Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Falwell "The Duped One" 
  According to the RepugnantGoon party, during election time, a "conservative" is someone who pays lip service to believing that the size of the federal government should be limited to those few enumerated powers articulated within Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution, while all other powers, as articulated in the 10th Amendment, should reside with the states.

This lip service is used only at election time to fool the RepugnangGoon party's base of "useful idiots" who may be real “constitution-conservative” but are also glazed-eyed party loyalists. Once the “fooling-time” of an election is over the RepuganGoon corrupticians who call themselves “conservatives” simply continue with acting out their contempt for the constitution.

    This is contempt is manifested in two ways:
  1. Their top priority becomes the next election and their return to office with all it power and perks. This entails much fund-raising and feverishly working the lobbyists and special interest groups for contributions for their next re-election campaign.
  2. In their spare time, if it can help them get re-elected, their main objective if they work to advance their constitution-contemptuous agenda of building an all-powerful, federal government as the nerve center of an oppressive post-constitutional banana republic, like the one we now live in, The bigger the government, the more power they enjoy. 

    They can get away with the charade as “conservatives” because their bigger-government- embracing allies in the media cover for them and most voters are pre-occupied with the bread and circuses of continuously televised sports events, T.V. reality shows and endless leftist-indoctrinating sit-coms or movies. Their media allies also ensure that no alternative REAL conservative candidates, from the Constitution Party or The American Conservative Party, for examples, can ever get their message to the American People. As a result, RepugnantGoon corrupticians know that "useful idiots" will still vote for their re-election or for the election of one of their undocumented DemonCrap, constitution-contemptuous presidential candidates, e.g. Dick Nixon, Bob Dole, George Bush and his Junior, John McCain, Mitt Romney & Donald Trump.

    This is a given because the “useful idiots” have been brainwashed into thinking that the objective is to stand with the party rather than with any core, constitution-based political convictions the “useful idiot” RepugnantGoon party loyalist may have. So the “useful idiots” mindlessly fulfill their duty to vote for the RepugnantGoon party's constitution-loathing undocumented, neo-fascist DemonCrap candidates for president for fear that if they don't they will be personally responsible for the loss of the RepugnantGoon party's constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist DemonCrap candidate and guilty for the election of the DemonCrap party's constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist DemonCrap candidate.

    It never occurs to the “useful idiots” that in voting for the proverbial "lesser of two evils", instead of voting for the least of 4 or 4 evils or for constitutionally "good", e.g. the constitution party or American Conservative Party candidate, that they are not only still voting for evil, but that they are making themselves traitorous accessories to the conversion of our once-great constitutional republic into a neo-fascist banana republic. 

    With robotic obedience, they become traitorous zombie destroyers who metaphorically spit, urinate and defecate in the spilled blood of those who bequeathed us a nation founded on the precepts of a very limited federal government and almost unlimited individual liberty to pursue our happiness to the extent our talent, drive, perseverance and hard work could make it a reality.

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