What Are Fascist Progressives? Generally

Interestingly, almost all those who are Progressive Fascists, staunchly deny that they are Fascists, clinging to the fallacious, intellectually inert premise that only they and their puppet propagandists in the Fascist Progressive-dominated media are allowed to label political/world-view ideologies.
(2) They are rabid, anti-Christian bigots with contempt for western culture and Judaeo-Christian-based virtues and morality.
(3) Their screeching battle cry of "Social Justice!" is is the equivalent
of "Burn the Cross!"
and "Zeig Heil!". Fascist Progressives are wild-eyed, America-hating, minority-supremacist
bigoted, hate-whitey racists, who like CNN's Don Lemon, wield a fervent hate-on for white people,
(4) They are blood-thirsty birthed-supremacist butchers of pre-born children who delight in the dismembering and disemboweling-alive, or summarily executing by other means, innocents for fun and profit---body-parts-selling profit and political profit. This German Fascist Nazi-like zeal for murdering innocents is exercised within the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of their smug, self-righteous belief that they are the crusading champions of the weak, defenseless and politically disenfranchised.
(4) They are blood-thirsty birthed-supremacist butchers of pre-born children who delight in the dismembering and disemboweling-alive, or summarily executing by other means, innocents for fun and profit---body-parts-selling profit and political profit. This German Fascist Nazi-like zeal for murdering innocents is exercised within the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of their smug, self-righteous belief that they are the crusading champions of the weak, defenseless and politically disenfranchised.
(5) Commonly, they are atheists in the mold of the anti-Christian, hate-filled murderous, Fascist Progressives mass-murdering bigot Devin Kelley of the Sutherland, Texas church massacre notoriety, or they are obnoxious agnostics.
Most Fascist Progressives strongly adhere to a post-modernist world view. They are existential Nihilists for whom there is no absolute truth, except an amorphous, Progressive Fascist-defined "truth"; thus, for them, what is moral is subject to whim, popular opinion and political expediency.
(6) Ironically, Fascist Progressives are very religious, but their religiosity is defined within the parameters of a materialism paradigm. Their demonic deity is a mythical, all-powerful government that is prophesied to achieve a utopian paradise on earth.
(7) Many Fascist Progressives, endowed with mountain-moving faith, are zealous cult adherents to the state-established, anti-science religions of Gore-Bull Warm-ism and Evolution-ism.
Most Fascist Progressives strongly adhere to a post-modernist world view. They are existential Nihilists for whom there is no absolute truth, except an amorphous, Progressive Fascist-defined "truth"; thus, for them, what is moral is subject to whim, popular opinion and political expediency.
(6) Ironically, Fascist Progressives are very religious, but their religiosity is defined within the parameters of a materialism paradigm. Their demonic deity is a mythical, all-powerful government that is prophesied to achieve a utopian paradise on earth.
This religiosity is frequently manifested in their contempt for the human right of self-defense and their role as puppets for the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL). They are adamant in their insistence that common citizens should be forced rely on their mythical deity of an omnipotent and benevolent government for their personal protection; a protection their god of government is not legally required to provide
and can't provide in most instances.
For Fascist Progressives, a common citizen in possession of a gun presents a de facto and blasphemous challenge to the never-to-be-challenged authority of their god of an all-powerful, central government. That is why they are feverish in their religious-zealotry-insistence that common citizens must be disarmed. This is exemplified in this article in the New York Times or as articulated by Fascist Progressive icons like Diane Feinstein and Michael Moore . For the habitually virtue-signaling, Fascist Progressives, this insistence shows their fellow Fascist Progressives that they are devout worshipers of their government deity. The death of disarmed citizens at the hands of criminals and terrorists or power obsessed politicians serves as an atoning sacrifice to their demonic god of government. It is considered a small price to pay for their "saved by works" self-righteousness.
For Fascist Progressives, a common citizen in possession of a gun presents a de facto and blasphemous challenge to the never-to-be-challenged authority of their god of an all-powerful, central government. That is why they are feverish in their religious-zealotry-insistence that common citizens must be disarmed. This is exemplified in this article in the New York Times or as articulated by Fascist Progressive icons like Diane Feinstein and Michael Moore . For the habitually virtue-signaling, Fascist Progressives, this insistence shows their fellow Fascist Progressives that they are devout worshipers of their government deity. The death of disarmed citizens at the hands of criminals and terrorists or power obsessed politicians serves as an atoning sacrifice to their demonic god of government. It is considered a small price to pay for their "saved by works" self-righteousness.
(7) Many Fascist Progressives, endowed with mountain-moving faith, are zealous cult adherents to the state-established, anti-science religions of Gore-Bull Warm-ism and Evolution-ism.
(8) Fascist Progressives detest the constitution, dismissing it as the oppressive musings of old, slave-owning, white racists.They also abhor the precepts upon which our nation
was founded, i.e. inalienable rights bestowed by God & individual
liberty, within a framework of personal responsibility. They detest the idea of a central
government very limited in it's scope and authority, as articulated in
Article 1; Section 8 and the 10th Amendment of the constitution. A constitution which designates the federal government's primary role as being the protector of our God-endowed, unalienable rights.
(9) For Fascist Progressives, people are not "..endowed by their Creator..." with those aforementioned unalienable rights,
as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Their ideology
asserts that "rights" are granted by a Fascist Progressive-controlled,
totalitarian, central government; furthermore, they believe that "rights" should be
allocated based on one's position in their intersectionality hierarchy of
"victim-hood". For example: A sexually dysfunctional homosexual couple is considered very
high within the progressive Fascist's hierarchy of victim-hood; thus, they are bestowed the right to enslave a sexually normal, white couple--persons at the bottom of that hierarchy--into baking a wedding cake for them, against their will and religious convictions, in a de facto, tyrannical repeal of the 1st and 13th Amendments to the constitution.
(10) The Fascist Progressive's Brown-shirts are embodied in the violence embracing, minority-supremacist-dominated, hate-whitey-racist Black Lives Matter Mob and the fascist Antifa thug militias. Their "Social Justice" missions are to intimidate, bully, beat or murder anyone who opposes the Fascist Progressive's world view and agenda.
(10) The propaganda dispensing organs for Fascist Progressives are, among many others, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Salon, Vox, The Huffington Post, MEDIAite, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and Hollywood's various entertainment-producing powerhouses. Hollywood's role is focused on covertly manipulating public opinion within the context of a plethora diversionary "shiny object" 'Bread & Circuses", mind and morals-rotting entertainment garbage. The "News" media's role is to obscure or ignore reporting on any story that may disparage Fascist Progressives. They are also tasked with disseminating clever lies promoting the Fascist Progressive's agenda of One-Size-Fits-All-ism tyranny.
Additionally, one of the main objectives of their "news" propagandists is to covertly shape public perception by always endeavoring to frame any debate, with someone in opposition to the Fascist Progressive agenda, within the context of false premises. For example: "So-&-So, since the knee-taking sports team members are protesting the oppression of minorities (the false premise of minorities are oppressed) in our systemically racist country (the false premise of a systemically racist country), aren't those of you who oppose their taking the knee during the National Anthem simply racist (the false premise that any opposition to Fascist Progressive agenda is inherently racist)?"
(11) Fascist Progressives embrace the "New Nationalism" of hate-America, rabid globalism. Fascist Progressives, sanctimoniously view themselves as citizens of the world, who just happen to reside, through no fault of their own, in the oppressive, imperialist, bigoted United States--the focal point of all that is evil in the world. They viciously denigrate the "Old Nationalism"; wherein, America's citizens and leaders revered our nation's customs, Judeo-Christian-based culture, history & traditions.
Fascist Progressives have contempt for patriotic citizens who believe in guarding the sovereignty & interests of the United States, instead of advancing the Fascist Progressive agenda for global, one-size-fits-all government; an omnipotent "one-world" government where "Woke" elite masterminds dispense "fact-checked truth", social justice and egalitarianism for all.
Fascist Progressives demonstrate their zealous loyalty to the globalism dogma of the "New Nationalism" by their traitorous, invader-sphincter-sucking, advocacy for open borders. For the sovereignty-phobic Fascist Progressive, the countless thousands of American citizens robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized by hordes of their beloved invaders each year is a small price to pay for their self-righteous "Citizen Of The World", virtue signaling. Besides, in the mind of a minority-supremacist racist, Fascist Progressive bigot, those robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized were probably white and thus deserved it anyway.
In conclusion, the spittle-spewing Fascist Progressive freedom-loathing ideology, feverish hate, convulsive intolerance, minority-supremacist racist bigotry, demonic baby-butchering and violence-embracing proclivities clearly delineate them as THE existential, domestic terrorist threat; one that surpasses any danger to our liberties presented by the likes of ISIS or Al Queda.
(11) Fascist Progressives embrace the "New Nationalism" of hate-America, rabid globalism. Fascist Progressives, sanctimoniously view themselves as citizens of the world, who just happen to reside, through no fault of their own, in the oppressive, imperialist, bigoted United States--the focal point of all that is evil in the world. They viciously denigrate the "Old Nationalism"; wherein, America's citizens and leaders revered our nation's customs, Judeo-Christian-based culture, history & traditions.
Fascist Progressives have contempt for patriotic citizens who believe in guarding the sovereignty & interests of the United States, instead of advancing the Fascist Progressive agenda for global, one-size-fits-all government; an omnipotent "one-world" government where "Woke" elite masterminds dispense "fact-checked truth", social justice and egalitarianism for all.
Fascist Progressives demonstrate their zealous loyalty to the globalism dogma of the "New Nationalism" by their traitorous, invader-sphincter-sucking, advocacy for open borders. For the sovereignty-phobic Fascist Progressive, the countless thousands of American citizens robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized by hordes of their beloved invaders each year is a small price to pay for their self-righteous "Citizen Of The World", virtue signaling. Besides, in the mind of a minority-supremacist racist, Fascist Progressive bigot, those robbed, raped, murdered or otherwise victimized were probably white and thus deserved it anyway.
In conclusion, the spittle-spewing Fascist Progressive freedom-loathing ideology, feverish hate, convulsive intolerance, minority-supremacist racist bigotry, demonic baby-butchering and violence-embracing proclivities clearly delineate them as THE existential, domestic terrorist threat; one that surpasses any danger to our liberties presented by the likes of ISIS or Al Queda.
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