HIS vaccine is manifested in one aspect of his triune personage--Jesus. Through his death on a cross and his authenticating resurrection from the dead, he bore upon himself the sins of the world, and Gods righteous wrath for those sins, something only an eternal and loving God, incarnate in Jesus, could do on our behalf.
Unlike the Fascist Progressives who demand that you take their sacrament to statism by injecting into your body their EXPERIMENTAL mRNA FAUX-ccine, God has no desire to deprive you of your free will and force you to accept his Jesus-based, vaccine-like protection from his righteous judgment. Sadly, many people truly hate their creator, and the vaccination-like sacrifice he provided in Jesus on the cross. Evidently, they would rather spend an eternity totally separated from him, sequestered in a "lake of fire" with others who embrace their "I am my own god" rebellion against the one true God with such tenacity that they couldn't care less about the prospect of their endless existence in a place where unhampered evil and punitive misery is the bane of one's endless existence.
Conversely, there ARE those who recognize their mortality-destined peril of falling into the hands of a righteously wrathful God who will judge their sins; sins unobscured by the immunity from his judgement; an immunity that ONLY Jesus's inoculating death and resurrection can provide. God-hating, Fascist Progressive statists implicitly assert that their good works, e.g. taking the mRNA FAUX-ccine, wearing double masks, forcing kids to be masked, socially distancing & hating those who refuse their experimental mRNA FAUX-ccines, will save them from death--at least temporarily. But those who accept God's vaccine-like protection from his righteous wrath, found ONLY in Jesus, recognize there are not enough good works through which they can blot out their sins from a righteously judging God; thus, they understand that they must depend on the perfect inoculating immunity from God's judgement that only the perfect Jesus can provide.
With your eternal destiny hanging in the balance, and your metamorphic transference into death's eternal realm being only one tenuous heartbeat away, let wisdom quash your self-worshipping pride. Turn away from your disobedience to God, and instead embrace his free gift of a fool-proof vaccination against his righteous wrath that can be obtained through faith in Jesus. In so doing, you'll receive a guilt cleansing reconciliation with your creator and a peace '.. which transcends all understanding".
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