..how hard does the jack-boot of progressive fascist tyranny have to be pressing down upon your neck before you'll be willing to start USING the 2nd Amendment for why it's in the constitution instead of just TALKING about why it's in the constitution?
Will it be after A SWAT team shows up at your door to confiscate your guns, with no due-process, because you "glared" at someone?
Will it be after they force your wife, daughter, son, life-long friend to undergo a background check for you to loan or gift them a gun?
Will it be after they force you to undergo a background check to buy ammunition?
Will it be after they ban your "High Capacity" standard capacity magazines and make you a felon if you don't turn them in?
Will it be after they force you to tell them, via their gun registry, where all your guns are?
Will it be after they ban semi-auto rifles and make you a felon if you don't turn them in?
Will it be after they ban all your pistols and make you a felon if you don't turn them in?
Will it be BEFORE it's too late?
"The sick minds of the traitorous right! It's time to design concentration camps to concentrate the evil assholes into a much smaller group, and then eliminate them entirely!!"~~Progressive commenting at dailycaller.com, using the pseudonym of Phyllis Shafly