I'm always amazed by how leftists, most of whom handle their own finances with common sense, abandon all logic and reason when it comes to how corrupt politicians handle the finances of our nation. Most
economists, not afflicted with Leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia, agree that
continuing to increase spending while making huge interest payments
on a 18 trillion dollar-and-growing debt, extorting money from producers in a
greedy confiscation of even greater portions of the GDP and robbing
the populace of their wealth through endless QE money-printing is not
a formula for lasting prosperity: but then again, leftists suffering from Leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia don't exercise common sense when pondering the Federal Government's prodigious ability for deficit spending. Evidently leftists have bought into the Keynesian nonsense dispensed by the elites at the DNC, the NYT, MSNBC, the
Huffington Post, et al.
any event, I challenge Barry-bots and other's afflicted with Leftist-lunatic-o-phrenia to show us where it is written that all
wisdom, knowledge and truth resides with the demonstrably corrupt and
power-greedy, tyrannical, constitution-contemptuous DemonKrap &
RepukingGoon ruling duopoly in "The Beltway". Wisdom, knowledge and truth bestowing upon them righteousness and the moral superiority by
which they can use the Federal budget to
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