This purging of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon corrupticians should then be followed by an amending the Constitution so that a citizen is required to pass a constitution literacy test . This would lessen the possibility of the establishment of another, tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic like that with which the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly and their loyalist "useful idiot" sheeple have been terrorizing the country for the last 80-plus years.
Afterwards, with the goal of establishing a non-discriminatory, fair and equal method of funding the actual constitutionally authorized responsibilities of the Federal Government, a method wherein EVERYONE has "skin in the game", we should burn the current, immoral, 74,000+ page, incomprehensible tax code and repeal the 16th Amendment. We could then achieve the aforementioned goal with a flat-tax; one with a rate statutorily limited (by constitutional amendment) to funding a truly constitutional budget that must receive ratification by 3/4 of all states; wherein, they certify that the budget contains only those items authorized within the context of Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution and the 10th Amendment, e.g. no ethanol subsidies corporate welfare, no funding for the Department of Education, PBS, Planned Baby-Butchering, et al.
This is what we must do. We won't do it though because the American people are the stupidest people to ever populate a nation. Indeed, they embody the most easily demagogued and manipulated imbeciles ever churned out by government-run, progressive-ism-centric, youth indoctrination centers, aka: public schools, staffed by "progressive" ALT-Left union thugs. That's why we will always be under the despotic jack-boot of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's IRS-Gestapo that crushes our necks with their incomprehensible tax code.
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