this evil, racist, sexist, platitude-spewing winged-monkey, Barry Soetoro minion Jerrett purposely omits and what the idiot
actresses and most sports, American Idol and Dancing With The
Stars-obsessed voters are probably is too ignorant to know is that
it's been illegal to pay women a different wage for the SAME work
since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.
Barry Soetoro, Jerrett and other megalomaniacal neo-fascists actually
want is corrupt politicians and government bureaucrats declaring that
different jobs are the same even though they are different so that
they can force employer's to pay the same wage for DIFFERENT work.
For example: a government bureaucrat, being pressured by a gang of
corrupt politicians who want to buy votes from easily demagogued
women in clerical positions, using the employer's money, could
declare that a woman who spends all day in an air-conditioned office
making copies for $12 an hour is doing "equal work" to that
of a ditch-digger who earns $16 per hour while working in 100 degrees
heat and standing in mud and being swarmed by hordes of mosquitoes.
With that arbitrary determination the bureaucrat could issue an edict
forcing employers to pay all $12 per hour copy-makers $16 per hour. In so doing the money of the employer can be used to buy votes of the
corrupt politicians. Never mind that there may be far more of a
supply of female workers who would rather have the physically less
demanding job of making copies in the air-conditioned confines of an office with the ancillary market
forces of supply and demand adjusting those wages lower than those
paid to ditch-diggers. Yes, screw-up the free market; the ruling
class of neo-facists need to buy the votes of ignoramuses like
Arrquette, Lopez and Streep.
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