Sunday, October 8, 2017


    Recently, I was appalled by Dr. Michael Brown's cognitive dissonance-spawned
hypocrisy during his appearance on CRTV's Steve Deace Show, episode # 147, to pitch his newest book "Saving A Sick America" . Like most scripture-ignoring "Christian" hypocrites who bemoan our "..Sick America", Brown permanently tarnished his credibility by voting in the last election for the habitually lying, unrepentant, birthed-supremacist baby-butcher Donald Trump. In so doing, like the majority of scripture-ignoring "Christian" hypocrite "useful idiots" for the demonic, baby-butchering RepugnantGoon party, he gave his de facto, thumbs-up salute of approval to the RepugnantGoon party's baby-butchering proclivities; Thus, Brown and his fellow baby-butchering "Christians" become an accessory to the dismembering alive of countless innocent babies every day.

    Dr. Brown's hypocrisy, along with other "Christian" hypocrites like Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, James Dobson, Sean Hannity, et al, is even more damnable when one considers the fact that there was a non-baby-butchering and constitution-revering political party (The Constitution Party) with a non-baby-butchering, God-fearing presidential candidate (Darrel Castle) that these baby-butchering "Christians" could have supported. Instead Brown and his baby-slaughtering "Christian" cohorts chose not too. Evidently, their cult-like, binary-choice paradigm fixation and expediency-driven, short-sighted, scripture-ignoring hypocrisy had dulled their senses. This dullness appears to be the impetus that compelled them to ignore scriptures endless demands that we not support evil. Instead they made voting for a party and candidate they perceive "will win" a higher priority than voting for an alternative candidate and supporting an alternative party that recognizes God's natural law, while also making that alternative party a party that "can win". 

10 Week, Pre-born Baby. Copyright
    Brown and his fellow "Christian" baby-butchers cast their votes in middle-finger-extending disobedience to God. As a result, they wash their hands in the blood of dead babies. Now they reinforce the accurate perception of the RepugnantGoon party that it can continue supporting the wholesale murder of babies with their habitual votes to fund Planned Baby-Butchering, knowing that hypocrite "Christian", "useful idiot" party loyalists will keep voting for them and a "Sick America", cowardly rationalizing, "Well, at least they're not as bad as the Democrats!".

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