Friday, December 18, 2020


  1. Fascist Progressive RepugnantGoons and DemonCraps will pass a massive jump-
    to-the-front-of-the-line amnesty and a "Path to citizenship" for their millions of  beloved, lawless invaders
  2. Fascist Progressive RepugnantGoons & DemonCraps will join in hamming the poor and middle class by passing a "Carbon Tax" on gasoline and home heating fuels.
  3. A de facto ban on fracking, via an explosion of Fascist Progressive-controlled-EPA issued diktats, makes us dependent on MuzScum-controlled Middle East oil again.
  4. China invades Taiwan and encounters no opposition from our military controlled by their puppet Finger-Banger Biden.
  5. Iranian MuzScums test their first nuclear bomb and promises to use later ones on Israel and the U.S..
  6. Fascist Progressive RepugnantGoons & DemonCraps pass a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles that look scary to Fascist Progressives.
  7. Millions of Americans are made into felons for refusing to comply with a bi-partisan passed "Buy-Back" tyranny mandating that Americans "sell-back" to the Federal Government their scary-looking rifles and ammunition magazines they never bought from the Federal Government.
  8. Several "Red States" declare they are 2nd Amendment Sanctuary States in reaction to the mandatory firearms and magazines "Buy-Back" and scary-looking-rifle selling ban tyrannies.
  9. The Finger-Banger Biden-controlled Department Of Education withholds federal funds From School Districts that refuse to make Fascist Progressive, Critical Race Theory-Based, P.O.C.-supremacist racist indoctrination a fixture in K-12 education.
  10. Thousands of Christians are jailed after Fascist Progressive RepugnantGoons & DemonCraps join in passing the "Equality Act".
  11. Finger-Banger Biden declares Gore-Bull Warming, aka: "Climate Change" to be a national emergency. Immediately thereafter, blue-state governors issue Stalinist house arrest, jobs-killing diktats "...needed to reduce life-threatening carbon emissions."
  12. The endless vote-buying deficit spending of Fascist Progressive DemonCraps and RepugnantGoons results in Hyper-inflation that wrecks havoc on the economy and American's standard of living.
  13. The level of poverty increases exponentially across the nation.
  14. The CORRUPT China Puppet, Finger-Banger Biden, dies/resigns or is removed from office via the 25TH Amendment and the condescending, bitch-splaining, maniacally-laughing WAP and Neo-Marxist, Hump'n-Willie Kamala, becomes our President banana republic Dictator.