Thursday, April 7, 2016


Defined by the glazed-eyed support of Donald The-Debate-Coward Trump's cult worshipers a conservative is:
(1) Someone who supports the establishment's unconstitutional, corrupt, vote-buying ethanol subsidies and who pandered to farmer parasites by promising to increase the subsidies.
(2) Someone who supports keeping the establishment's IRS-Gestapo and the incomprehensible 74k+ page tax code that the corrupt establishment uses to finance their re-election campaigns and to buy votes from societal parasites.
(3) Someone who supports the unconstitutional, liberty-loathing "MANDATE"; wherein, corrupt politicians tell you what product you must buy.
(4) Someone who praises Planned Baby-butchering and who said, before he flip-flopped again, that we should be forced to unconstitutionally finance their insidiously evil enterprise.
(5) Someone who thinks all wisdom, truth and knowledge resides with the corrupticians in Washington D.C., so therefore those same corrupticians and their bureaucrat minions should retain their unconstitutional control of vast swaths of the land in Western states.
(6) Somone who flip-flopped to in favor of importing foreigners to take our jobs and did so during a live debate.
(7) Someone who was part of the establishment's crony-capitalist cabal, i.e. the buying influence part and thus a part of the corruption in Washington D.C.
(8) Someone who is a blatant hypocrite regarding the manufacturing of products in the U.S.A. as opposed to having those products manufactured overseas as evidenced by Trump's foreign-manufactured suits.
(9) Someone who will use what freedoms we have left as "throw-aways" as he Art Of The Deals with his fellow corrupticians in Washington, D.C., with whom he already has already bought a membership in their crony-capitalist cabal.
(10) Someone who never mentions re-constraining the Federal Government within the confines of it's authority as articulated in Article 1: Section 8 and the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.
(11) Someone who is so uncouth and boorish, that he openly bragged about his adulterous cheating with the wives of other men. One who misogynistically denigrates the appearance of women and who shamelessly smeared one of his past three wives by publicly complaining about her breasts.

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