Their sissy-ness is also evidenced by the fact that most know nothing or very little
about firearms, except to assert that we need more infringements on
the 2nd Amendment and to ignorantly call magazines "clips" as they whine that, "They hold too many bullets!". They are tampon-wearing, government-dependent wusses who couldn't or wouldn't use a firearm to defend themselves or their family from an attack by terrorists, a horde of hate-whitey, Black-Lives-Matter racists or other thugs.
There are "She-Males" who do own guns and know how to use them, you can recognize them for the actual panty-waists that they are from the fact that are always eager to TALK ABOUT WHY the 2nd Amendment is in the constitution but never seem to actually want to USE IT FOR WHY it's in the constitution. This is true even though there is plenty of evidence suggesting that the time has come for our heavily armed populace to march on D.C. and do some lethal house cleaning in order to restore our once-great, but now defunct, constitutional republic. A republic that was long ago replaced by the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's People's Banana Republik of Amerika. These gun-owning wimps will be fully exposed after the corrupticians on D.C.s Capitol Hill vote for, or the neo-fascist SCOTUS approves our next dictator's edict to confiscate our guns. They'll will dutifully turn them in lest they be shot and killed or jailed trying to keep them. That would really put a damper on their vicariously pretending to be real men by watching the bread and circuses of Monday Night Football.
To add to their shame, "She-Males" of all kinds are also prone to habitually spitting, urinating and
defecating in the spilled blood of the great REAL MEN & patriots of the past. They do this by
voting to keep in power the constitution-contemptuous,
freedom-loathing and tyrannical DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling
duopoly. An insidiously evil and vile, vote-buying, ruling duopoly who's
neo-fascist agenda is facilitated by the constitutional-illiteracy of today's panty-waisted, latte-sipping, limp-wristed, nad-atrophied "men" and their domineering, feminist leash-holders. Today's faux-men fem-males robotically support the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, as it bullies and oppresses them by means of taxation without representation, i.e. countless unelected bureaucrats enacting laws,
and through representation without taxation, i.e. almost half of
Americans pay no income tax yet they get to vote to pick the pockets
of those who do.
If you still stand up to pee, look down next time you do, and see if you have a pair. If you do, you're either Michelle Obama or a biological male. If you're the latter and not the former, unshackle yourself from your masculinity suppressing metro-sexuality she-maleness. Read the writings of our founders, starting with The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, then The Federalist Papers, the writings of John Locke and other champions of liberty. Then read To Ride, Shoot Straight, And Speak The Truth by Jeff Cooper. Buy a gun, if you don't already own one, or better yet several guns and a stockpile of ammunition. Learn how to legally, safely and effectively use your firearms. Get a concealed carry permit and stand ready to protect yourself and your family. Also be ready to take up arms with your state's militia in fighting against the tyranny of the ruling duopoly since time to do that came a long time ago.
Lastly, show dominance over your lower urges by refusing to overeat. Get off your fat ass and exercise regularly. Only support and vote for those who have a manifested understanding of the constitution, the principles upon which this nation was founded, and a demonstrated history of action that reflects a commitment to defending that document and those principles.
Now do it! Oo-rah!