"fundamentally transformed" Banana Republic of Amerika with its two-tier “justice” system; one where in the upper tier of the ruling elites, IRS-Gestapo agent Lois Lerner gets a lucrative government pension, Barry's BATFE thugs remain unpunished after distributing guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and lawless Sanctuary City politicians are lauded as heroes with bi-partisan funding from congress. So, there's not much chance of Barry's corrupt DOJ indicting the amoral, war-on-women-rapist-enabling, ethics-devoid, power-obsessed, insidiously evil, habitually lying, putrefied, festering, infectious, pathogen-infested, walking bag of seething maggot butt-pus like Shrillary Rotten Clitoris.
Meanwhile, in the lower tier, a town clerk will spend days in jail for refusing to comply with a tyrannical, unconstitutional edict from SCOTUS to issue marriage licenses to mentally ill, sexually dysfunctional vagina-phobic anus/rectum/poop-chute-philes, the IRS-Gestapo will continue to harass conservatives & seize citizen bank accounts without constitutional "Due Process", federal thugs will confiscate the property of innocents via unconstitutional "asset forfeiture" laws and no expense will be spared harassing cattle ranchers in Western states.
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