Saturday, May 28, 2016


Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
~~Patrick Henry

    Let there be no mistake about it. The fundamentalist, God-hating, Humanist Manifesto-thumping, government-is-my-god, pagan zealots hate God, hate Jesus and hate anyone, i.e. Christians who would rather serve God The Father and Jesus The Son, than their false and demonic government-is-my-god god.  Their hate for Christians manifests itself in their insistence that the mythical "right" of the baby-butchers and the sexual deviates to force Christians and others into slavery for the exclusive benefit of the sexual deviates and baby-butchers. It's also manifested in their insistence that Christians practice their religion not according to the dictates of the Christian's conscience but according to their own corrupted, vile and insidiously evil, despicable, and demonic predilections. This is why they are actively imposing illegal, de facto repeals 1st and 13th Amendments across the nation. This is why they would be orgasmic if they could have even more excuses to jail all Christians, just like they did Kim Davis, but permanently.

But I say  NO!!!

    Furthermore, to my fellow Christians, I say "Who are you going to serve? God or lawless, tyrannical, natural-rights denying man? If you respond with the former rather than the latter, I encourage you to sell your proverbial cloak and buy a sword, i.e. stock up on guns and ammo, and be prepared to die for your religious freedom, rather than buckle to the jack-booted, fascist demands of despotic, constitution-contemptuous tyrants like those who are wanting to subjugate us under their authoritarian, liberty-loathing, intolerant, hate-filled and bigoted anti-God totalitarianism.  
But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
~~Luke 22:36

  This Christian, like Patrick Henry, "..may not know what course..." you other Christians may take, but when lawless, LEO thug enforcers of tyranny come to my house to deprive me of my life, liberty or property for for my refusal to bend my knee to the inter-sectional dogma-driven agenda for establishing a perv/deviate caliphate, controlled by sin-enslaved, sexually dysfunctional anus/rectum/sphincter/poop-chute-philes, they will be greeted by a righteous fusillade of hot lead flaming from my AK or AR, "assault rifles", fed by my multiple high-capacity magazines. In dispensing that greeting, I'll shout out, amidst my countless thousands of rounds of ammo and and among by fellow fed-up, fighting Christians, the immortal words of the song-writer Fran Loesser "Praise The Lord & pass the ammunition!" 

Thursday, May 19, 2016


    Recently the RepugnantGoon Party's presidential candidate the DemonCrap Donald Trump released his list of those he will consider nominating to the Supreme Court should he become the next dictator of our People's Banana Republik Of Amerika. Evidently, this was done in an effort to "unify" core-convictions-driven constitutional conservatives with the gullible, constitution-illiterate, conservative-conviction-less, CINO RepugnantGoon party loyalist traitors and "useful idiots" who accept the DemonCrap Trump as the RepugnantGoon party's nominee; the same "useful idiots" that also accept the premise that SCOTUS should be wielding the tyrannical, unconstitutional power it currently exercises with despotic frivolity, and the premise that RepugnantGoon party presidents are actually constitution revering conservatives rather than lying CINO DemonCraps like Trump. For examples:
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant Earl Warren --- Appointed by RepugnantGoon Eisenhower
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant William Brennan --- Appointed by RepugnantGoon Eisenhower
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant Warren E. Burger --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon Nixon
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant Lewis Powell --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon Nixon
  • Leftist & Roe V. Wade baby-butchering Judicial Tyrant Harry Blackmun --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon Nixon
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant John Paul Stevens --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon Ford
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant Sandra Day O'Connor --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon Reagan
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant Anthony Kennedy --- Appointed by RepugnantGoon Reagan
  • Leftist, Judicial Tyrant--David Souter --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon G. H. Bush
  • Leftist Obama-Care-Legislating Judicial Tyrant John Roberts --- Appointed by CINO RepugnantGoon G.W. Bush ,
    During the campaigns that culminated in the elections of all the above mentioned, constitution-contemptuous RepugnantGoon  "presidents"  dictators of our banana republic, "useful idiot" party loyalists were bombarded with campaign propaganda that they must vote for the RepugnantGoon candidate lest the DemonCrap president nominate lawless, judicial legislators to the bench. Like intellect-devoid automatons, the party loyalists complied. What they ALWAYS forget is that to vote, based on the tenuous SCOTUS nominee promises of a political party with a history of contempt for the constitution, is the paramount embodiment of simple-minded gullibility.

    For further reading on why expecting RepugnantGoons to change the course of SCOTUS is like sniffing dog shit and expecting to smell a rose, read THIS important article.


    Regarding the now infamous, withheld "28 pages" implicating the Saudis in helping to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks wherein 15 of the 19 attackers were Saudi citizens:

    (1)  Why the hell isn't the DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly-controlled government requiring that the military bomb 9/11 Terrorist-supporting Saudi Arabia back to the stone age for their act of war upon us?

    (2)  Why are so many Americans such easily demagogued and manipulated "useful idiots" that they keep voting the clearly traitorous, Saudi-butt-kissing DemonCrap & RepugnantPuke ruling duopoly (This is the answer to question #1) back into power, even though by doing so they are metaphorically spitting, urinating and defecating in the blood of the over three thousand Americans killed by the Saudis  and their traitorous DemonCrap & RepugantPuke allies in D.C.?


    Here's a response, that sounds pretty substantive, from "D. Bonham", received on 5/19/16 through the Disqus commentary system regarding the 1st question above : 

    Without the House of Saud's cooperation to keep oil in American dollars our economy would tank. This was the deal Nixon made with them when he took us off the gold standard. He would make the Saud family filthy rich and they would agree to keep the US dollar as the petro dollar. Basically the Saudis can commit any human rights atrocity they want and we just look the other way.


      (1) We now know, thanks to leaks on the infamous "28 pages", and from FBI evidence introduced in a lawsuit against the murderous MuzScum Saudi savages, from this news article, and from de-classified FBI investigation documents that they were instrumental in orchestrating and financing the 9/11 attacks.
      (2) We now know that the evil, vile, insidious, malevolent, traitorous, Saudi-keester-kissing DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly have been co-conspirators with the Saudis in covering-up the Saudi's role in the 9/11 attack.
      (3) We now know that the majority of Americans are easily manipulated "useful idiots" that will continue to vote for the traitorous & murderous DemonCrap & RepugantGoon ruling duopoly despite their being traitors and co-assassins, with the Saudis, of 3,000+ innocent Americans on 9/11.

      Thursday, May 12, 2016


          I recently heard the consummate CINO, propagandist for the constitution-contemptuous RepugnantGoon party, Rush Limbaugh, say “..with a third party candidate you can't win.” This was in response to an actual conservative caller, i.e. one who embraces the constitution's limits on the Federal Government, and one who had declared that he just couldn't vote for the faux conservative Trump, and that he would be voting for a 3rd party candidate. Limbaugh's response is not surprising and mirrors the thinking of other so-called "conservative talk show hosts like Mark Levin and and Sean Hannity among others.

           If you're one of their regular listeners you will have noticed how quickly they abandoned their “core conservative principles” and are now shilling for Trump and the RNC. Their objective has thus changed from advancing true conservative principles, e.g. the Federal Government acting within the bounds of the “enumerated powers” penned in Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution and the 9th and 10th Amendments, to the new paramount objective of convincing all the RepugantGoon party's “useful idiots” that the “party unity” we need to “WIN!!!” in order to stop Shrillary Rotten clitoris is the most important thing in the world.

          So why is winning at the expense of abandoning true conservative principles so important to the leftist-lunatic CINOs that control the RepugnantGoon party and their phony conservative propagandists like Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity? There is only one logical explanation: POWER!. Anyone who isn't completely delusional knows that the leaders of the RepugnantGoon party couldn't give a rat's ass about true conservative principles and what the absence of their application in the national government has done to the country, i.e. created a tyrannical Banana Republik of Amerika to replace our once-great Constitutional Republic. Their focus is short-term; what they really care about is power and retaining as much of it as possible. If backing their fellow CINO, but populist, The White Obama Donald Trump is necessary for them to retain a seat at the table of power, and if the cost of that seat will hasten the growth of tyranny in our post-constitutional Amerika, then so be it. 

      After all, if Trump wins, they have a better chance of retaining power as the majority party of constitution-contemptuous, tyranny-embracing despots in D.C.. If Trump loses, they still have a seat at the proverbial table of power, though as a minority party. Either way, they win, even if the country loses as a victim in the further entrenchment of the Banana Republik.

          As for the RepugnantGoon party's propagandists like Limbaugh and Hannity, they too are more concerned about keeping their power. Power manifested in ratings that comes from their ability to influence the simple-minded, bread & circuses-addicted masses. Those ratings give them access to higher advertising revenue and access to celebrity D.C. corrupticians and “off-the-record” sources within the RepugnantGoon establishment. haven't actually “won” if you're a party to the continued destruction of our country. 

      It would take courage, something they lack, to abandon their roles as mouth-pieces for the RepugnantGoon Party, actually adhere to their professed “true, constitutional conservatism” and encourage their listeners to do the same. It would take courage to say how do we endure as a nation if our vision is short-term, our most important goal is winning. It would take courage to say constitution-centric, heartfelt convictions should supersede party loyalty particularly if those harnessed convictions can be used to restore our once-great but now defunct constitutional republic. It would take courage to point out that you haven't actually “won” if you're a party to the continued destruction of our country. There is no long-term victory for the country in barreling, at 60 miles-per-hour, toward the abyss of total authoritarian tyranny with a “winning”, leftist CINO, faux-conservative candidate like Trump at the head of the RepugantGoon party ticket, any more than there is victory for the country if his fellow leftist, the insidiously corrupt and evil Shrillary Rotten Clitoris, drives us into the same abyss at 65 miles-per-hour.

          The actual choice voters have to make is not the false choice between the constitution-contemptuous phony conservative Donald The-White-Obama Trump or the DemonCrap Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. The choice they have to make is whether they want to be traitorous accessories to tyranny and the entrenchment of our post-constitutional People's Banana Republik Of Amerika, or patriots intent on steering the country back to it's constitutional, rule-of-law roots as articulated in the country's founding documents. 

          So, what are the alternatives to real, constitutional conservatives abandoning their core-convictions in order to help the RepugnantGoon party “win” at all costs with the faux-conservative Donald Trump? Should we join the “useful idiot” party loyalists in spitting, urinating and defecating in the blood of those who died to establish the constitutional republic?

          I suggest that constitutional conservatives refuse to be bullied into voting for “The lesser of two evils” embodied in the leftist, CINO Trump. I suggest that all Constitution conservatives vote for the Constitution Party Candidate for President Darrell Castle. If enough constitutional conservatives refused to be "useful idiot" puppets for the continued grip on power by the evil, constitution-contemptuous RepugnantGoon party; and thus traitorous accessories to the further advance of post-constitutional tyranny in our country, we may not “win” the election but we won't be traitors to our country nor “useful idiots”

          Additionally, if enough constitutional-conservatives did refuse to be “useful idiots” for the RepugnantGoon party, and the Constitution Party candidate were able to secure enough popular votes, he could deny the DemonCraps Trump & Shrillary the electoral College votes they need to become the next dictator of our banana republic. In such a scenario, the outcome of the election would rest on a vote within the Congress' House Of Representatives.

          Given the current dynamics within The House, there is no real way to tell what the result would be, but we can be sure that the very foundation of the RepugnantGoon party would be shaken to the core. The lesson learned would be that they can no longer depend on true conservatives being their “useful idiots” every election. They would be faced with the choice of reconnecting with their party's foundational root of constitutionalism, & actively embracing the true conservatives in their leadership and throughout the party or permanently becoming THE third party.

          Meanwhile, if The House elects Trump as president, true conservatives will not have been traitorous contributors to his victory nor to the victory of his fellow DemonCrap Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. If Shrillary should be the “winner”, So what? faux-conservative Trump/DemonCrap Shrillary, we still end up in the abyss of total authoritarian tyranny, but without constitutional patriots joining RepugnantGoon party loyalists in spitting, urinating, and defecating in the spilled blood of those who died to establish our once-great, now defunct constitutional republic.

          Additionally there's the issue of “The Frog” of popular consciousness of liberty lost (PCLL). You know, the one that “useful idiots” have enabled the tyrannical, constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly has been slowing boiling to death over the decades. as they steadily move the country further and further to the left and faster and faster toward the abyss of total, liberty-loathing, despotic tyranny. Thus far, the frog hasn't noticed that his body temperature is quickly approaching a fatal high. This is by reason of the incremental approach to boiling him to death. An approach that has been successfully employed by the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.

          In the event of The House Of Representatives breaking the electoral college deadlock, wherein a DemonCrap with the degree of freedom-loathing contempt for the constitution like Shrillary Rotten Clitoris were to become the next dictator or our post-constitutional banana republic, the shock created by the scalding hot magnitude of her despotism would, no doubt, induce the heretofore mesmerized PCLL frog to jump out of the boiling water of tyranny. Maybe then enough people will reject the current paradigm of voting to “win” at all costs only to lose our freedom. Maybe then, our men will grow a pair and START USING the 2nd Amendment for why it's in the constitution instead of just TALKING ABOUT why it's in the constitution.

      Tuesday, May 10, 2016

      AM I A TROLL?

      Am I a troll? 

          The constitution-contemptuous/illiterate, CINO, left-wing cult worshipers of the equally constitution-contemptuous/illiterate,CINO Left-wing-nut Donald Trump will claim I am. It helps them avoid confronting the facts regarding the crude, boorish, psychotic, megalomaniacal, White Obama and über narcissist they want to make the next dictator of our now-defunct constitutional republic; a constitutional republic that they helped to destroy. Yep, in it's place we now have a banana republic and they are more than happy to install their wanna-be god-man Donald as it's next dictator, but only if they don't accidentally succeed in giving the role to crooked Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. Either way we get a leftist-nut DemonCrap in the White House and we all lose.

      Saturday, May 7, 2016


      (1)  Though unlike the insidiously corrupt Shrillary Rotten Clitoris who has advanced Parkinson's disease, Trump appears to be in relatively good health, he is still a left-wing DemonCrap running on the RepugnantGoon ticket and IS the consummate establishment insider, as evidenced by his crony-capitalist proclivities for buying influence from his fellow corrupto-crats in D.C..

      (2)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who flip-flopped during a live debate from being against more H-1B VISASs to being in favor of more H-1B VISA job stealing foreigners: 

      (3)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who has enthusiastically embraced the establishment's vote-buying ethanol corporate welfare and promised to increase it.

      (4) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate whose bigger-government, more-spending, debt and deficit-bloating proclivities are manifested in his progressive/liberal and unconstitutional plan for the Federal Government to be involved in Child Care and giving your hard-earned money in the form of child care welfare payments to societal parasites who already don't pay any income tax.

      (5)  Sell-out Donald is the left-wing DemonCrap who kissed the keester or the RepugnantGoon establishment's RNC DemonCrap Chairman Reince Priebus by obediently endorsing the other left-wing DemonCraps for re-election Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte.

      (6)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who told his leftist DemonCrap friends at the New Your Times editorial board that he's just spewing B.S. to his “useful idiots” about building a wall and deporting all the illegal alien foreign invaders already here. Trump also refused to authorize the NYT to release the transcripts and audio of this meeting, which if he isn't lying to his supporters, would refute the leaks from the NYT staff regarding his two-faced lying.

      (7)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who first said it's a “mistake” to dissallow mentally ill, penis-wielding sexual deviates from using women's restrooms with your wife, daughter, girlfriend or mother; then later "clarifying" his position, with all the solid courage of a seman dripping down the stall wall of the women's bathroom, declared the has "no opinion" on this issue:

      (8)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who wants to keep the unconstitutional "Mandate" to buy a product you may not want. He also wants the DemonCraps goal of an unconstitutional, socialist, single-payer (government-paid) health care system.

      (9)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who only wants to tinker with and tweak the establishment's vote-buying 74k+ page, incomprehensible tax code and keep the establishment's rights-trampling IRS-Gestapo in it's present form.

      (10)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who supports the federal government's unconstitutional confiscation of state lands and who stated that he wants the feds to keep that unlawfully seized land.

      (11)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is such a hypocrite that he has his suits manufactured in foreign countries.

      (12)  Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who says Planned Baby Butchering "..does good things." and used that as justification for being in favor of continuing to unconstitutionally force everyone help pay for their other services so that they can use their own money freed up by federal subsidies to dismember babies alive.

      (13) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is such a intellectually vacuous coward that he wouldn't debate one-on-one, with Ted Cruz, preferring to have his imbecilic propensities cloaked among time distributed to 8 or more candidates by a non-issue obsessed, drama-inciting media.

      (14) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is so classless, crude and boorish that he publicly brags about his adultery and denigrated his former wife by saying "Who would touch those plastic breasts."

      (15) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who is so establishment-like in his constitution-illiteracy/contemptuousness that he views education, healthcare and housing and "..providing great neighborhoods.." as things in which the Federal government should meddling.

      (16) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who establishment CINO and war-on-conservatives waging former Speaker Of The House John Boehner asserted was his golfing and texting buddy when he declared Ted Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh".

      (17) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who hypocritically made Wall-Street Insider Steven Munchin, a former Goldman Sachs and Soros employee, his campaign finance chairman after having denigrated the wife of Senator Ted Cruz for having once worked for Goldman Sachs.

      (18) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who flip-flopped from being against the unconstitutional and tyrannical minimum wage, to being for the minimum wage and even increasing it. This is astonishing since most, non-DemonCrap economists agree that it discriminates against the low-skilled and under-educated; thus, killing employment opportunities for these types of individuals trying to enter the work force and makes it harder for small start-up businesses to survive and create more jobs. 

      (19) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap who said, at a Portland, Maine campaign rally, that the traitorous, Muslim-butt-kissing & importing establishment corruptician and Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan is a "Good Guy".

      (20) Trump is the left-wing DemonCrap candidate who  who wants to raise the taxes of others so that his fellow power-obsessed corrupticians in D.C., the ones he used to "buy-off", will have even more of our money to waste, but then said to Geroge Stephanopolous, 
      " I try very hard to pay as little tax as possible and have said that for the last two years. I fight very hard because this country wastes our money."
      (21) Trump says he's a "Christian" but when asked if he's ever asked God for forgiveness he says, "I'm not sure I have. I just go on and try and do a better job. For me I don't think so...I don't bring God into that picture." 

      (22) Trump is also a classless and boorish left-wing DemonCrap candidate and Strip Club Owner/Part Owner who exploits and denigrates women for profit and power.

      Friday, May 6, 2016


         It's an indisputable fact that the majority primary voters, caucus-goers and state-convention participants said that they didn't want the DemonCrap Trump as the RepugnantGoon party nominee. 

         Even through the fog of 17 non-DemonCrap candidates who dropped out, the DemonCrap Trump was still not able to ever garner the majority of primary voters. Nonetheless, given the logic of many Trump cultists, if a plurality, not a majority, of RepugnantGoon party primary participants, like the "conservative" phonies Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, can easily abandon their asserted "core-conservative convictions" and support a left-wing, constitution-illiterate/contemptuous, neo-fascist DemonCrap like Donald The-White-Obama-Trump as the RepugnantGoon party candidate for president, then all of us REAL, i.e. constitutional-conservatives should happily abandon our REAL core-convictions and become "Pragmatic", as one supporter of the DemonCrap Trump screeched, and join the neo-fascists numbskulls in redefining the RepugantGoon party as a left-wing fascist party.

      The Majority of RepugnantGoon party primary participants who didn't vote for the DemonCrap Trump, should not become "useful idiots" as the media propagandists like Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh would like, & traitorously spit, urinate and defecate in the spilled blood of those who died to establish our "Once-upon-a-time" constitutional republic. It's that kind of "Useful idiot" willingness to "go-with-the-flow" that has enabled the traitorous DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly to turn our country into a tyrannical banana republic.

      Instead, they should vote in-mass for Ted Cruz as a write-in candidate or for The Constitution Party candidate. At the worst, Trump's fellow DemonCrap Shrillary Rotten Clitoris will become president, but there's a upside to that: . At the best, those that refuse to support Trump will not be "useful idiot" traitors to the constitution and our country.

      Wednesday, May 4, 2016


      Falwell "The Duped One" 
        According to the RepugnantGoon party, during election time, a "conservative" is someone who pays lip service to believing that the size of the federal government should be limited to those few enumerated powers articulated within Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution, while all other powers, as articulated in the 10th Amendment, should reside with the states.

      This lip service is used only at election time to fool the RepugnangGoon party's base of "useful idiots" who may be real “constitution-conservative” but are also glazed-eyed party loyalists. Once the “fooling-time” of an election is over the RepuganGoon corrupticians who call themselves “conservatives” simply continue with acting out their contempt for the constitution.

          This is contempt is manifested in two ways:
      1. Their top priority becomes the next election and their return to office with all it power and perks. This entails much fund-raising and feverishly working the lobbyists and special interest groups for contributions for their next re-election campaign.
      2. In their spare time, if it can help them get re-elected, their main objective if they work to advance their constitution-contemptuous agenda of building an all-powerful, federal government as the nerve center of an oppressive post-constitutional banana republic, like the one we now live in, The bigger the government, the more power they enjoy. 

          They can get away with the charade as “conservatives” because their bigger-government- embracing allies in the media cover for them and most voters are pre-occupied with the bread and circuses of continuously televised sports events, T.V. reality shows and endless leftist-indoctrinating sit-coms or movies. Their media allies also ensure that no alternative REAL conservative candidates, from the Constitution Party or The American Conservative Party, for examples, can ever get their message to the American People. As a result, RepugnantGoon corrupticians know that "useful idiots" will still vote for their re-election or for the election of one of their undocumented DemonCrap, constitution-contemptuous presidential candidates, e.g. Dick Nixon, Bob Dole, George Bush and his Junior, John McCain, Mitt Romney & Donald Trump.

          This is a given because the “useful idiots” have been brainwashed into thinking that the objective is to stand with the party rather than with any core, constitution-based political convictions the “useful idiot” RepugnantGoon party loyalist may have. So the “useful idiots” mindlessly fulfill their duty to vote for the RepugnantGoon party's constitution-loathing undocumented, neo-fascist DemonCrap candidates for president for fear that if they don't they will be personally responsible for the loss of the RepugnantGoon party's constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist DemonCrap candidate and guilty for the election of the DemonCrap party's constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist DemonCrap candidate.

          It never occurs to the “useful idiots” that in voting for the proverbial "lesser of two evils", instead of voting for the least of 4 or 4 evils or for constitutionally "good", e.g. the constitution party or American Conservative Party candidate, that they are not only still voting for evil, but that they are making themselves traitorous accessories to the conversion of our once-great constitutional republic into a neo-fascist banana republic. 

          With robotic obedience, they become traitorous zombie destroyers who metaphorically spit, urinate and defecate in the spilled blood of those who bequeathed us a nation founded on the precepts of a very limited federal government and almost unlimited individual liberty to pursue our happiness to the extent our talent, drive, perseverance and hard work could make it a reality.


      The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
      ~~~~Thomas Jefferson 
          Thanks to leftist, anti-conservative, glazed-eyed easily manipulated, habitually projecting and rationalizing, critical-thinking-devoid "True Believer" "Useful Idiots" that voted for the lying, constitution-contemptuous & illiterate, buffoonish and inarticulate, habitually self-contradicting and flip-flopping, cheap Vegas lounge Act billed as Donald The-Establishment-Sell-Out-Trump, for the first time since Romney, the RepugnantGoon party has nominated another DemonCrap as their candidate-clown for the presidency. As a result, the "extremely careless", (as said by the corrupt FBI director James Comey) insidiously evil, vile, detestable, rapist-enabling, war-on-women-waging, oppressor of the middle class, unindicted felon, pathological liar, Bengahzi-murderer and walking bag of septic maggot butt-pus, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris, is guaranteed to glide to victory in the November. Thus, in January 2017, as a prerequisite to assuming her position as our the next president dictator of our banana republic and as Satan's personal emissary on earth, she'll place her hand on the Bible and lie, as have most who've who preceded her, when she swears to, ".. preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

          Short of Skynet blowing up the world and it's cyborg machines relentlessly trying to exterminate survivors of it's nuclear apocalypse, this, seemingly, will be the most dreadful thing that could happen to us since millions of low-I.Q., brain-dead Neo-Marxist zombies and societal parasites elected a Muslim domestic terrorist, embodied in Barack Hussein Obama as our president dictator back in '08. But, as they say, in every turd, you're likely to find some beneficial intestinal bacteria. That's why we eat yogurt isn't it? The same holds true to the historic turd of all time, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris becoming our next dictator. 

      You see, almost all previous president's dictators of the last and current century have been very cautious and incremental in advancing the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's covert, power-greedy agenda for a post-constitutional America. For one example, they knew that the American people, at the genesis of the 16th Amendment, would never accept a 74,000+page incomprehensible income tax code that mostly targeted the "middle class" and was enforced by an IRS-Gestapo that trampled our due-process rights. That's why they sold their scheme to a gullible America by starting with little, almost unnoticeable knife cuts to the trunk of the tree of liberty before that started hacking at it with chainsaw. In 1913 after the 16th Amendment's ratification, the tax code was only a few pages long and only the wealthy, i.e. those who earned $20,000 or more year paid any income tax, with the bottom tax rate being only 2%. Quite different than what we suffer under today's chainsaw assault
      , huh? 

          Had politicians in the 1st half of the 20th century told American's that we're going to outright dispense with governing with "the consent of the governed" and have unelected, unaccountable government bureaucrats make "rules" laws and enact criminal punishments for failing to comply," they would have been tarred-and-feathered, if not lynched. Likewise the same had they told us that "From now on the unelected and unaccountable judges on the Supreme Court can throw out the laws, to which you consented, as legislated by us your elected representatives, and enact their own laws without your consent." These contemporary examples of their tyranny only came about after a that long process of their lying knife cuts, but now, having desensitized and indoctrinated much of the populace to embrace an all powerful, freedom-loathing central government, they've taken out their chainsaws and without some shocking catalyst to awaken the glazed-eyed American people, their lust for power, if not soon stopped, will completing topple the tree of liberty. 

          Their slow-at-first, incremental process for advancing their agenda of tyranny is analogous to the proverbial frog who is placed in a comfortable pot of warm water. Unbeknownst to the frog, though, his benefactor is malevolently turning up the fire under the pot in which the frog, in it's orgasmic comfort, has dozed-off. Eventually the frog awakens when he has a nightmare that he's burning in hell, only to find that he's now quickly dying, immobilized by the boiling water that has rendered the once-powerful muscles in his hind legs to scalded appetizers. 

          But what if the Frog had been taken out of the comfortable pot of warm water and dropped suddenly into a pot of scalding water? Well, of course, that frog would take immediate noticed and used it's powerful hind legs to quickly jump out of the pot before any permanent damage could be done to his herculean frog physique.

          This leaping-to-safety frog is analogous to the "beneficial bacteria" that can be found in a turd-Shrillary presidency dictatorship. With Shrillary Rotten Clitoris as the next dictator of our neo-fascist banana republic, the "frog" of people's anger in response to the loss of their liberties will be the catalyst that propels them out of the scalding water of her blatant, undiluted despotic tyranny. States will become fed-up with her daily demonstrated contempt for the 10th Amendment, her dumping of millions of Muslim savages within their their boarders without their consent, her EPA bureaucrats issuing diktats about how much carbon dioxide they can emit or her executive orders dictatorial edicts or the edits of her puppet Supreme court ordering the confiscation of their citizen's guns. In non-seceding states, there will be wide-spread non-compliance with her's  and her and puppet SCOTUS' dictatorial edicts or the unlawful, unconstitutional liberty robbing laws passed by her minion-controlled congress. We'll see gun owners finally STOP TALKING ABOUT WHY why the 2nd Amendment is in the constitution and START USING IT FOR WHY it's in the constitution by shooting hundreds, if not thousands of thug federal and local "law" enforcement officers acting as enforcers of Shrillary's tyranny. They'll fight for their 2nd Amendment civil rights when the her thugs come to their towns or homes to confiscate their firearms. 

          We could even see millions of armed citizens, perhaps members of the NAPOP, aka: The National Association Of Pissed-off Patriots, converge on Washington, D.C. to lay siege to the city with the goal of arresting Shrillary and her leftist minions within the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly. It would be orgasmic to see them all put on trial for treason and publicly hung in front of the Lincoln Memorial on live TV. Then, maybe all those pissed-off-patriots will resurrect the constitutional republic bequeathed to us by our forefathers, one where power resides with the people rather than with a small cabal of arrogant, constitution-contemptuous, above-the-law ruling elites.
      Yep, there could be a "Frog" upside to Trump ensuring Shrillary's victory, so stock up on guns, ammo and high capacity magazines. You're going to need them if you don't want to have to watch the hangings on TV, but want to be one of the trap door lever pullers.

      Tuesday, May 3, 2016


          Thanks to Obama and the constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap
      & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, we now live in a Banana republic. Military coups are common to banana republics, so perhaps one avenue for a return to the once-free country that was the USA would be a military coup by a constitution-loving general, and his equally constitution-loving troops, all of whom actually take seriously their oath to " and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC...". This would be in stark contrast to the mockery of that oath exhibited by the corrupt politicians that comprise the majority of the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.

          In the orgasmic coup scenario, the general, a man with George Washington-like character and humility and love for his country and the constitution, would size control of Washington, D.C., arrest and Jail Obama, Biden, McCain, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and almost all other DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon politicians in the Beltway, as well as their judicial, bureaucratic and media puppets and their tyranny enforcing thugs embodied in the IRS-Gestapo, the BATFE, and the 4th Amendment-trampling TSA.

          Ironically, under his emergency powers, he would then take Obama-like “Executive
      Action” to restore the Constitutional Republic as established by the founders, using his “pen and telephone”, to outlaw the constitution-contemptuous DemonCrap & 
      RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, much like Germany outlawed the NAZI party after WWII. He would also declare the Federal Register “Null & Void” followed by it's televised burning. He would shut down the EPA, The Department of Education and all other constitutionally unlawful and tyrannical federal bureaucracies. He would then order new elections for president (sans himself as a candidate) and The Congress; wherein, constitution-revering parties like the Libertarian, Constitution Party and The American Conservative parties could proffer candidates.

          After the elections, he would graciously and expeditiously cede his coup-emergency control to the newly elected president and congress, a president and congress who actually take their oath seriously. The good general could then retire with a full military pension and a place in the pantheon of great American patriots.

         The new coRepugnantGoon politicians, their media, judiciary puppets, the IRS-Gestapo and TSA thugs and other bureaucratic tyrants on trial for treason. Most could be easily convicted on their record of disdain for the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th and 10th Amendments alone. Those convicted would be executed by a firing squad though I would prefer publicly, televised hangings. Wouldn't it be great to see a live feed of Obama, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris, Donald Trump, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, et al, as well as  “Justice” John Roberts, Sonia Sotomayor, et al, Chris Matthews, Melissa Harris-Perry, Ed Schultz, Diane Sawyer, Michael Medved, Bill O'Reilly et al, convicted of treason, being bullet riddled by a firing squad or lynched by hangmen composed of citizens whose liberties they've trampled during their careers? I think it would be a glorious day!