Thursday, November 30, 2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
I shared in HATE-WHITEY RACISM -- MY EXPERIENCE: PART 1 how it seemed apparent that I was victimized by systemic, Fascist Progressive, inter-sectional dogma-driven, minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism. A racism institutionalized in the San Bernardino Community College District and embodied in reverse discrimination. This was evidenced by some simple statistical analysis that the Director Of Personnel Services for that District, a Negro, did not even bother to contest.
In this post I submit to you another chronicle of my experience of being oppressed under the systemic, reverse discrmination of minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism wrought by Fascist Progressivism.
The below images show the text of a letter that I read before the Colton City Council on April 7, 1992. It serves as a stinging indictment against the institutionalized hate-whitey racism practiced by the city of Colton, California.
In this post I submit to you another chronicle of my experience of being oppressed under the systemic, reverse discrmination of minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism wrought by Fascist Progressivism.
The below images show the text of a letter that I read before the Colton City Council on April 7, 1992. It serves as a stinging indictment against the institutionalized hate-whitey racism practiced by the city of Colton, California.

The inter-sectional dogma-driven Fascist Progressive, minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racists would have us believe that racism is an intrinsic part of anyone who isn't a part of an ethno/race-centric, "person of color", inter-sectional "victim" group. They've been so successful in promoting that false narrative that systemic, hate-whitey racism & reverse discrimination are now common across our nation. I learned this personally over 25 years ago.
The below imaged letter, dated 3/27/1992, and addressed to the Director of Personnel Services for the San Bernardino, California Community College District, a Negro, from whom I received no response, documents my experience at being victimized by the oppression of "progressive" ALT-left minority-supremacist hate-whitey racism:
The below imaged letter, dated 3/27/1992, and addressed to the Director of Personnel Services for the San Bernardino, California Community College District, a Negro, from whom I received no response, documents my experience at being victimized by the oppression of "progressive" ALT-left minority-supremacist hate-whitey racism:
Friday, November 17, 2017

This purging of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon corrupticians should then be followed by an amending the Constitution so that a citizen is required to pass a constitution literacy test . This would lessen the possibility of the establishment of another, tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic like that with which the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly and their loyalist "useful idiot" sheeple have been terrorizing the country for the last 80-plus years.
Afterwards, with the goal of establishing a non-discriminatory, fair and equal method of funding the actual constitutionally authorized responsibilities of the Federal Government, a method wherein EVERYONE has "skin in the game", we should burn the current, immoral, 74,000+ page, incomprehensible tax code and repeal the 16th Amendment. We could then achieve the aforementioned goal with a flat-tax; one with a rate statutorily limited (by constitutional amendment) to funding a truly constitutional budget that must receive ratification by 3/4 of all states; wherein, they certify that the budget contains only those items authorized within the context of Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution and the 10th Amendment, e.g. no ethanol subsidies corporate welfare, no funding for the Department of Education, PBS, Planned Baby-Butchering, et al.
This is what we must do. We won't do it though because the American people are the stupidest people to ever populate a nation. Indeed, they embody the most easily demagogued and manipulated imbeciles ever churned out by government-run, progressive-ism-centric, youth indoctrination centers, aka: public schools, staffed by "progressive" ALT-Left union thugs. That's why we will always be under the despotic jack-boot of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's IRS-Gestapo that crushes our necks with their incomprehensible tax code.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
(1) Don't be like the church-goers who bought into the progressive ALT-left fascist "BIG LIE": "Oh you don't need to carry a gun to protect yourself & loved ones, the police will do it!"
(2) Tell the string-pullers of the "progressive" ALT-left fascist's, i.e. the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL) to "Got to Hell!", by always "packing heat" wherever you go.
(3) The NRA instructor "Hero" who took his AR-15 and interrupted the murdering spree of the "progressive", atheist, ALT-Left fascist Devin Kelley was delayed by his having to load his AR's magazine. Always have your weapon loaded and ready to take out any Devin Kelley-like "progessive" ALT-Left fascist mass-murderer or Senator Chuck Schumer-imported infidel-phobic murdering MuzScum driving a high-powered truck with a high-capacity front-end for mowing down innocents..
(2) Tell the string-pullers of the "progressive" ALT-left fascist's, i.e. the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL) to "Got to Hell!", by always "packing heat" wherever you go.
(3) The NRA instructor "Hero" who took his AR-15 and interrupted the murdering spree of the "progressive", atheist, ALT-Left fascist Devin Kelley was delayed by his having to load his AR's magazine. Always have your weapon loaded and ready to take out any Devin Kelley-like "progessive" ALT-Left fascist mass-murderer or Senator Chuck Schumer-imported infidel-phobic murdering MuzScum driving a high-powered truck with a high-capacity front-end for mowing down innocents..
Saturday, October 28, 2017

The rectum-rammers can bake their own damned cakes, and Prager can start his own video sharing service or take advantage of an existing one that doesn't censor viewpoints with which they disagree.
Thursday, October 26, 2017

It's time for REAL, i.e. constitutional conservatives to demonstrate enough courage to "put the dog down". Yes, it's time to put the RepugnantGoon party out of it's misery by making it assume it deserved position as THE proverbial "third party", and get a new puppy, e.g. the Constitution Party or Federalist Party.
Sure, a new puppy will entail some house breaking (financial support and work for more ballot access), but it's better than a walking a dead dog in the fight for conservative principles and being a duped "Useful Idiot" accessory to the permanent entrenchment of our tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic. A banana republic wherein the "consent of the governed" and "no legislation without representation" are now empty bromides as evidenced by the fact that the majority of our laws are now enacted by un-elected and unaccountable government bureaucrats. A banana republic wrought, in part by the "progressives"-dominated, constitution-detesting and liberty-loathing RepugnantGoon faction of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
"Progressive" ALT-Left Fascists Are The Accessories To Mass-Shootings
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Pulse Night Club Gun Free Zone & MuzScum Killer |
Recently, I
was appalled by Dr. Michael Brown's cognitive dissonance-spawned
hypocrisy during his appearance on CRTV's Steve Deace Show, episode # 147, to pitch his newest book "Saving A Sick America" . Like most scripture-ignoring
"Christian" hypocrites who bemoan our "..Sick America",
Brown permanently tarnished his credibility by
voting in the last election for the habitually lying, unrepentant, birthed-supremacist baby-butcher Donald Trump. In so
doing, like the majority of scripture-ignoring "Christian"
hypocrite "useful idiots" for the demonic, baby-butchering RepugnantGoon party, he gave
his de facto, thumbs-up salute of approval to the RepugnantGoon party's
baby-butchering proclivities; Thus, Brown and his fellow baby-butchering "Christians" become an
accessory to the dismembering alive of countless innocent babies
every day.
Dr. Brown's hypocrisy, along with other "Christian" hypocrites like
Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, James Dobson, Sean Hannity, et al, is even more
damnable when one considers the fact that there was a
non-baby-butchering and constitution-revering political party (The Constitution Party) with a
non-baby-butchering, God-fearing presidential candidate (Darrel Castle) that these
baby-butchering "Christians" could have supported. Instead
Brown and his baby-slaughtering "Christian" cohorts chose not
too. Evidently, their cult-like, binary-choice paradigm fixation and
expediency-driven, short-sighted, scripture-ignoring hypocrisy had dulled their senses. This dullness appears to be the impetus that
compelled them to ignore scriptures endless demands that we not support evil. Instead they made voting for a party and candidate they perceive
"will win" a higher priority than voting for an alternative candidate and supporting
an alternative party that recognizes God's natural law, while also making that alternative party a party that "can win".
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10 Week, Pre-born Baby. Copyright |
Saturday, September 30, 2017
What Are Fascist Progressives? Generally

Interestingly, almost all those who are Progressive Fascists, staunchly deny that they are Fascists, clinging to the fallacious, intellectually inert premise that only they and their puppet propagandists in the Fascist Progressive-dominated media are allowed to label political/world-view ideologies.
(2) They are rabid, anti-Christian bigots with contempt for western culture and Judaeo-Christian-based virtues and morality.
(3) Their screeching battle cry of "Social Justice!" is is the equivalent
of "Burn the Cross!"
and "Zeig Heil!". Fascist Progressives are wild-eyed, America-hating, minority-supremacist
bigoted, hate-whitey racists, who like CNN's Don Lemon, wield a fervent hate-on for white people,
(4) They are blood-thirsty birthed-supremacist butchers of pre-born children who delight in the dismembering and disemboweling-alive, or summarily executing by other means, innocents for fun and profit---body-parts-selling profit and political profit. This German Fascist Nazi-like zeal for murdering innocents is exercised within the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of their smug, self-righteous belief that they are the crusading champions of the weak, defenseless and politically disenfranchised.
(4) They are blood-thirsty birthed-supremacist butchers of pre-born children who delight in the dismembering and disemboweling-alive, or summarily executing by other means, innocents for fun and profit---body-parts-selling profit and political profit. This German Fascist Nazi-like zeal for murdering innocents is exercised within the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of their smug, self-righteous belief that they are the crusading champions of the weak, defenseless and politically disenfranchised.
(5) Commonly, they are atheists in the mold of the anti-Christian, hate-filled murderous, Fascist Progressives mass-murdering bigot Devin Kelley of the Sutherland, Texas church massacre notoriety, or they are obnoxious agnostics.
Most Fascist Progressives strongly adhere to a post-modernist world view. They are existential Nihilists for whom there is no absolute truth, except an amorphous, Progressive Fascist-defined "truth"; thus, for them, what is moral is subject to whim, popular opinion and political expediency.
(6) Ironically, Fascist Progressives are very religious, but their religiosity is defined within the parameters of a materialism paradigm. Their demonic deity is a mythical, all-powerful government that is prophesied to achieve a utopian paradise on earth.
(7) Many Fascist Progressives, endowed with mountain-moving faith, are zealous cult adherents to the state-established, anti-science religions of Gore-Bull Warm-ism and Evolution-ism.
Most Fascist Progressives strongly adhere to a post-modernist world view. They are existential Nihilists for whom there is no absolute truth, except an amorphous, Progressive Fascist-defined "truth"; thus, for them, what is moral is subject to whim, popular opinion and political expediency.
(6) Ironically, Fascist Progressives are very religious, but their religiosity is defined within the parameters of a materialism paradigm. Their demonic deity is a mythical, all-powerful government that is prophesied to achieve a utopian paradise on earth.
This religiosity is frequently manifested in their contempt for the human right of self-defense and their role as puppets for the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL). They are adamant in their insistence that common citizens should be forced rely on their mythical deity of an omnipotent and benevolent government for their personal protection; a protection their god of government is not legally required to provide
and can't provide in most instances.
For Fascist Progressives, a common citizen in possession of a gun presents a de facto and blasphemous challenge to the never-to-be-challenged authority of their god of an all-powerful, central government. That is why they are feverish in their religious-zealotry-insistence that common citizens must be disarmed. This is exemplified in this article in the New York Times or as articulated by Fascist Progressive icons like Diane Feinstein and Michael Moore . For the habitually virtue-signaling, Fascist Progressives, this insistence shows their fellow Fascist Progressives that they are devout worshipers of their government deity. The death of disarmed citizens at the hands of criminals and terrorists or power obsessed politicians serves as an atoning sacrifice to their demonic god of government. It is considered a small price to pay for their "saved by works" self-righteousness.
For Fascist Progressives, a common citizen in possession of a gun presents a de facto and blasphemous challenge to the never-to-be-challenged authority of their god of an all-powerful, central government. That is why they are feverish in their religious-zealotry-insistence that common citizens must be disarmed. This is exemplified in this article in the New York Times or as articulated by Fascist Progressive icons like Diane Feinstein and Michael Moore . For the habitually virtue-signaling, Fascist Progressives, this insistence shows their fellow Fascist Progressives that they are devout worshipers of their government deity. The death of disarmed citizens at the hands of criminals and terrorists or power obsessed politicians serves as an atoning sacrifice to their demonic god of government. It is considered a small price to pay for their "saved by works" self-righteousness.
(7) Many Fascist Progressives, endowed with mountain-moving faith, are zealous cult adherents to the state-established, anti-science religions of Gore-Bull Warm-ism and Evolution-ism.
(8) Fascist Progressives detest the constitution, dismissing it as the oppressive musings of old, slave-owning, white racists.They also abhor the precepts upon which our nation
was founded, i.e. inalienable rights bestowed by God & individual
liberty, within a framework of personal responsibility. They detest the idea of a central
government very limited in it's scope and authority, as articulated in
Article 1; Section 8 and the 10th Amendment of the constitution. A constitution which designates the federal government's primary role as being the protector of our God-endowed, unalienable rights.
(9) For Fascist Progressives, people are not "..endowed by their Creator..." with those aforementioned unalienable rights,
as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Their ideology
asserts that "rights" are granted by a Fascist Progressive-controlled,
totalitarian, central government; furthermore, they believe that "rights" should be
allocated based on one's position in their intersectionality hierarchy of
"victim-hood". For example: A sexually dysfunctional homosexual couple is considered very
high within the progressive Fascist's hierarchy of victim-hood; thus, they are bestowed the right to enslave a sexually normal, white couple--persons at the bottom of that hierarchy--into baking a wedding cake for them, against their will and religious convictions, in a de facto, tyrannical repeal of the 1st and 13th Amendments to the constitution.
(10) The Fascist Progressive's Brown-shirts are embodied in the violence embracing, minority-supremacist-dominated, hate-whitey-racist Black Lives Matter Mob and the fascist Antifa thug militias. Their "Social Justice" missions are to intimidate, bully, beat or murder anyone who opposes the Fascist Progressive's world view and agenda.
(10) The propaganda dispensing organs for Fascist Progressives are, among many others, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Salon, Vox, The Huffington Post, MEDIAite, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and Hollywood's various entertainment-producing powerhouses. Hollywood's role is focused on covertly manipulating public opinion within the context of a plethora diversionary "shiny object" 'Bread & Circuses", mind and morals-rotting entertainment garbage. The "News" media's role is to obscure or ignore reporting on any story that may disparage Fascist Progressives. They are also tasked with disseminating clever lies promoting the Fascist Progressive's agenda of One-Size-Fits-All-ism tyranny.
Additionally, one of the main objectives of their "news" propagandists is to covertly shape public perception by always endeavoring to frame any debate, with someone in opposition to the Fascist Progressive agenda, within the context of false premises. For example: "So-&-So, since the knee-taking sports team members are protesting the oppression of minorities (the false premise of minorities are oppressed) in our systemically racist country (the false premise of a systemically racist country), aren't those of you who oppose their taking the knee during the National Anthem simply racist (the false premise that any opposition to Fascist Progressive agenda is inherently racist)?"
(11) Fascist Progressives embrace the "New Nationalism" of hate-America, rabid globalism. Fascist Progressives, sanctimoniously view themselves as citizens of the world, who just happen to reside, through no fault of their own, in the oppressive, imperialist, bigoted United States--the focal point of all that is evil in the world. They viciously denigrate the "Old Nationalism"; wherein, America's citizens and leaders revered our nation's customs, Judeo-Christian-based culture, history & traditions.
Fascist Progressives have contempt for patriotic citizens who believe in guarding the sovereignty & interests of the United States, instead of advancing the Fascist Progressive agenda for global, one-size-fits-all government; an omnipotent "one-world" government where "Woke" elite masterminds dispense "fact-checked truth", social justice and egalitarianism for all.
Fascist Progressives demonstrate their zealous loyalty to the globalism dogma of the "New Nationalism" by their traitorous, invader-sphincter-sucking, advocacy for open borders. For the sovereignty-phobic Fascist Progressive, the countless thousands of American citizens robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized by hordes of their beloved invaders each year is a small price to pay for their self-righteous "Citizen Of The World", virtue signaling. Besides, in the mind of a minority-supremacist racist, Fascist Progressive bigot, those robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized were probably white and thus deserved it anyway.
In conclusion, the spittle-spewing Fascist Progressive freedom-loathing ideology, feverish hate, convulsive intolerance, minority-supremacist racist bigotry, demonic baby-butchering and violence-embracing proclivities clearly delineate them as THE existential, domestic terrorist threat; one that surpasses any danger to our liberties presented by the likes of ISIS or Al Queda.
(11) Fascist Progressives embrace the "New Nationalism" of hate-America, rabid globalism. Fascist Progressives, sanctimoniously view themselves as citizens of the world, who just happen to reside, through no fault of their own, in the oppressive, imperialist, bigoted United States--the focal point of all that is evil in the world. They viciously denigrate the "Old Nationalism"; wherein, America's citizens and leaders revered our nation's customs, Judeo-Christian-based culture, history & traditions.
Fascist Progressives have contempt for patriotic citizens who believe in guarding the sovereignty & interests of the United States, instead of advancing the Fascist Progressive agenda for global, one-size-fits-all government; an omnipotent "one-world" government where "Woke" elite masterminds dispense "fact-checked truth", social justice and egalitarianism for all.
Fascist Progressives demonstrate their zealous loyalty to the globalism dogma of the "New Nationalism" by their traitorous, invader-sphincter-sucking, advocacy for open borders. For the sovereignty-phobic Fascist Progressive, the countless thousands of American citizens robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized by hordes of their beloved invaders each year is a small price to pay for their self-righteous "Citizen Of The World", virtue signaling. Besides, in the mind of a minority-supremacist racist, Fascist Progressive bigot, those robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized were probably white and thus deserved it anyway.
In conclusion, the spittle-spewing Fascist Progressive freedom-loathing ideology, feverish hate, convulsive intolerance, minority-supremacist racist bigotry, demonic baby-butchering and violence-embracing proclivities clearly delineate them as THE existential, domestic terrorist threat; one that surpasses any danger to our liberties presented by the likes of ISIS or Al Queda.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
He was just sitting there, motionless as though engulfed in sleep, deep contemplation or satisfaction at his having climbed such a daunting edifice as the porch railing post, or maybe he was just plain exhausted from that goal achieved. I don't know for sure which it was, but I soon decided that, "Surely Glen would be happier down in the grass where he'd be less visible to a hungry bird and more likely to find food for himself," and coaxed him onto my finger; whereupon, I conveyed him a good eight feet away and downward, in proximity to the granite step to the porch, where I gently prodded him into the lush green, freshly cut grass and returned to my porch rocker and another sip of Merlot.
I then became transfixed in contemplating God's creative genius, as exemplified in a creature as "simple" a Glen, and marveled at the unsurpassed, mountain moving faith possessed by the zealots that adhere to the pagan religion of evolution. I felt jealous of their unparalleled faith as manifested in their belief in the mythical and unscientific doctrine fundamental to their mythology-dependent and faith-rich religion. A doctrine that blasphemes the scientific law of causality and asserts that the mind-numbing complex information contained in Glen's DNA, a prerequisite for his very existence, somehow can appear sans a source of incomprehensible intelligence. "Ah! If only I had that much faith!" I thought. "God could use me to raise the dead, make the cancer afflicted cancer-free, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear and the blind to see!"
The sun dipped just below the horizon, masked by the silhouettes of tree tops as I sipped the last swallow of Merlot and praised God for seeing fit to help me appreciate his might and glory as embodied in Glen. I imagined Glen to now be slowly interweaving through endless blades of grass on his way to some unplanned destination, and lacking the cognitive prowess necessary for knowing why he was even going anywhere at all, when my "gasted" was "flabbered" to see Glen, again! He was tenaciously and with gravity-defying determination, making his way up and over the porch railing post cap; whereupon, he soon reclaimed his Mount Everest-like conquering position on the summit of smooth, snow white vinyl. He then undulated on his eight padded and eight pointy feet over to the far side of the post cap where he positioned himself to watch, with some sadness, I imagined, the sunset he longed to see but missed because I thought he'd be happier in a grassy forest of shadows and foreboding, dark crevasses.
I felt sad for Glen and angry at myself for his missing the sunset. Then I rejoiced in the thought that perhaps Glen would soon engulf himself in a cocoon and emerge later as a beautiful butterfly, one that would view God's beautiful sunsets from fluttering wings of the Almighty's design. Wings that would whip the air in subtle pneumatic praises to an awesome and merciful God who showers us daily in his undeserved loving kindness and the company of his praise-inducing creatures like Glen.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
ANSWER:According to a recent study from Yale University researchers, liberated, college educated women are freezing their eggs because they can't find a man to marry and have children with before their natural childbearing years expire. In the U.K., for instance, one in five women is childless when their natural reproductive years expires, as opposed to one in ten women a mere generation prior.
So what's to blame for this onslaught of college-educated yet terribly empty women? ~~Amanda Prestigiacomo, writing for the
The problem is that thanks to hard-left-nut feminism, today's women are she-men--i.e. more male-like than feminine and womanly, so guys reject them because no normal guy wants to marry another "man" with whom he's going to have to constantly be butting heads with. It's too much of a headache.
It isn't difficult, judging from the penis-phobic misandrist rants of feminists what they would define as feminine and womanly: Let's see...constantly finding something to bitch about. Never give-in and make sure your neutered "boyfriend", if you can find one, understands it is you who has the balls, so he'd better do do as instructed. If he wants to "butt heads" with your short-shorn cranium, show him he'll never win against your head of man-hating concrete.
Of course, always be sure to tell him you don't need him or any man --- make him feel as useless as possible. Oh, and be sure to never wear a dress or a skirt, you wouldn't ever want him to have easy access to any part of you that might make you feel vulnerable or make him feel desired.
I believe the problem with today's, hard-left nut, misandry indoctrinated "womyn" could be their testicle and testosterone-phobic denial of the science of biology and neurology with its ancillary embrace of the myth that all differences between women and men are the nothing more than the oppressive manifestation of a patriarchy-entrenched culture. As a result, today's women have been tragically duped by their fellow, mentally ill, misandrist indoctrinators; thus, they've become the type of female any real man would avoid like an infection of herpes.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The shadow of irony exists in the fact that compared to the tyranny of today's constitution-detesting, domestic terrorists embodied in the baby-butchering DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly and their illegally legislating legions of liberty-trampling bureaucrats, King George was a testicle-less piker; and unlike their visionary and courageous forefathers, today's Americans are easily demagogued and manipulated “Useful Idiot” Sheeple, complacent in their submission to the obscene tyranny of that same tyrannical ruling duopoly whose very existence blasphemes our extrication form the grip of evil tyranny paid for with the blood of our forefathers.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
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