No doubt the FTETs were wielding semi or full-auto guns with "large capacity" magazines for their murderous deed, a right they and their statist slave-masters want to deny to us commoner riff-raff.
Outrageously, when the video ends at the 8 minute mark no attempt has been made by any of the FTETs to ascertain the condition of he downed patriot Mr. Finicum, in order to see if first aid should be rendered. They were probably too busy high-fiving each other or perhaps spitting, urinating and defecating on a copy of the constitution they carry around for a portable latrine.
For the courageous Mr. Finicum, It was either die a free man in the fight for liberty or face the inevitability of, at worst, being gunned-downed without attempting to defend himself; or at best, facing the prospect of being convicted by a federal kangaroo court with a jury stacked with constitution illiterate Obamatard/Statists and enviro-wacko puppets and subsequently becoming a political prisoner, enduring a long prison term. In any event, Mr. Finicum died as a great patriot and hero for daring to defy the the lawless and traitorous contempt for the constitution by the evil DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, their FTETs and all the "useful idiots" in the electorate that keep the ruling duopoly in power.
This tyrannical murdering of Mr. Finicum brings to mind when the rapist Bill Clinton's fascist Attorney General Janet Reno sent government tyranny enforcing thugs into Waco Texas to burn-to-death a bunch women and children at a religious compound for their defiance against federal anti- 1st and 2nd Amendment tyranny.
Meanwhile, in Barry's "fundamentally transformed" Banana Republic of Amerika, with its two-tier “justice” system; Barry Soetoro, aka: Obama, our Muslim Domestic Terrorist and Pathological Liar-dictator, remains free and un-murdered though he routinely breaks the "law-of-the-land" constitution, as does the Congress and SCOTUS. The IRS-Gestapo agent Lois Lerner gets a lucrative government pension, Barry and his BATFE thugs remain unpunished after distributing guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, and lawless Sanctuary City politicians are lauded as heroes with bi-partisan, illegal funding funding from congress.
As an added banana republic bonus, it's unlikely Barry's corrupt DOJ will indict the national security-ignoring,spy-life gambling, arrogant, amoral, war-on-women-rapist-enabling, ethics-devoid, power-obsessed, insidiously evil, habitually lying, purified, festering, infectious, pathogen-infested, walking bag of seething maggot butt-pus Shrillary Rotten Clitoris. Even now she remains free to campaign for the highest office in the land whereas had you, I, or any Western State rancher done what she is accused of, we'd all be in jail pending trial or only free after posting an enormous bond.
Rest in peace Robert Levoy Finicum.
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