I never thought I'd live to see the day that the U.S. became a fascist dictatorship, but thanks to Obama, the DemonKraps and the feckless, undocumented-DemonKraps controlling the RepukingGoon party and all the slack-jawed, glazed-eyed, mouth-breathing, easily demagogued and manipulated idiots that make up the electorate that keeps voting the constitution-contemptuous and tyrannical DemonKrap & RepukingGoon ruling duopoly into power, I have lived to see that day.
Now I fear I will not get to die peacefully as an old man but will have to die while actually practicing the "Life Free Or Die" motto as I return a fusillade of head-shot-aimed bullets at jack-booted, body-armor-wearing government goons using a no-knock "warrant", they wrote themselves under the Un-Partriot Act, in order to arrest me for exercising my God-bestowed civil rights. rather than submit to their tyranny.
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