Sunday, March 8, 2015


    This cartoon illustrates perfectly how the constitution-detesting DemonCrap & RepugnatGoon ruling duopoly retains its despotic grip on power. It does this by providing a picture of the condition of the electorate that habitually swallows the semen of the dupoly's false binary choice, tyranny-maintaining paradigm. It is an image that also accurately represents an easily manipulated American electorate that supported either the  the constitution-illiterate/contemptuous, narcissistic buffoon Donald The-White-Obama Trump, the thoroughly corrupt, power-obsessed, constitution-loathing, rapist enabling Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or the rabid communist Bernie Sanders. 

This indisputable fact substantiates my assertion that the American electorate is comprised mostly of easily demagogued, marginally educated, leftist-indoctrinated, critical-thinking-devoid "Useful Idiot" sheeple. This is due in part to government mandated-&-run youth indoctrination centers, aka: Public Schools churning-out a sheeple electorate obsessed with the bread and circuses of celebrity worship, 24/7 sports, "reality" TV, American Idol,  Dancing With Stars & pokémon. A Sheeple with their eyes habitually focused on their dumbing-down "smart" phones and their heads up the ass of a "useful idiot" group-think mentality that the tyrannical domestic terrorists embodied in the insidiously corrupt, traitorous and evil, constitution-contemptuous, lawless & despotic DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly depend on to retain their iron grip on power. A power they wield to advance their neo-fascist agenda for robbing us of our liberties as they gain even more power for themselves, their judiciary oligarch authoritarians and their fascist bureaucratic winged-monkey minions.

Wake up, Sheeple! Pull your head out of the rectum of robotic support for the vile, liberty-abhorring ruling duopoly. Actually read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, the debates that occurred in the writing of the constitution. the Declaration of Independence and the writings Edmund Burke and John Locke.

You can be a part of the solution--the restoration of our once-great constitutional republic, or you can continue to be a quintessential glazed-eyed, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing "useful idiot". A "useful idiot" within the herd of head-up-butt sheeple that the traitorous domestic terrorists of the ruling duopoly is using to entrench their People's Neo-fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika. A banana republik with its unequal justice under the law (think Shrillary Rotten Clitoris and her un-indicted felonies) it's rampant corruption and it's despotic substitution of the liberty-ensuring "rule of law" for the tyrannical rule of men.

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