Isn't it
great to live in a banana republic, thanks to the
constitution-contemputous domestic terrorists that are embodied in
the 4th Amendment-trampling DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling
Our dictator Barry Soetero's Department of Homeland Security recently declared that ISIS is not as great a threat to our homeland as are the "extremists" they labeled "Sovereign Citizens". You can check out Wikipedia for it's statist-leaning, biased definition of what a "Sovereign Citizen Extremist" is, but I wouldn't use that definition for what Barry's Department Of Homeland Security means. For the proper context, It is better to go back to the DHS report leaked in April of 2009, not long after Barry assumed office. In that report, gun-owners, people who buy bulk ammunition and veterans were labeled as the great terrorist threat. Reading between the lines and listening to Barry's rhetoric about people clinging to their guns and religion, one would logically deduce that Barry's DHS views anybody who reveres the constitution and the founding principles upon which this country was established a "Sovereign Citizen Extremist" terrorist threat.
Call me paranoid if you like, but given the DHS's latest pronouncement, I wouldn't be surprised if they have their goons at the NSA giving special attention to my emails, phone calls, texts, web surfing, bank statements and credit card bills with the same scrutiny reserved for other "extremists" who revere the constitution and the founding principles of our country. They certainly wouldn't want to waste federal government manpower on say...securing our borders against a free-crossing Jihadist or other foreign invader.
the fact that I revere the Constitution, with great emphasis on the
9th and 10th Amendments, I'm a veteran, a gun-owner and a bulk-buyer
of ammunition, I fully expect not to die of old age. I figure I'll
most likely die in a ferocious exchange of gun fire as
government goon enforcers of tyranny exercise a no-knock "warrant"
euphemistically called a National Security Letter (NSL). These are actually general search warrants
(think prosecutorial fishing expedition) not issued by a judge
as dictated by our constitution, but written by the government goons themselves,
as provided for in the Tyranny Act, misnomered the "Patriot
Act". It, of course, is the post-9/11, unconstitutional legislation
passed by the tyrannical DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling duopoly.
I just hope that before I die as a free man and not a
jack-boot-licking traitor, as are most of my fellow citizens, that I
can take out a few government goons with head shots.
It's not likely they will, but upon my shoot-out demise, if the major ruling duopoly propaganda organs, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, LAT, Fox News, et al, mention it, they will no doubt faithfully parrot the government lie regarding my "no-knock" execution by saying that I was a "Sovereign Citizen Extremist Terrorist" that had clung to an "arsenal" of guns and had stockpiled "thousands of rounds of ammunition". The easily manipulated sheeple will sigh with relief knowing that I'm no longer an at-large "domestic terrorist". Meanwhile the real domestic terrorists that are embodied in the ruling duopoly will be incessantly advancing their freedom-loathing agenda of tyranny.
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