Thursday, November 30, 2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
I shared in HATE-WHITEY RACISM -- MY EXPERIENCE: PART 1 how it seemed apparent that I was victimized by systemic, Fascist Progressive, inter-sectional dogma-driven, minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism. A racism institutionalized in the San Bernardino Community College District and embodied in reverse discrimination. This was evidenced by some simple statistical analysis that the Director Of Personnel Services for that District, a Negro, did not even bother to contest.
In this post I submit to you another chronicle of my experience of being oppressed under the systemic, reverse discrmination of minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism wrought by Fascist Progressivism.
The below images show the text of a letter that I read before the Colton City Council on April 7, 1992. It serves as a stinging indictment against the institutionalized hate-whitey racism practiced by the city of Colton, California.
In this post I submit to you another chronicle of my experience of being oppressed under the systemic, reverse discrmination of minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racism wrought by Fascist Progressivism.
The below images show the text of a letter that I read before the Colton City Council on April 7, 1992. It serves as a stinging indictment against the institutionalized hate-whitey racism practiced by the city of Colton, California.

The inter-sectional dogma-driven Fascist Progressive, minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racists would have us believe that racism is an intrinsic part of anyone who isn't a part of an ethno/race-centric, "person of color", inter-sectional "victim" group. They've been so successful in promoting that false narrative that systemic, hate-whitey racism & reverse discrimination are now common across our nation. I learned this personally over 25 years ago.
The below imaged letter, dated 3/27/1992, and addressed to the Director of Personnel Services for the San Bernardino, California Community College District, a Negro, from whom I received no response, documents my experience at being victimized by the oppression of "progressive" ALT-left minority-supremacist hate-whitey racism:
The below imaged letter, dated 3/27/1992, and addressed to the Director of Personnel Services for the San Bernardino, California Community College District, a Negro, from whom I received no response, documents my experience at being victimized by the oppression of "progressive" ALT-left minority-supremacist hate-whitey racism:
Friday, November 17, 2017

This purging of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon corrupticians should then be followed by an amending the Constitution so that a citizen is required to pass a constitution literacy test . This would lessen the possibility of the establishment of another, tyrannical, post-constitutional banana republic like that with which the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly and their loyalist "useful idiot" sheeple have been terrorizing the country for the last 80-plus years.
Afterwards, with the goal of establishing a non-discriminatory, fair and equal method of funding the actual constitutionally authorized responsibilities of the Federal Government, a method wherein EVERYONE has "skin in the game", we should burn the current, immoral, 74,000+ page, incomprehensible tax code and repeal the 16th Amendment. We could then achieve the aforementioned goal with a flat-tax; one with a rate statutorily limited (by constitutional amendment) to funding a truly constitutional budget that must receive ratification by 3/4 of all states; wherein, they certify that the budget contains only those items authorized within the context of Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution and the 10th Amendment, e.g. no ethanol subsidies corporate welfare, no funding for the Department of Education, PBS, Planned Baby-Butchering, et al.
This is what we must do. We won't do it though because the American people are the stupidest people to ever populate a nation. Indeed, they embody the most easily demagogued and manipulated imbeciles ever churned out by government-run, progressive-ism-centric, youth indoctrination centers, aka: public schools, staffed by "progressive" ALT-Left union thugs. That's why we will always be under the despotic jack-boot of the domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly's IRS-Gestapo that crushes our necks with their incomprehensible tax code.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
(1) Don't be like the church-goers who bought into the progressive ALT-left fascist "BIG LIE": "Oh you don't need to carry a gun to protect yourself & loved ones, the police will do it!"
(2) Tell the string-pullers of the "progressive" ALT-left fascist's, i.e. the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL) to "Got to Hell!", by always "packing heat" wherever you go.
(3) The NRA instructor "Hero" who took his AR-15 and interrupted the murdering spree of the "progressive", atheist, ALT-Left fascist Devin Kelley was delayed by his having to load his AR's magazine. Always have your weapon loaded and ready to take out any Devin Kelley-like "progessive" ALT-Left fascist mass-murderer or Senator Chuck Schumer-imported infidel-phobic murdering MuzScum driving a high-powered truck with a high-capacity front-end for mowing down innocents..
(2) Tell the string-pullers of the "progressive" ALT-left fascist's, i.e. the powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL) to "Got to Hell!", by always "packing heat" wherever you go.
(3) The NRA instructor "Hero" who took his AR-15 and interrupted the murdering spree of the "progressive", atheist, ALT-Left fascist Devin Kelley was delayed by his having to load his AR's magazine. Always have your weapon loaded and ready to take out any Devin Kelley-like "progessive" ALT-Left fascist mass-murderer or Senator Chuck Schumer-imported infidel-phobic murdering MuzScum driving a high-powered truck with a high-capacity front-end for mowing down innocents..
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