(1) Trump was a total, mega-inarticulate clown and disaster in the first debate between him and the insidiously corrupt and habitually lying bag of maggot butt pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. Shrillary was far better at slinging B.S., idiotic bromides and simplistic platitudes guaranteed to get all the "undecided", simple-minded and easily manipulated "useful idiots" to vote for her. She also did an excellent job at remaining cool and composed while she habitually kept Trump on the defensive, ranting like a maniac. She even got him to agree with her contempt for the 5th Amendment wherein he too agrees that Americans should be deprived of their civil rights without due process.
(2) Most of the American Electorate has been successfully brainwashed to believe that it is more evil to "judge" or "discriminate" against someone because of what evil they do than the evil done by the someone who does the evil.
(2) Most of the American Electorate has been successfully brainwashed to believe that it is more evil to "judge" or "discriminate" against someone because of what evil they do than the evil done by the someone who does the evil.
(3) As a result, in their twisted minds, "evil" and good have moral parity, i.e. there is no such thing as evil, particularly if what would have formerly been called "evil" is done by someone committed to a leftist, neo-fascist agenda of "social justice" ; thus, the "extremely careless", according to the corrupt head of the corrupt FBI James Comey, and lying Shrillary Rotten Clitoris, is no worse but far better than an eagle scout.
(4) Almost half (45%) of the populace pay no income tax and 60% is comprised of societal parasites who are pro-slavery, i.e. the slavery of their fellow citizens who are producers to satiate their parasitic desires.
(5) As a result, the societal parasites, afflicted with the mental illness of Leftist-
lunatic-o-phrenia, will always vote for whoever will promise them the most freebies off the slavery of non-parasitic citizen producers. There is no-way that Donald The-White-Obama-Trump can out-freebie Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.
lunatic-o-phrenia, will always vote for whoever will promise them the most freebies off the slavery of non-parasitic citizen producers. There is no-way that Donald The-White-Obama-Trump can out-freebie Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.
(6) Since the half of the population is comprised of societal parasites who don't pay income taxes, and many receive tax credits off the slavery of citizen producers, Trump's assertion that he'll implement "tax reform" (read tweak existing 74,000+ page incomprehensible tax code); wherein, producer citizens earning less than $50k per year will pay no income taxes, will not have enough broad appeal to propel him into office.
(7) Unlike the faux, CINO (Conservative-In-Name-Only ) "conservatives" Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Kurt Schlicter, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, et al, whose so-called "conservative convictions" are determined by party loyalty to the leftist-dominated, baby-butchering, pro-slavery, RepugnantGoon party and to the short-sighted goal of "winning" even if the country loses in the long-run, rather than loyalty to the constitution and it's precepts of liberty and property rights, there are millions of courageous, true-to-their-convictions, actual constitutional conservatives who will not vote for Donald The-White-Obama-Trump. They know that to do so they would be traitorously spitting, urinating and defecating in the spilled blood of those who died to establish our now defunct constitutional republic.
(8) The
demographics are already heavily against Donald the-White-Obama-Trump
(see 1 -5 above), so there is no way he can win without the votes
of REAL, conviction-solid, non-traitorous conservatives,
denoted in number 6 above.
(9) Shrillary has a vagina and so does about half the population. Many of these vagina wielders are glazed-eyed "air-heads", totally devoid of critical thinking skills. This is because most of them have been (10) Feminist neutered American she-males, air-headed vagina wielders, and other women, with brain jello cognitive dissonance to the rapist enabling, victim-smearing role Shrillary has played for her sexual predator husband Bill, will be appalled at recently revealed, September, 2005 open-mic audio recording regarding Trump's predatory sexual sleaziness and marital infidelity. Apparently even after having only been married to his 3rd and current wife Melania for only a five months, he was still attempting to have predatory, adulterous liaisons with married women and and openly bragged about it in the lewdest of terms.
(11) Illegal alien foreign-invader-parasites vote, and they overwhelmingly vote for the DemonCrap party while negating the votes of citizens. This is particularly true in states like Commiefornia, a state among other states, wherein no proof of citizenship is required to receive a drivers' license or to register to vote or to cast a ballot; thus empowering the invading parasites with the rights and privileges of citizenship while devaluing the citizenship status of actual citizens. This is why the DemonCraps are the biggest cheerleaders for the invasion.

(12) Donald The-White-Obama-Trump is a certified, megalomaniacal, narcissistic buffoon with really bad hair who, whenever he speaks, brings to mind a cheap Las Vegas lounge act. He also displays the vengeful pettiness of an emotionally retarded adolescent. Given that and the fact that he's a left-wing, constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap running on the RepugnantGoon ticket will be the impetus that drives the "true-to-their convictions conservatives", mentioned in number 6 above, to either stay home on election day or vote for the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidates. There's no way Donny can win without their votes, despite his psychosis-based assertions claiming otherwise.
(13) All the main-stream, establishment media, e.g. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, et al, are dominated by left-wing, neo-Marxist Sycophants that worship Shrillary Rotten Clitoris and anything connected or once-connected to her, including her bowel movements. They are acting as Shrillary's propaganda Super-PAC, extolling the demonic & insidiously corrupt Shrillary's non-existent qualifications & glossing-over or ignoring her felonious proclivities while working feverishly to paint anything and everything Trump does in the worst possible light.
(14) Donald-The-Liar Trump flip-flopped from ejecting all illegal alien foreign invaders to being an illegal alien foreign invader butt-kisser who is in favor of a Gang-Of-Eight-like Amnesty. This back-stabbing of his cult worshipers will cause some of those who aren't psychotic "true believers" in Trumpism to stay home on election day.
You're wrong.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your reply which so eloquently illustrates the logic-devoid circular reasoning common to the ideologically-driven cult worshipers of the "extremely careless" & insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris
DeleteDemographically the West is already dead, so who cares who is the spokes model?
ReplyDeleteBe better to just start over again once Planet of the Apes collapses and starves to death.