APPALLINGLY, invader-butt-kissing and sphincter-sucking Progressive Nazis in both the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly, through their barrier-phobic facilitation of the invader's invasion of our county, are traitorous accessories to Americans being brutally terrorized by the robbing, raping and murdering invaders among the un-vetted invading hordes upon whose butt-holes the lips of traitorous Progressive Nazis are so firmly affixed.
The invader butt-kissers within the traitorous DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly hate the idea of funding a border wall but love the idea of funding more "surveillance technology". That's because they know it's mostly a "too late" measure that allows the invaders to invade, maybe be apprehended, and then enjoy the ruling duopoly's traitorous "Catch & Release" de facto amnesty.
With much effort, almost any barrier can be eventually circumvented. With that in mind, the implicit, retarded "logic" of traitorous, invader-butt-kissing Progressive Nazis is "Because a wall can be circumvented with much effort; therefore, we should have no wall so that no effort is required to invade our country.
Some say that because of the Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer "Shut-down", ICE agents aren't being paid. If that is true, it speaks volumes about how the traitorous, invader-butt-kissing and sphincter-sucking DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly view our national security and those who work to achieve it as "Non-Essential".
Neither faction of the traitorous, invader-butt-kissing RepugnantGoon & DemonCrap ruling duopoly wants to really stop the invasion. Behind the smoke & mirrors, the traitorous RepugnantGoon party is a lap-dog for the Chamber Of Commerce and corporate cheap labor interests that fund their campaigns, and behind the political theater, the traitorous DemonCraps are eager for more parasites that will vote for their "Freebies For Everyone" agenda that will give them the permanent hold on power they've coveted for decades.
"Some invaders come in through other entry points; therefore, we should not stop the hordes of them form coming in across our Southern border." This kind of imbecilic "logic" is analogous to declaring, "Criminals can get guns from smugglers and on the black market, therefore, we don't need to create a barrier to them getting guns from licensed gun dealers by forcing them to undergo a background check."
With much effort, almost any barrier can be eventually circumvented. With that in mind, the implicit, inert-I.Q. "logic" of traitorous, invader-butt-kissing Progressive Nazis is "Because a wall can be circumvented with much effort; therefore, we should have no wall so that no effort is required to invade our country.
I don't care if the Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer shut-down goes on indefinitely. The longer "NON-ESSENTIAL" government, parasite employees are off work, the better the chance is that they'll eventually become ESSENTIAL employees in the private sector.
Have you removed the lock barriers from your doors and advertised your home address on the web as a "Sanctuary Residence" for your beloved invaders in order to "show solidarity with them, or are you just a COLOSSAL HYPOCRITE like Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer who haven't done those things either??
Since Trump has no testicles, declaring a "National Emergency" as a vehicle for building his long-promised "Mexico-paid-for" wall, would serve only to provide a traitorous, invader-butt-kissing, Obama-appointed judicial tyrant an opportunity to make the spineless Trump whimper, simply issuing a tyrannical judicial order to Trump saying "No!"
Have you noticed how even though traitorous, MEGA-HYPOCRITE Progressive Nazi's beloved invaders kill far more Americans every year than scary-looking, "shootier", ugly black rifles, the traitorous, invader butt-kissing Progressive Nazis never want to BAN the INVADERS from invading our county?
Negotiating prowess??
I predict the testicle-less, ly'n POS Trump and the invader-butt-kissing RepugnantGoons in the Senate and The House will collude with their fellow traitorous invader butt-kissers among the DemonCraps to provide a "token" amount of funding for a barrier (far less than the 5 Billion requested) in exchange for a enactment of another one of their Amnesty Schemes for their beloved invaders. It will include no "Chain Migration" fix, no repeal of the Schumer "Immigration Lottery" or mandatory E-Verify of potential employees; thus, providing millions of new, future Progressive Nazi voters.
Invaders commit less crimes than citizens???
(1) Illegally entering and remaining in the country IS A CRIME.
(2) Illegally working in this country IS A CRIME.
(3) Illegally using a phony or stolen SSN to work in this country IS A
Therefore, most, if not all invaders, are criminals and their apologists are a frick'n invader-butt-kissing traitors to our country.
All illegal-alien invaders, have committed the crime of illegally invading the country, that includes the invaders who overstayed their VISAs. Additionally every invader using a stolen or phony SSN are committing a felony, so to cite open-borders agenda-driven, invader-butt-kissing web sources asserting they commit fewer crimes per capita than citizens if absurd. Even if the invaders were saints, (and they aren't) the "less crimes than citizens" argument is demonstrative of a contempt for the rule of law, and it embodies the kind of moral relativism that traitorous invader butt-kissers use to rationalize their oxymoronic facilitation of evil, i.e. "My beloved invaders are saints therefore it's O.K. that they break the law to get here and work here."
A traitorous, invader-butt-kissing Progressive Nazi HYPOCRITE will simultaneously detest an invasion of their home or making their home a "sanctuary" for their beloved invaders, while at the same time advocating that everyone else endure an invasion of their home country to include traitorous safe havens for your beloved invaders.
You wouldn't be a hypocrite for supporting the military while not joining yourself. You would be a hypocrite if you insisted that everyone else join the military while doing whatever necessary to avoid joining the military yourself. In analogous manner, if you advocate forcing everyone to endure an invasion of their country by your beloved invaders, while actively ensuring that you aren't inconvenienced by your beloved invaders, i.e. leaving the lock barriers on doors and not advertising one's home on the web as a sanctuary residence for invaders, that makes you a colossal HYPOCRITE."
Barrier door locks in a house ARE analogous to a border barrier. Both work in that they deter all but the most determined invaders. The rest will either forego invading a home or a country altogether or move on to a softer target, i.e. the home of the idiot who has no locks on his doors or through a barrier-less section of the border of a country run by traitorous invader-butt-kissing corrupticians in Washington, D.C.
It's a fallacy to assert that barrier door locks only keep honest men honest since an honest man wouldn't dream of entering a house without permission and with malicious intent. Barrier door locks, like border barriers, are intended to encourage dishonest men to be honest.
Indeed, homes CAN be invaded even with the best barrier locks on the doors. But this will only be attempted by a determined invader who wants to risk getting caught while taking the extra time and effort to circumvent the barrier lock. Most most invaders would rather go to a softer target, i.e. a home with no barrier locks where success is virtually guaranteed or forego invading a home altogether; thus, a wall barrier is analogous to a lock barrier in that like door locks it isn't full-proof, but like a door lock it acts as a great deterrent to all but the most determined invader idiot, thus reducing the number of successful invaders just as locks reduce the number of home invaders.
Some among the neuron-neutered, traitorous invader butt-kissers that don't want a border wall, have stated we shouldn't have a wall because "..it would require annual upkeep costs AND a full time, armed staff to monitor the wall to ensure that it works". These brain-dead idiots don't realize that without a wall to make it far more difficult for invaders to go from point A to prohibited point B, you MUST HAVE a full-time, MASSIVE AND COSTLY staff to act as a human wall to stop the invaders who, absent a wall, can invade with impunity.
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