Friday, October 28, 2016


    I'm constantly lectured by "useful idiot" sheeple that to vote for any candidate of any party that isn't one of the factions of the constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly is tantamount to "...throwing away your vote!" But who is really throwing away a vote? In reality, isn't a vote for the DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly's entrenchment of our post-constitutional, neo-fascist banana republic the epitome of a vote thrown away? 

    A frequently heard rationalization for throwing away one's vote, by limiting one's choices to the corrupt ruling duopoly, is that " is best to work within the system as it exists to effect change." This has been the most popular, boilerplate excuse for throwing away one's vote for over 80-plus years; yet the sheeple who use it ignore the indisputable result is nothing more than the unabated, leftward shift of our country and it's current status as a post-constitutional banana republic; one wherein most of our laws are now, illegally enacted by unelected government bureaucrats!

   This courage-devoid, intellectually vacuous, and proven-to-be-ineffectual "go-to strategy" for deciding how to vote, serves only to reinforce the accurate perception of the leftist-dominated RepugnantPuke party that they can relentlessly lie to conservatives, and work with the DemonCraps, in back-slapping camaraderie, to spit, urinate and defecate on the constitution and our liberties without suffering any significant, long-lasting negative repercussions. They know that their duped "Useful Idiots" will always vote for them no matter what they do. They know the "useful idiots" will always rationalize that "..the DemonCraps are worse!" and that "..nobody else but the Republicans can win!". Thus, lacking the courage of our forefathers, 'Useful Idiot" conservatives obediently continue in their role as "Useful idiots" demagogued into the Catch-22 trap of not supporting a constitution-revering alternative party, like the Constitution Party. The Catch-22 being the "Useful Idiot" rationalization that the constitutional alternative has meager support, and the short-sighted "Useful idiots" are not inclined to expend the courage necessary grow the meager to the great; thus, ensuring a continuance of meager support for the alternative party and the endless dominance of the ruling duopoly's tyranny.

    Perhaps you've heard the John Lennon song "Imagine". Well, imagine if constitutional conservatives had the courage of our forefathers who stood against the most powerful army on the planet when the conventional wisdom said, "There is no way you can win!". Why did they do it anyway? Because they were men of conviction. They were men who had the courage to actually act on those convictions even when most of their fellow Americans said they were crazy.

    Now, Imagine if constitutional conservatives abandoned their short sighted, courage-devoid rationalization of voting for "the lesser of two evils" -- conservative constitutional principles be damned -- and instead embraced the constitution-revering Constitution party. In the best case scenario, the Constitution party wins and the RepugnantPuke party would be relegated to their much-deserved position as the proverbial "3rd Party".

    In the next-best scenario, the Constitution party loses, but with a status-quo-shattering parentage of the vote. The RepugnantPukes also lose, but they finally realize, because of the courageous who actually voted for conservative principles as embodied in the Constitution Party, that they can't continue to treat conservatives, and their reverence for the constitution, with contempt and continue to get away with it, as they have done for 80+ years.

    In the third-best scenario, we continue to suffer the status quo, perpetuated by all the duped "useful idiot" sheeple "conservatives" habitually voting for the constitution-contemptuous RepugnantGoons because the "..Demorats are always worse". In this "working within the system" lesser-of-two-evils scenario, the DemonCraps & RepugnantPukes, as usual, traitorously continue to spit, urinate and defecate on the constitution and in the blood of those who died to establish our once-great, but now defunct constitutional republic. The RepugnantPukes continue to work together with their golfing buddy among the DemonCraps to permanently entrench our post-constitutional, People's Neo-Fascist, Banana Republik Of Amerika. A scenario that is nothing more than traitorously choosing to lynch our county with either a 6 foot rope, i.e. voting for DemonCraps, or an 8 foot rope, i.e. voting for RepugnantPukes.

     Now is the time to send a powerful message to the RepugnantPuke party; one making it clear that they can no longer count on constitutional conservatives to be their duped "Useful idiots". Now is the time for all constitutional conservatives to claim for themselves the mantle of courage that clothed our forefathers. Now is the time for all of us to reject the aforementioned, short-sighted, third best scenario of being an accessory to the tyrannical 6 foot or 8 foot rope lynching of our country. Now is the time to reject the execution of our liberty. Now is the time to financially support and vote for the Constitution Party and it's candidates.


  1. Replies
    1. Thus declareth you, one so intellectually inert you could only respond with ad hominem-only twaddle. Your neuron-neutered response clearly delineates you as someone who loiters at the I.Q-deficient end of the intelligence bell curve.

    2. " is best to work within he system as it exists to effect change."

      Whenever some totalitarian collectivist tells this nonsense, I tell them: Why don't you join the Mafia or a drug cartel and change it from the inside. Let me know how that works for you. Slays them every time.
