some of Barry Soetoro's fellow Islamo-fascists from the Somalia-based
Al-Shabaab terrorist organization of infidel-phobes have issued a
threat to carry out a terrorist attack at the iconic Mall Of America
in Bloomington, Minnesota. I've been predicting some kind of major
attack like this for years, so I'm not surprised to learn about this
credible threat.
threat is also credible because of the powerful Criminal, Terrorist &
Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL) that is embodied in various factions
like the astro-turf, Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action For
Gun Sense, The Brady Campaign, The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence,The Violence Policy Center, et al. These CTTEL groups work tirelessly
to deprive Americans of their civil right to self-defense, with the
underlying demonic premise of their argument being embodied in THE
DEADLY LIE: "Oh, you don't need to carry a gun to protect
yourself and your family; the police will protect you." The fact
that their underlying premise is mortally false, as illustrated by
the 12 dead victims at the offices of French satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo in the GUNS-FREE PARADISE of France, the 12 defenseless
dead victims at the SELF-DEFENSE GUNS-FREE theater in Aurora
Colorado, or the 26 defenseless dead at the SELF-DEFENSE GUNS-FREE
school in Sandy Hook, or the 32 defenseless dead victims at the
SELF-DEFENSE GUNS-FREE Virginia Tech, or the 13 defenseless dead in
2009, with 4 more defenseless dead in 2014, in SELF-DEFENSE GUNS-FREE
Fort Hood Texas, is of little consequence to them and their crusade
for empowering evil-doers. But wait; there's more: there are the 380+
defenseless dead victims at the school in Beslan in the GUNS-FEE
PARADISE of Russia or the 164 defenseless people murdered in the
GUNS-FREE PARADISE of Mumbai India, or the 29 defenseless innocents
stabbed to death at the train station in the GUNS-FEE PARADISE of
China or the 63 murdered at the Westgate Mall in the GUNS-FEE
PARADISE of Kenya. Yet they persist in their insistence that
innocents be defenseless.
One of
their favorite tools for ensuring maximum carnage by criminals and
terrorists is the ubiquitous “Gun Free Zone” of which is the Mall
Of America, targeted by Barry's fellow Muslims in Al-shabaab. In the
above listed examples documenting the deleteriously deadly results
reaped in these zones, one who does not suffer from
leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia can readily see that their use results in only one
thing—maximum carnage. Given this, it seems to me that the the
CTTEL and it's various factions should be classified as domestic
terrorist organizations. I won't hold my breath since they have
an enthusiastic ally and propagandist in Barry Soetoro. Besides, his
administration is busy labeling those who are Christians, veterans, gun-owners,
and supporters of our constitution as domestic terrorists.
what's a sane person to do? Act sanely; if you are a concealed carry
licensee, carry your firearm into these gun-free zones so you can protect
yourself and your family should one of Barry's fellow Jihadists
strike. Lord knows Jihadist murderers won't be stopped by a silly
sign prohibiting self-defense.
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