All Americans need to realize that Islam is a Satanic counterfeit "religion", based on sanctimonious self-righteousness, dreamed up by a psychotic serial pedophile who recorded his demonic delusions in the Quran; wherein, open-ended commands are given to his deluded followers to either forcibly convert, enslave or kill all infidels. That is in fact the OROTHODOX teaching of Islam. There are some "nice" Muslim apostates that don't adhere to the orthodox teaching in the Quran, but when the demographic turns in the direction of Islam the apostates quickly shed their snake skins and become orthodox.
Americans should not be fooled by their interactions with "nice" Muslims here in the U.S. where they are a minority. As soon as they become a demographic majority, the insidiously evil elements of their demented false prophet MuMadMan and his Satanic Quran come to the surface. Anywhere where Islam is the dominate culture women are oppressed and abused, homosexuals are killed and there is nothing but hate and intolerance for all other religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity.
Satanic Islam is antithetical to republican, consent-of-the-governed, democratic government; therefore Americans need to work to pass a Constitutional Amendment to exclude all Muslims from the protection of freedom of religion articulated in the 1st Amendment. We must also insist that our elected officials change our immigrations laws to exclude all Muslims. If we don't; if we continue on the same insane path we are currently on, the path of politically correct Muslim butt-kissing, there will be Hell to pay with you and your kids dying at the hands of the adherents to this insidiously evil pathway to Hell -- Islam.
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