Friday, May 6, 2016


   It's an indisputable fact that the majority primary voters, caucus-goers and state-convention participants said that they didn't want the DemonCrap Trump as the RepugnantGoon party nominee. 

   Even through the fog of 17 non-DemonCrap candidates who dropped out, the DemonCrap Trump was still not able to ever garner the majority of primary voters. Nonetheless, given the logic of many Trump cultists, if a plurality, not a majority, of RepugnantGoon party primary participants, like the "conservative" phonies Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, can easily abandon their asserted "core-conservative convictions" and support a left-wing, constitution-illiterate/contemptuous, neo-fascist DemonCrap like Donald The-White-Obama-Trump as the RepugnantGoon party candidate for president, then all of us REAL, i.e. constitutional-conservatives should happily abandon our REAL core-convictions and become "Pragmatic", as one supporter of the DemonCrap Trump screeched, and join the neo-fascists numbskulls in redefining the RepugantGoon party as a left-wing fascist party.

The Majority of RepugnantGoon party primary participants who didn't vote for the DemonCrap Trump, should not become "useful idiots" as the media propagandists like Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh would like, & traitorously spit, urinate and defecate in the spilled blood of those who died to establish our "Once-upon-a-time" constitutional republic. It's that kind of "Useful idiot" willingness to "go-with-the-flow" that has enabled the traitorous DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly to turn our country into a tyrannical banana republic.

Instead, they should vote in-mass for Ted Cruz as a write-in candidate or for The Constitution Party candidate. At the worst, Trump's fellow DemonCrap Shrillary Rotten Clitoris will become president, but there's a upside to that: . At the best, those that refuse to support Trump will not be "useful idiot" traitors to the constitution and our country.

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