Yes, the "hero" cops always have time enforce unconstitutional and illegal "laws" in order to oppress we common folks, but they seldom have time to enforce legal, constitutional laws against the ruling elites. As a result, folks are just getting tired of the unequal "justice" under the law and law enforcement officer's role in perpetrating it. Folks are waking up to the fact that the majority of cops act like simple-minded,
just-following-my-orders, thug enforcers of tyranny and of our
People's Neo-Fascist Banana Republik Of Amerika's two-tiered
injustice system.
Now at this point, if you're a knee-jerk supporter of cops, you're probably seething with righteous indignation and boiling with the assertion that I have no evidence to back up my argument. Well, let me ask you these questions:
How many cops arrested or attempted to arrest the ruling elitist, upper-tier, walking bag of maggot butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris for the obscene amount of probable cause she exhibited in her multiple non-prosecuted felonies?
Now, how many cops arrested we bottom-tier citizens during the same period of Shrillary's felonies?Need I say more?
Well, I will say more: You can bet the boils on your butt that neither Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or the traitorous, Muslim Domestic Terrorist & Village Idiot Barry Soetoro will not be arrested by any cop anytime in our lifetime; but you can also bet those same boils that when Obama or his fellow constitution-contemptuous tyrants-in-waiting, Shrillary Rotten Clitoris or
Donald The-White-Obama Trump, orders the confiscation of all firearms, most cops, with glazed-eyed, constitution-contemptuous/illiterate obedience, will gladly murder you, if necessary, in order to separate you from your firearms and enforce tyranny. Afterwards, they'll high-five each other at the end of their shift, comparing scores on who whacked the most citizens as they enforced Obama's, Shrillary's or Trumps despotism or the despotism of some other leftist DemonKrap or RepugnantPuke, constitution-contemptuous neo-fascist. This is why the real motto of cops is not "To protect & To Serve but to:
"To Subjugate, Bully, Oppress & Abuse."NOTE: Here's a link to an excellent article related to the above commentary.
MEGA ANTI-STATIST: (On Actor imprisoned for possessing prop gun) "Law Abiding Citizens Are Safer In Well Armed Societies"
The story about the prop gun and New Jersey cops serves to point out that cops, in many states, not just New Jersey, spend a disproportionate amount of time not protecting us but oppressing us as thug enforcers of tyranny.
How? Did the cops know it was a prop prior to any investigation (e.g. prior to arriving at the scene)? They responded accordingly to a report about a gun sighting in violation of NJ law.
The actor is facing ten years in prison. They didn't just respond. Even after determining that he presented no danger to anyone, they obviously arrested him as thug enforcers of New Jersey's anti-civil rights tyranny. In New Jersey, they arrested a poor single Black woman for having a gun to protect herself and she faced 3 years in prison thanks to thug cop enforcers of tyranny. In almost all states, cops gleefully act as enforcers of tyranny, especially the tyranny infringements of our 2nd Amendment civil rights.
Officers are in no position to veto laws. I do not agree with the law of NJ, but that is the law. Prosecutors can dismiss the case, but the Officer must arrest.
You're absolutely right. All coward, tyranny enforcing, constitution-illiterate, criminal thug officers are in.."no position to veto obviously unlawful "laws." Their servile, self-imposed pledge to act as agents of despotic tyranny stands in the way; therefore they will ignore THE LAW OF THE LAND, and it's clear meaning, in order to imprison good, constitution-abiding citizens for exercising their God-given inalienable, civil rights, simply because their despotic puppet masters decide they can overrule God and the constitution. It's a good thing our founding fathers did not buy into your criminal cowardice and decide that they were in no position to "veto" King George or to override his puppet courts to nullify is usurpation of our inalienable rights. I bet (assuming you're a typical, constitution-illiterate, thug cop enforcer of tyranny) that if Obama or Shrillary Rotten Clitoris were to issue a dictatorial edit or if the constitution-contemptuous tyrants in congress were to enact a "law" directing all thug cop enforcers of tyranny to confiscate all private arms, you, with glazed-eyed contempt for the constitution and puppet-like obedience would gladly murder or make countless citizens political prisoners if they refused to relinquish their 2nd Amendment civil rights; wouldn't you?