Sunday, March 15, 2015


This is a must-see/hear video interview of Mia Marie Pope, an extremely credible sounding high
school classmate of our racist Muslim dictator Barry Soetoro. She says he bragged that he was a foreigner, smoked crack and it was common knowledge that he was a homosexual.

I guess it all comes down to who are you going to believe, Barry-the-habitual-liar Soetoro, his sycophant media praetorian guard or this Christian woman with concern for her country with no book to sell.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Let's be honest. The main reason why so many innocents were murdered at Sandy Hook
and other venues where disarmed innocents were offered for unimpeded slaughter by the crazed idols of the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL), is because the CTTEL and all it's leftist-loon, winged-monkey myrmidons forced their preference for the top sign, and the policy it represents, over the common sense bottom sign sign, and the policy it represents, upon those unfortunate innocents slaughtered by those idolized murderers empowered by the CTTEL. 


    When I saw the title for this show, I was immediately interested since one of my favorite books is the classic "Earth Abides"; however, the promos for the at-the-time yet-to-premier show made me skeptical as to whether it would be worth watching because the main character Phil Miller is sooooo disgusting to me: his drunkenness, slothfulness, destructiveness, slobbiness, et al, but I vowed to watch the first episode to give it a fair shot only because of my love for "Earth Abides". 

    After having watched almost all of the first show, I had firmly decided that I'd never watch it again. The Phil Miller character was just too vile and reminded me of a stereotypical Obamatard.  I thought, "If this is all this show is going to be is nothing but Phil Miller going around destroying things, getting drunk and crapping in a swimming pool, it can be that without me." Then Phil found Carol (Kristen Schaal). Schaall's character is the diamond found within a mound of manure. She's is brilliantly played by Schaall and the way she and Bill Forte play off each other is a pure delight to watch. My initial "firm" verdict was immediately reversed and upon watching the 2nd episode last night on Hulu, I was really glad I did.

I enthusiastically recommend this show to everyone.


Sunday, March 8, 2015


    I'm never surprised anymore by how compliant people are in swallowing the propagandistic swill that the lying, corrupt, power-hungry politicians and their media minions feed them every day. It's almost as though they've been mesmerized into slack-jawed and bug-eyed stupidity and are no longer capable of critical thinking. This cartoon has "Obama" at the top of the Orwellian indoctrination screen of Big Brother, but it would be just a accurate to have "RepugnantGoons & DemonCraps are Great" at the top of the screen, since the majority of Americans seem to be brainwashed by years exposure to demagogic politicians and media indoctrination that our government is a "two party system". And they believe this even though no where in our nation's founding documents are the DemonCraps & RepugnantGoons mentioned.

   Worse yet, Americans can plainly see that the ruling duopoly DemonCraps and RepugnantGoons are destroying our county, with their 21-plus trillion dollar debt, the over 250 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Then there's their insistence on facilitating the invasion of our country by illegal alien foreign invaders; yet, American "Useful Idiots" still obediently and robotically vote for the two domestic terrorist political entities that are responsible for all these atrocities.

    George Orwells' Big Brother would be envious of how successful the ruling duopoly and their media minions have been at training their sheeple to do as they are told and tenaciously cling to false binary choice of lynching the country with an 8 foot rope or 6 foot rope. 


    This cartoon illustrates perfectly how the constitution-detesting DemonCrap & RepugnatGoon ruling duopoly retains its despotic grip on power. It does this by providing a picture of the condition of the electorate that habitually swallows the semen of the dupoly's false binary choice, tyranny-maintaining paradigm. It is an image that also accurately represents an easily manipulated American electorate that supported either the  the constitution-illiterate/contemptuous, narcissistic buffoon Donald The-White-Obama Trump, the thoroughly corrupt, power-obsessed, constitution-loathing, rapist enabling Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or the rabid communist Bernie Sanders. 

This indisputable fact substantiates my assertion that the American electorate is comprised mostly of easily demagogued, marginally educated, leftist-indoctrinated, critical-thinking-devoid "Useful Idiot" sheeple. This is due in part to government mandated-&-run youth indoctrination centers, aka: Public Schools churning-out a sheeple electorate obsessed with the bread and circuses of celebrity worship, 24/7 sports, "reality" TV, American Idol,  Dancing With Stars & pokémon. A Sheeple with their eyes habitually focused on their dumbing-down "smart" phones and their heads up the ass of a "useful idiot" group-think mentality that the tyrannical domestic terrorists embodied in the insidiously corrupt, traitorous and evil, constitution-contemptuous, lawless & despotic DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly depend on to retain their iron grip on power. A power they wield to advance their neo-fascist agenda for robbing us of our liberties as they gain even more power for themselves, their judiciary oligarch authoritarians and their fascist bureaucratic winged-monkey minions.

Wake up, Sheeple! Pull your head out of the rectum of robotic support for the vile, liberty-abhorring ruling duopoly. Actually read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, the debates that occurred in the writing of the constitution. the Declaration of Independence and the writings Edmund Burke and John Locke.

You can be a part of the solution--the restoration of our once-great constitutional republic, or you can continue to be a quintessential glazed-eyed, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing "useful idiot". A "useful idiot" within the herd of head-up-butt sheeple that the traitorous domestic terrorists of the ruling duopoly is using to entrench their People's Neo-fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika. A banana republik with its unequal justice under the law (think Shrillary Rotten Clitoris and her un-indicted felonies) it's rampant corruption and it's despotic substitution of the liberty-ensuring "rule of law" for the tyrannical rule of men.


    Sometimes I'm asked about what I think of Shrillary Rotten Clinton. I think this 42 second
video says it better than I ever could even on my best of days:

Saturday, March 7, 2015


    Gabby Giffords the former congresswoman from Arizona who was shot in the head by Jered Lee Loughner, a mentally ill homicidal maniac who purchased his gun legally after undergoing a background check,  is demonstrating that her bullet induced brain damage is a real disability. She has taken it upon herself to promote the Criminal Terrorist and Tyrant Empowerment Lobby's (CTTEL) liberty-loathing scheme called "Universal Background Checks". This is a purposely deceptive euphemism for a universal government tyrant permission requirement for private persons to sell, buy or loan personal firearms among themselves. This scheme is promoted as the panacea for stopping criminal violence. It's disgusting because dufus Gabby and both the corrupt politician puppets of the CTTEL and the CTTEL know this scheme will be totally ineffective in achieving their pretend stated goal. They know that our dictator Barry's Department of injustice, headed by the gun-running racist Eric Holder, admitted in a memo, that unless all guns are registered with the government, the holy grail of gun-confiscators who need to know who has the guns before they can confiscate them, so-called "Universal Background Checks" won't work.

   Think about it: how else are the government thug enforcers of tyranny going to prove a Glock Lyle loaned to to his friend Mary, who was being stalked by her former boyfriend who swore to kill her, originally belonged to Lyle, if both Mary and Lyle agree that to thwart the enforcement by government thugs of the government permission requirement for the transfer of the Glock to Mary, that if the government thugs ever questioned her about her possession of the Glock, she would simply say "I've always owned this gun." Without universal registration, how would the government thugs know who has ever owned the gun. So, if any state laws are passed requiring government permission to sell or transfer firearms among friends and neighbors and they don't have universal registration of all firearms, the law is pretty much unenforceable and useless, unless the people selling and buying stupidly volunteer to go through the process of obtaining permission from state government enforcers of tyranny. 

So, to have "effective" legislation requiring government thug permission to sell or loan your personally owned firearm, said tyrannical law must include universal registration of all guns, except those in the possession of criminals. That's right, EXCEPT THOSE IN THE POSSESSION OF CRIMINALS. Why? because in the 1968 Haynes Vs. The United States Supreme court case, the black-robbed, pointy-headed oligarchs ruled that criminals are not required to register their illegally possessed firearms since it would violate their 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. 

    Another thing that the CTTEL and their puppets won't tell people, as they cite the relatively infrequent mass shootings, are that almost all of them were perpetrated by mentally ill males who had passed a gun purchase background check. Other mass murderers did the same thing or simply stole their gun just as Adam Lanza, the unopposed killer at Sandy Hook. Alternatively, other mass murderers had someone buy it for them, a "straw purchase", which is already against the law, but that didn't stop the straw purchaser who purchased the guns the Columbine killers used.

    So, the evidence clearly shows that obtaining permission from government goons to sell , buy or loan personal property between private parties, including your family, friends and neighbors, will do nothing to th wart a determined homicidal maniac. But that was never the real goal anyway. The real goal of the CTTEL and it's duped minions in and out of government, is to provide their corrupt, power-hungry politician allies the gun confiscation lists they've been coveting since day one. 

Friday, March 6, 2015


    Those DemonKraps and RepukingGoons that voted to establish the minimum wage and those who thereafter vote to raise it, and those citizens who support those corrupt politicians are all self-serving for several reasons:
  1.     No where in Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution is the congress authorized to tyrannically dictate to a private business owner and an employee how much the business owner must pay the employee or the minimum amount an employee may accept. This illegal and fascist control over private businesses and private "free" citizens seeking employment is not characteristic of a so-called "free country" but is the product of the constitution-contemptuous domestic terrorists that are embodied in the evil DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling duopoly.
  1.     Most non-statist economists, not afflicted with leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia, agree that this fascist and tyrannical interference in the job-labor market adversely retards the ability of low-skilled and under-educated citizens to secure employment. After all, why should Joe's Burger joint hire little Johnny, at a tyrannically mandated $15/hour, who thanks to the poor "education" he received in union-thug-controlled, government-financed youth indoctrination centers, aka: public schools, couldn't make change if his life depended on it when he can hire 35-year-old Sally who has 18 years of experience. After all, Sally only want's another part time job to make up for the full-time hours she used to have until the fascist ObamaCare scheme forced that employer to reduce her hours or go out of business. As an added bonus, Sally can actually make change if the power goes out.
  1.     Given the first two reasons, it becomes obvious that the tyrannical, liberty-loathing RepukingGoon and DemonKrap ruling duopoly domestic terrorists, choose to ignore their oath to the constitution and illegally implement and raise the minimum wage because THEYare nothing more than self-serving pieces of animated excrement. But they are a special kind of self-serving excrement. They know that economically unsophisticated people with little or know knowledge of the constitution and the principles upon which our once-great constitutional republic were established, motivated with their own self-righteous and sanctimonious desire to help others with other peoples money, and societal parasites who think they are entitled to someone else's money, will vote fo if they support/raise the minimum wage. In essence, these greedy, corrupt, power hungry domestic terrorists in the DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling duopoly buy votes from the ignorant, the self-righteous and greedy with other people's money-- the money of business owners. It's a moral travesty of the 1st magnitude.

Monday, March 2, 2015


    Have you ever heard of the reporter Sharyl Attkisson? She's a well known investigative reporter and author whose recently published book "Stonewalled" details how she got on our dictator Barry Soetoro's bad side while investigating his gun running to Mexican drug Lords through his minions in the BATFE. As a result, his winged-monkey minions (probably in the DOJ) used a very sophisticated government proprietory software to hack into her computer, stealing passwords and files and monitoring her every keystroke. 

    This means they can do the same to any of us and more! Think about it: If Barry's government goons in the IRS are willing to harass conservative non-profits and hack the computer of a high profile, famous, investigative reporter, what's to stop his winged-monkey minions in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, IRS, et al, from going after a small-time, vocal patriot who dares to express his/her anti-Obama sentiments on Facebook or a blog? Heck, they could finish off someone like that, just for fun, during their coffee break, and it would have the same silencing results as the Vladimir Putin instigated, bullet-riddling take-out of Boris Nemtsov but without the negativity of creating a martyr.

    Among their many options for silencing you, me or any other pro-liberty dissident whose pro-liberty, anti-dictator Obama opinions garner too much public attention is the hacking of the dissident's computer followed by the downloading of a plethora of child porn images. Afterwards, an anonymous tip mailed in to the police, with some sample child porn allegedly sent to the tipper by the targeted dissident, could be convincing enough for a judge to issue a search warrant, resulting in a gun-wielding SWAT team's crash-through of the dissident's front door and the confiscation of the dissident's computer (guns & ammo) followed by the dissident's jailing and prosecution for possession and distribution of Child porn. Bingo! another anti-Obama political prisoner who's been shut up both vocally and physically.

    I suspect, as was the case with the IRS harassment of conservative groups, that this evil "bearing of false witness" tactic with child porn or some other planted “evidence" has probably already been employed on hundreds if not thousands of "small fry" anti-Obama dissidents. Given Barry's sycophantic "Praetorian Guard" of news media censors, if there are already victims of Barry's goons hacking computers besides that of Ms. Attkisson, we'd never know about it, as exemplified in the almost non-existent coverage by the same Praetorian Guard of the "big fry" Ms. Attkisson's targeting by Obama's goons .

I'm surprised this tactic has not yet been used against anti-Obama icons like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Alex Jones, et al. Oh well, our tin-horn dictator Barry will become more desperate as his incompetence continues to erode the shinning legacy he's erected for himself in his seriously disturbed and narcissistic mind, and he still has almost two years left to incarcerate as many political prisoners as as he possibly can. Meanwhile, always carry your gun or have one immediately available in your home. You never know when that SWAT team, with their planted-evidence warrant, will come knocking/crashing. When they do, you need to be prepared to act on what Patrick Henry said: "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" 

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Never, ever point a gun at anything you would not be happy about destroying:


    Phil Robertson is not alone in his assertion that the Bible teaches “one man and one woman marriage. I too used to have the same indoctrinated, anti-polygamy position held by most orthodox Christians until I started reading the Bible for what it says instead of what some equally indoctrinated minister or fellow Christian said it says. Many Christians, in an effort to provide evidentiary support for their monogamy-only assertion, with it's juxtaposed position that polygamy is a sin, cite Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4 - 6, and Mark 10:6 - 8 as justification for that belief. But in citing those scriptures they're conflating a description of what happens when a man leaves his parents with a non-existent divine limitation on how many wives a man can cleave to or become “one flesh” with. This conflation is analogous to saying, "A man will abandon his bicycle when he's old enough and instead drive his car." Most people would read that and not assume that a man would only ever own and drive ONE car, yet that fallacious assumption of numerical limitation is used by Christians when they read the aforementioned, conveniently linked scriptures.

    Yet the conflation and unsubstantiated extrapolation of a description of a right of passage with a commandment for monogamy still persists among Christians. They ignore the context of the rest of the Bible; wherein, polygamy is profligate with no recorded condemnation from God nor any prohibition against it in the Levitical Law nor by Christ himself. For example, if God was dead-set against polygamy, why when the prophet Nathan accosted King David as recorded in 2 Samuel 12: 1 -14, did he not point his bony finger at him and also condemn him for his multiple wives and hordes of concubines? Nathan ONLY condemned him for taking another man's wife and murdering her husband. The Bible is rife with it's patriarchs having multiple wives and there is no recorded condemnation for this practice from God even though there was plenty of opportunity for him to do so personally (Genesis 26:2 among others) or through his prophets as was the case with the prophet Nathan.

    Nonetheless, some Christians will cite Deuteronomy 17:17 as God's command that marriage be monogamous. But this text clearly is a restriction placed on kings only, which depending on the translation you read and the conspicuous failure of Nathan to condemn David for his multiple wives, may still allow more than one wife for a king. If it were understood in "The Law" that multiple wives were not permitted for EVERY man then, logically, there would have been no need for God to articulate a specific restriction for the number of wives for kings; therefore, If anything, Deuteronomy 17:17 is further proof of no scriptural prohibition against polygamy.

Interestingly, the same Christians that cite Deuteronomy 17:17, conveniently ignore Deuteronomy 25: 5; wherein, God explicitly endorsed polygamy when a woman is widowed:

"If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her."
There are no disqualifying parameters set for in this passage that excludes a brother who already has a wife. 

Even the apostle Paul, did not condemn polygamy as is implied in 1 Timothy 3:2:

"..If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble task. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife,..."

Clearly anyone who was not to be an overseer could be married to more than one woman.

    We now live in a culture were it seems that most men are nothing more than irresponsible, self-centered boys in a man's body. Their main focus is on video games, the acquisition of material possessions and non-committal, non-reproductive sex. These perpetually adolescent "men" are increasingly surrounded by women who are also self-absorbed, career-centered, man-hating fanatics. "Women" indoctrinated by academia and the media in anti-family, anti-children and anti-man, radical feminism. Given this, maybe it's time for modern American culture and orthodox Christians to embrace polygamy. Why? Because there are, thanks to our “party-hardy” culture of perpetual adolescence, far fewer good men than in the past. Good men who make a good livelihood and who have the maturity necessary for manifesting the sacrificial character necessary for being a good husband and a good father. These rare good men may be willing to meet the desires of the remaining good women. Good women who reject radical feminism and are unable to find a suitable family-oriented mate, among the hordes of post-acne, post-teens teenagers masquerading as men. Good women who want to be committed to one good man and have children by that man. Good women who would consider it a win-win situation to share that rare good man with other women; other women who share her desire to have a good, family oriented man father their children.