Sic semper tyrannis ad mortem"Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force."
~~~Thomas Jefferson
The fight for freedom and independence from King George's tyranny would never have been possible if the colonists had been deprived of their guns by the king's tyranny-enforcing thugs dressed in pretty red coats.
The 2nd Amendment is abundantly clear for anyone with an erudite understanding of English grammar (dependent clauses vs. independent clauses) and not afflicted with the debilitating mental illness of Leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia:

In any event, when any judge, legislature or government executive breaks the law of the land, i.e. the constitution, and enacts an infringement of the 2nd or any other Amendment in the Bill Of Rights, it is unlawful, illegal and legally and morally null and void.
There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.
~~~Alexander Hamilton; Federalist # 78You as a constitution-revering citizen, who has the God given inalienable right to self-defense (see 9th Amendment) and the right to be free from tyranny, are under no obligation to comply with any infringements on your right to keep and bear arms. That means ALL arms that are commonly borne by infantry soldiers in the D.C. tyrant's or state tyrant's standing armies. Therefore, you are morally justified in using lethal force against any, oath-ignoring soldier, M-16A2-wielding bureaucrat or criminal LEO TET (thug enforcers of tyranny) that try to deprive you of your life, liberty or property in an effort to enforce the unlawful acts of tyrannical government officials. This kind of resistance to compliance would be analogous to that used by our forefathers. They were morally justified in using lethal force against the red-coat enforcers of King George's tyranny when George's boys marched from Lexington to Concord to seize the colonist's weapons.
There; I said it. Now, you need to make the following determination:
Do you have enough balls to stop TALKING ABOUT WHY the 2nd Amendment was included in The Bill Of Rights to start USING IT FOR WHY it's in the Bill of rights.The constitution-contemptuous tyrants who control the federal and many state governments are betting that you don't have "enough balls" to stand up to their tyranny, and for good reasons. Foremost among them is the fact that the leadership of National Rifle Association; aka; NRA, the largest and oldest "pro-2nd Amendment" organization, are really nothing more than a traitorous cabal of eunuchs that admits it will passively allow a Supreme court edict, or another congressional or presidential act of tyranny to continue to infringe or totally deprive us of our God-given rights. This is evident in their propaganda where they repeatedly tell their members (I among them) that our rights are "just one Supreme Court Justice away from being lost forever". They habitually warn us that a hostile congress can demolish the 2nd Amendment or so could an "Executive Order" (read dictatorial diktat). Conspicuously absent from any NRA propaganda is a call to arms or any implication that there would be a call to arms in response to any further infringement of our rights. In other words, for the NRA leadership and for far too many of it's pseudo-patriot members, TALKING ABOUT WHY the 2nd Amendment is in the constitution is fine for feigning bravado and bravery, but they'll never, ever mention, let alone suggest actually USING IT FOR WHY it's in the constitution. Clearly, the NRA is only giving hypocritical lip-service to their supposed belief that the 2nd Amendment guarantees our other rights.
Not surprisingly, recently, the traitorous NRA has even blessed the lawless, tyrannical collusion of DemonCraps & RepugantGoons to deprive us of our 5th Amendment civil right to "Due-process" in order to help congressional despots deprive us of our 2nd Amendment civil rights.
Aside from the testicle-less NRA, another thing that gives the ruling despots confidence that they can proceed unopposed with their neo-fascist agenda of tyranny is the sad reality that, unlike our Minute Men forefathers, the average American male is a she-male coward. This is evident to them by the infringements they've easily forced on us thus far. That's why they are confident that gun owners will only whimper and snivel a little from the even greater pressure of their jack-boot of tyranny crushing down on your neck. Oh, and maybe you'll make an extra contribution to the money-hungry NRA, but they need not worry about being marched out of the Capitol Building by armed citizens intent upon lynching them for their arrogance.
Of course, they know that their jack-boot pressure can only be further applied with a liberal dose of diversionary bread and circuses, consisting of K-12 leftist indoctrination in government monopoly schools, Monday Night Football and 24/7 access to other T.V. sports, lust-driven reality T.V. shows or endless leftist-indoctrination sessions masquerading as T.V. sit-coms and network or cable news.
Patrick Henry ardently declared he had the balls when he said:
I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!So what's it going to be? How would you rather die? Do you prefer to die a ball-less-wimp at a ripe old age while pissing and shitting your diapers in a nursing home and drooling with dementia? Yeah, pissing and shitting yourself as your disarmed children and grandchildren live in slavery to the state and it's power-obsessed ruling elites? Pissing and shitting yourself because you were such a pussy you didn't have to balls to stand up and fight for your rights and the freedom of your progeny? If so, I guess you can console yourself by knowing that, at least, you never missed Monday night football, huh?

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.In a best case scenario, no shot would even have to be fired, save for perhaps taking-down some D.C. LEO TET trying to be a hero for despotism by disarming and arresting one or more of the millions of peaceful protesters demanding immediate repeals of all 2nd Amendment infringements. Even that would be unlikely as the TET suddenly found him/herself staring down the AR & AK muzzles of a couple of hundred or more patriot protesters.
If these millions of armed pissed-off-patriot protesters made it known that the tyrants in D.C. had better repeal their unlawful infringements to the 2nd, and other Amendments, or that they were prepared to forcefully remove them from office, don't you think they would give acquiescence to their demands top priority?
“In case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them,”
Alternatively, the least we as individuals can do is to die as a patriot, fighting for your freedom and the freedom of future generations instead of as a virtual eunuch in an adult diaper. You can refuse to obediently comply with any infringements. When government soldiers, LEOs or bureaucrat enforcers of tyranny come to deprive you of your liberty and property because of your refusal to comply with, for examples, the tyrannical banning of your right to own an ugly black rifle, or standard capacity magazines holding more bullets then the tyrant's despotic infringement allows, you can die a free man as you hurl hot, flesh-piercing lead through the immoral, jack-boot wearing jackals determined to deprive you of your inalienable, God-given rights. Make the tyrants and their goons walk in the blood of their fellow tyrants and goons in order to walk in your blood. Make your last shot fired one heard around the world of those who understand why the colonists at Concord stood their ground.~~~James Madison,he asserted in the Virginia Resolution of 1798.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."~~~Thomas Jefferson
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