, DemonKrap FDR was supposedly justified in putting loyal, law-abiding Americans of Japanese ancestry in prison simple because they were Japanese, then we need a president with balls who will round up and imprison all Orthodox Muslims because their Satanic, intolerant and hate-based religion is treasonous and a grave danger to all Americans.

Here's some good links to enlighten yourself:


Friday, September 11, 2015


Wake Up Sheeple

It's the anniversary of 9/11 and our political-correctness-obsessed, Muslim-butt-kissing domestic terrorists embodied in the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly are continuing to import countless thousands of infidel-phobic, misogynistic, female genital-mutilating, Sharia Law-promoting Muslinm savages into our country.

Wake up, Sheeple!!! The only things that have changed since 9/11 is now government goons get to grope you and your wife at the airport, they spy on your credit card accounts, your bank accounts, your emails, texts, phone calls and web surfing and the president can kill you if he wants to simply by declaring you to be a terrorist. Meanwhile, the constitution-contemptuous and tyrannical RepugnantGoon and DemonKrap ruling duopoly, that treats you like suspects instead of citizens, are still issuing student and work VISAs to infidel-hating Muslims from the same countries that the 9/11 terrorists were from; and as an added bonus, they keep our borders open to foreign invaders, including terrorists, to come in and suck at the government tit or kill us or both.

What's even more amazing is that the hordes of simple-minded, easily manipulated and demagogued "useful idiots" that make up most of the electorate (Sadly, that probably also means you, the reader) will continue to stupidly and robotically vote the ruling duopoly back into power election after election even though they're the facilitators of 9/11 and are setting us up for another one.



Among the MuzScum butt-kissing DemonCraps & RepugnantGoons in Washington, D.C.:

"Well we got the results of the investigation in. Apparently the attackers were orthodox Muslims in the country illegally and none of them were from Iraq. So, what we need to do is invade Iraq, and increase the number of VISAs issued to orthodox Muslims living in countries that hate our guts and spy on the emails, phone calls, bank accounts and credit card purchases of citizens as well as fondle them at the airports."

Among the voters, in the voting booth every two years since:

"Gee, we're letting more orthodox, infidel-hating Muslims into the country then ever before and our borders are still open to terrorists. Also they're groping my wife, daughter, mother and me at the airport and spying on my every move. I think I'll keep voting for Republicans or Democrats."

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Clearly, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris has accumulated a long list of felonious crimes regarding her unlawful, unsecured email server that she used as Secretary Of Selling Favors (Google Clinton Foundation). If it was you or I, we'd soon be in the slammer, but Shrillary has nothing to worry about; she'll never be prosecuted. Why? Because in the DemonKrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's post-constitutional, Neo-fascist States of America (thanks to the "useful idiots" that keep voting them back into power) there is no longer "equal justice under the law"; not with our post-constitutional, two tier system of "justice": one for us peon, state slaves, consisting of swift prosecution and punishment, and the other for the arrogant ruling elites like Shrillary Clitoris, consisting of media adulation and coronation as our next dictator and a life-long, very generous government pension on our dime.