Sunday, February 15, 2015


    The New Hampshire Senate recently passed a legislation wherein permission from the government to carry a concealed firearm would no longer be required. Of course it passed with 100% DemonKrap party, hand-wringing opposition. Their hysteria was based on the evidence-devoid assertion of the countless incidents of “...a basic argument turning deadly”.

   Then there are those who argue that without infringing the 2nd Amendment by requiring government permission to bear a firearm, the one bearing it will do so without the government approved "education" i.e. indoctrination that is required to obtain a permit. The argument goes that without the indoctrination, normally responsible and sane people will just start shooting their neighbors even though their neighbor poses no immediate or unavoidable lethal threat. Vermont has had "constitutional carry", i.e. concealed carry without government permission since 1791 and without any government-approved indoctrination. Somehow the residents there have demonstrated enough personal responsibility without rights-infringing nanny-statists baby-sitting them to keep from blowing each other away in senseless shoot-outs.
    Nevertheless, If the nanny-statists are going to insist on government permission to exercise our 2nd Amendment right, to be logically consistent, they'd better start disallowing speech without a permit. In one's ignorance one might say something that could incite a riot that could result in the deaths of numerous people. They could jokingly yell "fire!" in a crowded theater or slander or bear false witness too! Worse yet, they could say something critical of the constitution-contemptuous and tyrannical domestic terrorists within the DemonKrap & RepublingGoon ruling duopoly. Oh, wait a minute! They tried that to stop criticism of the ruling duopoly once with The McCain-Feingold Act. 
    Issuing a permit for practicing your religion would be in order too. After all, without the government's permission and indoctrination, you might be tempted to practice your religion according to the dictates of YOUR conscience and refuse to bake a wedding cake of a homosexual couple that wants to pretend they're actually "married" while forcing you to practice your religion according to the dictates of THEIR conscience.
    Of course for those "rights" not actually articulated in the Constitution, leftist-loons will never want to require any kind of "education" or licensing. For example, a women should be able to murder her baby by dismembering it alive without a permit or without being required to view an ultrasound of the person she's about to torture and murder.
    Homosexuals should also have special dispensation with a permit-less "right" to redefine marriage from biological congruity to biological incongruity in contradiction to the will of the majority--all without a permit or instruction on the real meaning of the 14th Amendment.
Logical consistency has never been one of the Left's strong points.

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