It's time for REAL, i.e. constitutional conservatives to demonstrate enough courage to "put the dog down". Yes, it's time to put the RepugnantGoon party out of it's misery by making it assume it deserved position as THE proverbial "third party", and get a new puppy, e.g. the Constitution Party or Federalist Party.
Sure, a new puppy will entail some house breaking (financial support and work for more ballot access), but it's better than a walking a dead dog in the fight for conservative principles and being a duped "Useful Idiot" accessory to the permanent entrenchment of our tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic. A banana republic wherein the "consent of the governed" and "no legislation without representation" are now empty bromides as evidenced by the fact that the majority of our laws are now enacted by un-elected and unaccountable government bureaucrats. A banana republic wrought, in part by the "progressives"-dominated, constitution-detesting and liberty-loathing RepugnantGoon faction of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.
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