What their I.Q.-diminishing mental illness prevents them from realizing is that the 1st Amendment Free speech civil right is only "infringed" via "Due Process" AFTER the unlawful exercise of that right, i.e. you can be prosecuted for slandering people or yelling "Fire" in the proverbial crowded theater.
When it comes to the 1st Amendment, no sane person is suggesting that every innocent citizen who has never done those things be preemptively subjected to a laryngnectomy, so as to lessen the chances an evil person doing evil things with their speech.
In like manner, the exercise of one's 2nd Amendment civil rights should be viewed. No respecter of civil rights should suggest that 99.999999+% of citizens be preemptively deprived of their 2nd Amendment civil rights (analogous to a "Fire!"-preventative laryngnectomy) in order to lessen the chance of .0000000308,+/- % of evil persons using a gun to mass-murder. </b></i></u>
It is indisputably immoral to punish innocents, i.e. law-abiding citizens, for the sins of the guilty, i.e. mass-murderers; whereas it IS moral to punish the guilty via "Due Process".
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