Saturday, October 28, 2017


    Prager University is suing Youtube/Google because Youtube is allegedly discriminating against Prager University's videos based solely on their conservative ideological content. I'm a stalwart constitutional conservative; so much so that I have nothing but contempt for the RepugnantGoon faction of the constitution-and-rule-of-law-detesting DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, viewing them as nothing more than ALT-Left fascists along with their fellow oath-of-office blaspheming, traitorous DemonCrap golfing buddies. With that said, I have to stand on the side of Google/Youtube. It's their business and in a so-called "free country" you should be able to do with your business as you please, even if that entails refusing to bake a cake for 1st and 13th Amendments contemptuous, rump-riding homosexual rectum-rammers or filtering-out viewpoints with which a business owner doesn't agree.

   The rectum-rammers can bake their own damned cakes, and Prager can start his own video sharing service or take advantage of an existing one that doesn't censor viewpoints with which they disagree.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


    The long-ago conservative, but now "progressives"- infested and conservative-loathing RepugnantGoon party is analogous to fully metastasized cancer in your beloved pet dog. You can ineffectually attack the tumor with radiation, surgery or chemo-therapy (primary election challengers with the occasional win for a true constitutional conservative) but the long-term result is assured--a slow, agonizing death. 

    It's time for REAL, i.e. constitutional conservatives to demonstrate enough courage to "put the dog down". Yes, it's time to put the RepugnantGoon party out of it's misery by making it assume it deserved position as THE proverbial "third party", and get a new puppy, e.g. the Constitution Party or Federalist Party

    Sure, a new puppy will entail some house breaking (financial support and work for more ballot access), but it's better than a walking a dead dog in the fight for conservative principles and being a duped "Useful Idiot" accessory to the permanent entrenchment of our tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic.  A banana republic wherein the "consent of the governed" and "no legislation without representation" are now empty bromides as evidenced by the fact that the majority of our laws are now enacted by un-elected and unaccountable government bureaucrats. A banana republic wrought, in part by the "progressives"-dominated, constitution-detesting and liberty-loathing RepugnantGoon faction of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap  RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

"Progressive" ALT-Left Fascists Are The Accessories To Mass-Shootings

Pulse Night Club Gun Free Zone & MuzScum Killer
    Have you noticed how the "progressive" ALT-Left fascists seem to be fine with the ruling elites hypocritically availing themselves of armed protection, but for the rest of us mere mortals, they prefer that we be disarmed and defenseless This is evidenced by the 14 murdered by MuzScum terrorists in the GUN FREE ZONE San Bernardino Social Services Office, the 129 dead on Friday the 13th, 2015 in the GUNS-BANNED PARADISE of Paris France, the 10 dead in the un-armed and defenseless classroom in Umpqua Community College in Oregon, the 12 dead and 70 wounded victims at the GUN FREE ZONE theater in Aurora Colorado, the 26 dead in GUN FREE ZONE Sandy Hook, the 32 murdered and 17 wounded in GUN FREE ZONE of Virginia Tech, the 13 butchered and 30 wounded in the GUN FREE ZONE of Fort Hood, Texas, and the nine innocents slaughtered & 3 wounded in the GUN FREE ZONE Charleston, S.C. AME church as well as the four Marines and Sailor murdered at the the GUN FREE ZONE recruiting office in Chattanooga, TN.. Then there are the164 murdered by MusScum terrorists in the GUNS-BANNED PARADISE of Mumbia India or the 380+ dead victims murdered by MuzScums in the school in Beslan in the GUNS-BANNED PARADISE of Russia. Let's not forget the 29 stabbed to death at the train station in the GUNS-BANNED PARADISE of China or the 63 murdered at the Westgate Mall in the GUNS-FREE PARADISE of Kenya or the 77 murdered in THE GUNS- BANNED PARADISE of Norway by Anders Behring, and of course, the 49 innocents murdered in the GUN FREE ZONE Pulse night club by another infidel-phobic MuzScum. In all of the above examples of the slaughter of disarmed innocent, "progressive" ALT-Left fascists have played the role of accessories to the victim's murders by reason of their mentally disturbed and irrational insistence that the victims be disarmed and defenseless.


    Recently, I was appalled by Dr. Michael Brown's cognitive dissonance-spawned
hypocrisy during his appearance on CRTV's Steve Deace Show, episode # 147, to pitch his newest book "Saving A Sick America" . Like most scripture-ignoring "Christian" hypocrites who bemoan our "..Sick America", Brown permanently tarnished his credibility by voting in the last election for the habitually lying, unrepentant, birthed-supremacist baby-butcher Donald Trump. In so doing, like the majority of scripture-ignoring "Christian" hypocrite "useful idiots" for the demonic, baby-butchering RepugnantGoon party, he gave his de facto, thumbs-up salute of approval to the RepugnantGoon party's baby-butchering proclivities; Thus, Brown and his fellow baby-butchering "Christians" become an accessory to the dismembering alive of countless innocent babies every day.

    Dr. Brown's hypocrisy, along with other "Christian" hypocrites like Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, James Dobson, Sean Hannity, et al, is even more damnable when one considers the fact that there was a non-baby-butchering and constitution-revering political party (The Constitution Party) with a non-baby-butchering, God-fearing presidential candidate (Darrel Castle) that these baby-butchering "Christians" could have supported. Instead Brown and his baby-slaughtering "Christian" cohorts chose not too. Evidently, their cult-like, binary-choice paradigm fixation and expediency-driven, short-sighted, scripture-ignoring hypocrisy had dulled their senses. This dullness appears to be the impetus that compelled them to ignore scriptures endless demands that we not support evil. Instead they made voting for a party and candidate they perceive "will win" a higher priority than voting for an alternative candidate and supporting an alternative party that recognizes God's natural law, while also making that alternative party a party that "can win". 

10 Week, Pre-born Baby. Copyright
    Brown and his fellow "Christian" baby-butchers cast their votes in middle-finger-extending disobedience to God. As a result, they wash their hands in the blood of dead babies. Now they reinforce the accurate perception of the RepugnantGoon party that it can continue supporting the wholesale murder of babies with their habitual votes to fund Planned Baby-Butchering, knowing that hypocrite "Christian", "useful idiot" party loyalists will keep voting for them and a "Sick America", cowardly rationalizing, "Well, at least they're not as bad as the Democrats!".