Saturday, May 7, 2016


(1)  Though unlike the insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris who has advanced Parkinson's disease, Trump appears to be in relatively good health, he is still a left-wing DemonCrap running on the RepugnantGoon ticket and IS the consummate establishment insider, as evidenced by his crony-capitalist proclivities for buying influence from his fellow corrupto-crats in D.C..

(2)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who flip-flopped during a live debate from being against more H-1B VISASs to being in favor of more H-1B VISA job stealing foreigners: 

(3)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who has enthusiastically embraced the establishment's vote-buying ethanol corporate welfare and promised to increase it.

(4) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate whose bigger-government, more-spending, debt and deficit-bloating proclivities are manifested in his progressive/liberal and unconstitutional plan for the Federal Government to be involved in Child Care and giving your hard-earned money in the form of child care welfare payments to societal parasites who already don't pay any income tax.

(5)  Sell-out Donald is the left-wing DemonCrap who kissed the keester or the RepugnantGoon establishment's RNC DemonCrap Chairman Reince Priebus by obediently endorsing the other left-wing DemonCraps for re-election Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte.

(6)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who told his leftist DemonCrap friends at the New Your Times editorial board that he's just spewing B.S. to his “useful idiots” about building a wall and deporting all the illegal alien foreign invaders already here. Trump also refused to authorize the NYT to release the transcripts and audio of this meeting, which if he isn't lying to his supporters, would refute the leaks from the NYT staff regarding his two-faced lying.

(7)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who first said it's a “mistake” to dissallow mentally ill, penis-wielding sexual deviates from using women's restrooms with your wife, daughter, girlfriend or mother; then later "clarifying" his position, with all the solid courage of a seman dripping down the stall wall of the women's bathroom, declared the has "no opinion" on this issue:

(8)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who wants to keep the unconstitutional "Mandate" to buy a product you may not want. He also wants the DemonCraps goal of an unconstitutional, socialist, single-payer (government-paid) health care system.

(9)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who only wants to tinker with and tweak the establishment's vote-buying 74k+ page, incomprehensible tax code and keep the establishment's rights-trampling IRS-Gestapo in it's present form.

(10)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who supports the federal government's unconstitutional confiscation of state lands and who stated that he wants the feds to keep that unlawfully seized land.

(11)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is such a hypocrite that he has his suits manufactured in foreign countries.

(12)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who says Planned Baby Butchering "..does good things." and used that as justification for being in favor of continuing to unconstitutionally force everyone help pay for their other services so that they can use their own money freed up by federal subsidies to dismember babies alive.

(13) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is such a intellectually vacuous coward that he wouldn't debate one-on-one, with Ted Cruz, preferring to have his imbecilic propensities cloaked among time distributed to 8 or more candidates by a non-issue obsessed, drama-inciting media.

(14) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is so classless, crude and boorish that he publicly brags about his adultery and denigrated his former wife by saying "Who would touch those plastic breasts."

(15) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is so establishment-like in his constitution-illiteracy/contemptuousness that he views education, healthcare and housing and "..providing great neighborhoods.." as things in which the Federal government should meddling.

(16) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who establishment CINO and war-on-conservatives waging former Speaker Of The House John Boehner asserted was his golfing and texting buddy when he declared Ted Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh".

(17) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who hypocritically made Wall-Street Insider Steven Munchin, a former Goldman Sachs and Soros employee, his campaign finance chairman after having denigrated the wife of Senator Ted Cruz for having once worked for Goldman Sachs.

(18) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who flip-flopped from being against the unconstitutional and tyrannical minimum wage, to being for the minimum wage and even increasing it. This is astonishing since most, non-DemonCrap economists agree that it discriminates against the low-skilled and under-educated; thus, killing employment opportunities for these types of individuals trying to enter the work force and makes it harder for small start-up businesses to survive and create more jobs. 

(19) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap who said, at a Portland, Maine campaign rally, that the traitorous, Muslim-butt-kissing & importing establishment corruptician and Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan is a "Good Guy".

(20) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who  who wants to raise the taxes of others so that his fellow power-obsessed corrupticians in D.C., the ones he used to "buy-off", will have even more of our money to waste, but then said to Geroge Stephanopolous, 
" I try very hard to pay as little tax as possible and have said that for the last two years. I fight very hard because this country wastes our money."
(21) Trump says he's a "Christian" but when asked if he's ever asked God for forgiveness he says, "I'm not sure I have. I just go on and try and do a better job. For me I don't think so...I don't bring God into that picture." 

(22) Trump is also a classless and boorish left-wing DemonCrap candidate and Strip Club Owner/Part Owner who exploits and denigrates women for profit and power.


  1. To put it bluntly, Trump is the biggest idiot we've ever seen run for public office!

    1. Indeed yes, and flooding our country with foreign workers when we are suffering with the highest unemployment rate in American history, dropping our borders to illegal aliens, Muslim stuffing, signing trade treaties that allow jobs to be shipped out, and corporations and foreign governments to dump cheap products onto our markets with ZERO taxes, all of this makes you an Einstein? You are either delusional, ignorant, stupid, a liar, or a combination of all of the above. Fortunately, you are now irrelevant.

  2. Frankly, I regard you as a low browed paid troll for Hillary. Maybe that's not true, but your posts and site have all the trappings.
