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Hate-Whitey Racist Murderers of Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom |
This is evidenced by FBI, 2018 Crime Statistics; wherein, in black-white interracial crimes, blacks are the perpetrators over 90% of the time.
Then there is the this video of rioting, black, hate-whitey racist savages in Milwaukee calling for vicious attacks on innocent white folks, or this video & this video of a Macy's employee and a 12-year-old by being sucker-punched by black, rabid, hate-whitey racists.
- BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!: check out this video of a depraved, hate-whitey racist man punching a 90-year-old woman and this video of a black, BLM cockroach kicking an incapacitated white man in the head. Don't miss this video of a racist black punching a 55-year-old Asian woman. Then there is this video of a CRT dogma-indoctrinated black brutally beating a 67-year-old Asian woman. and this video of a black, hate-whitey racist trying to enforce black-supremacist segregation at the University Of Virginia. Then there is this article documenting the murderous hate-whitey racism of another rabidly racist black. As an added demonic example, there is this article of how a minority-supremacist, hate-whitey racist kidnapped a white baby and burned the child to death. But wait! There more: there's this article about a hate-whitey racist that shot a 5-year-old white boy, point-blank, in the head. As an added bonus, there's this this video & this video & this article documenting that if you're "The evil White man", against which almost all blacks are indoctrinated with hate-whitey racism from birth, you are far more likely to be violently victimized by a black person than they are likely to be victimized by a white person, even though they make up a smaller part of the population.
With these disturbing facts in mind, if you're one of the proverbial "White Crackers" vilified within the predominantly racist "Black Community"...
.. Always pack heat! ALWAYS!!!!!
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Springfield XD Compact Semi-Auto |
I recommend, if you are physically capable, that you pack a good quality, reliable semi-auto of a minimum .40 caliber and a capacity of at least 13 rounds in the magazine and a 14th round "in the pipe", i.e. the chamber. Oh, and don't forget at least two spare magazines (don't call them "clips", they're something entirely different).
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A Smith & Wesson revolver, aka: "Wheel Gun" |
Once you have your "heater", I also STRONGLY recommend that you get some training on how to safely and effectively operate and store your firearm before you ever take it out of the box!
Beware, though; in seeking gun safety training don't inadvertently contact an evil, freedom-loathing, anti-self-defense puppet of the Powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL), like the insidiously evil EveryTown For Gun Safety . It would be a serious mistake to think that just because they have "Safety" in their name that they'll train you in gun safety. What they'll do is everything possible to convince you that when you or your family are confronted with an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily injury of death, by a rabid hate-whitey racist or other evil-doer, that you'll be safer if you are helplessly disarmed and defenseless, like all the hapless innocents killed in the Fort Hood, Paris France and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Then they'll ask you for donation in order to fund their sinister efforts to infringe on your civil right to self-defense. Instead, get your safety training from the largest, oldest gun safety and civil rights organization in America: The National Rifle Association, aka: NRA. You can find a certified NRA instructor at this LINK.
O.K., so now you've got you good quality defensive firearm and a concealed carry purse or concealed carry holster as well as a concealed carry magazine holder to carry your "lead-lobber" and your extra defensive ammo with you at all times, but it won't do you much good if you are not constantly engaged in assessing your environment. The sooner you recognize a threat the sooner your can react and the better chance you'll have of not having to display or discharge your "heater" in order to stay alive. That means when you're outside your low-risk home or workplace, in an unsecure location like the mall, the grocery store or the gas station, don't have your head buried up your keester, buy constantly fixating on your smart phone. Being obsessed with the latest text, email or news is a good prescription for being victimized by a minority-supremacist hate-whitey racist bigot, or a Devin Kelley-like secularist-supremacist with a hate-on for Christians, an infidel-phobic MusScum imported by the MuzScum-butt-kissing DemonCraps & RepugnantGoons or some other evil-doer that happens to come upon your phone-mesmerized state of a self-induced coma. Instead, endeavor to keep your head up and swiveling back and forth, your eyes darting two and fro to constantly assess your environment. This level of alertness is often called the "YELLOW" level of situational awareness. This "YELLOW" level is also the time to become cognizant of any existing cover that could stop a bullet as well as any exits to facilitate your retreat if that presents itself as a viable option.
Then, if at all possible never allow one of a hate-whitey racist or other evil-doer to get closer than 100 feet to you. They can usually be recognized by their obvious aversion to employment or doing anything else that could be judged to be a normal productive activity. Hate-whitey racists or other evil-doers who are loitering or mindlessly wandering around in groups of two or more should always put you in the more intense "ORANGE" level of situational awareness. You should then be saying to yourself "Do I have time to move to a safer, threat avoiding position?" "Where is that good cover I saw earlier?" "If I'm attacked by this guy/those guys, What will be my battle plan? Are their innocent people that would be in my line of fire if I maintain my current position? If so, where could I move to negate imperiling the innocent? Do I have time to call 911 right now?
If one of his seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist "sons/daughters" starts to approach you, getting within fifty feet or closer, their eyes fixed on you, you should shift into the "RED" level of situational awareness. if possible, and being mindful of trip hazards, back away, in order to maintain as much distance between you and the potential hate-whitey racist/criminal threat as possible. Raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice so that not only the threat but as many witnesses as possible will hear and see what's going on:
At this point, you've made it clear to the potential threat, and as many witnesses as possible, that you are in fear for you life and for the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer to stay away from you. Any sane person, without malicious intent would recognize and respect your concern for your safety and immediately halt their advance toward you.
Up to this point, you've done done everything possible to negate the possibility of being accused of "brandishing a weapon" (research your state laws on this subject). Now, if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to advance toward you, this is the time when your danger awareness escalates to the RED level. Things are getting serious now and you may have to implement one or more of the possible courses of action you formulated earlier during the "ORANGE" level.
Assuming an exit/retreating option is not viable, and only if you still have sufficient time/distance between you and the seemingly unarmed advancing racist/evil-doer threat, again, raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! Do this as you grab the grip of your still holstered gun. For the ladies carrying in their purse, this exposure would probably entail a partial withdrawal of your gun from your purse, being careful to keep the muzzle pointed into the purse.
This "hand on grip", exposing of your weapon step, when faced with a seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer, will serve you well should some ass-hole "progressive" or other anti-civil rights leftist-nut, zealot prosecutor try to put you in prison for defending your life or the lives of your loved ones. Why? Because now if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to approach you and you stupidly decide not to shoot in self-defense defense, it is plausible and reasonable to assume that the hate whitey racist/other evil-doer could overpower you, take your gun and use it on you/your loved ones. It has happened to many hesitant/careless police officers.
If the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer is so stupid that even after they see you're armed with a gun, and are prepared to use deadly force and they are still advancing toward you, quickly remove your previously gripped gun from your holster/purse and, assuming you still have time/distance, bring it to the "low-ready position" while continuing to command "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! In my never-go-be-humble opinion, "..sufficient time/distance would be no less than 21 feet (Tueller Rule), particularly if the advancing threat is wielding a knife or other non-ballistic (not a gun) weapon, i.e. fists, knife, blunt object, etc . At this point, i.e. 21 feet or less, if the still seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer keeps advancing toward you after you have issued the second or subsequent "Stop" commands, he/she/they is/are an existential lethal threat to you.
Now's the time to rabpidly shift into the "BLACK" or "Battle" level of situational awareness. You'll be legally justified in shooting him/her/they until he/she/they no longer poses a threat of grave bodily harm or death to you or a third party. In this kind of do or die situation, your body will flood with adrenaline, you'll lose your fine motor skills and you may develop tunnel vision. If two or more hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers are threatening you, may need a lot of ammunition. This is where those extra "high capacity" (actually they are standard capacity) magazines will come in handy since, contrary to what the producers of Hollywood "shoot-em-up" movies would have you believe, it is a rare single bullet that will stop a determined single threat let alone a group of two or more approaching hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers.
Remember, everything up to this point applies only to a seemingly unarmed threat and only if if you still have time to use your weapon to prevent the threat from getting close enough to you (21 feet) to use a concealed weapon on you or to overpower you. If at anytime the threat displays a non-ballistic weapon in their approach toward you, quickly draw your gun, "front-sight" the threat and shout, (only if there is still time) "Stop!!! Drop the crowbar/club/knife/bottle/table leg. If they refuse and keep coming at you, "Front Sight" and fire for "center mass" until the threat no longer exists. If at any time they display a gun as they approach you, immediately draw your weapon, "Front Sight" and start firing as you put as much distance/cover between you and the approaching, gun wielding hate-whitey racist/criminal as possible. This will be the time when all those hours you spent at the outdoor range practice firing while moving may prove to be what saves your life.
When you have to shoot, always aim for center mass and keep firing until the potential hate-whitey racist ""sons/daughters"" of Barry is/are no longer an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily harm or death. The "no longer" includes consciously overcoming any tunnel vision to check for additional threats on your periphery and behind you. It doesn't include chasing after a fleeing hate-whitey racist while you blaze away. If you killed the hate-whitey racist under that kind of circumstance, a competent prosecutor could have no problem convincing a jury that the fleeing racist posed no threat to you at that point and that you were nothing more than a cold-blooded killer for shooting him to death
When you've finished using your lead-based hate-whitey racist repellant, this is when you shift into the D-SAS (Don't Say Anything Stupid) color level of "situational awareness. Yeah, I know it's not a color, but the objective now is to avoid doing or saying anything that an asshole, leftist-DemonCrap, self-defense, civil-right-hating zealot prosecutor could use to advance his/her political career at the expense of your being incarcerated in a cell with Bubba who keeps telling you what a nice tush you have. So, if you havn't already done so, immediately call 911 to report that "....there was a shooting" and that "I feared for my life!" Under no circumstances volunteer any other information to the 911 operator other than the location of "the shooting" and the need for emergency medical personnel to arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Leave the line open but DO NOT volunteer any additional information regarding the circumstances surrounding the shooting to the 911 operator. If no other threats are evident, unload your weapon and place it in plain view with the slide back, magazine removed/cylinder out and the gun out of your immediate reach This is so the cops will view you as less of a threat to them when they arrive. If possible, lend first aid to the wounded or dying hate-whitey racist "son(s)" of Barry Soetoro or the wounded/dying criminal.
At this point you, if it appears that the hate-whitey racist(s) is/are still conscious but may not be long for this world, why not share the gospel of Jesus Christ with him/her/them. Sure he/she/they wanted to kill or maim you, but like you and me, they're a sinner in need of the God's forgiveness through the price paid for all our sins on that cross so long ago.
Beware, though; in seeking gun safety training don't inadvertently contact an evil, freedom-loathing, anti-self-defense puppet of the Powerful Criminal, Terrorist & Tyrant Empowerment Lobby (CTTEL), like the insidiously evil EveryTown For Gun Safety . It would be a serious mistake to think that just because they have "Safety" in their name that they'll train you in gun safety. What they'll do is everything possible to convince you that when you or your family are confronted with an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily injury of death, by a rabid hate-whitey racist or other evil-doer, that you'll be safer if you are helplessly disarmed and defenseless, like all the hapless innocents killed in the Fort Hood, Paris France and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Then they'll ask you for donation in order to fund their sinister efforts to infringe on your civil right to self-defense. Instead, get your safety training from the largest, oldest gun safety and civil rights organization in America: The National Rifle Association, aka: NRA. You can find a certified NRA instructor at this LINK.
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Thug, Sylville K. Smith |
O.K., so now you've got you good quality defensive firearm and a concealed carry purse or concealed carry holster as well as a concealed carry magazine holder to carry your "lead-lobber" and your extra defensive ammo with you at all times, but it won't do you much good if you are not constantly engaged in assessing your environment. The sooner you recognize a threat the sooner your can react and the better chance you'll have of not having to display or discharge your "heater" in order to stay alive. That means when you're outside your low-risk home or workplace, in an unsecure location like the mall, the grocery store or the gas station, don't have your head buried up your keester, buy constantly fixating on your smart phone. Being obsessed with the latest text, email or news is a good prescription for being victimized by a minority-supremacist hate-whitey racist bigot, or a Devin Kelley-like secularist-supremacist with a hate-on for Christians, an infidel-phobic MusScum imported by the MuzScum-butt-kissing DemonCraps & RepugnantGoons or some other evil-doer that happens to come upon your phone-mesmerized state of a self-induced coma. Instead, endeavor to keep your head up and swiveling back and forth, your eyes darting two and fro to constantly assess your environment. This level of alertness is often called the "YELLOW" level of situational awareness. This "YELLOW" level is also the time to become cognizant of any existing cover that could stop a bullet as well as any exits to facilitate your retreat if that presents itself as a viable option.
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Hate-Whitey Racist Michael Brown |
Then, if at all possible never allow one of a hate-whitey racist or other evil-doer to get closer than 100 feet to you. They can usually be recognized by their obvious aversion to employment or doing anything else that could be judged to be a normal productive activity. Hate-whitey racists or other evil-doers who are loitering or mindlessly wandering around in groups of two or more should always put you in the more intense "ORANGE" level of situational awareness. You should then be saying to yourself "Do I have time to move to a safer, threat avoiding position?" "Where is that good cover I saw earlier?" "If I'm attacked by this guy/those guys, What will be my battle plan? Are their innocent people that would be in my line of fire if I maintain my current position? If so, where could I move to negate imperiling the innocent? Do I have time to call 911 right now?
If one of his seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist "sons/daughters" starts to approach you, getting within fifty feet or closer, their eyes fixed on you, you should shift into the "RED" level of situational awareness. if possible, and being mindful of trip hazards, back away, in order to maintain as much distance between you and the potential hate-whitey racist/criminal threat as possible. Raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice so that not only the threat but as many witnesses as possible will hear and see what's going on:
"Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!!."
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Hate-Whitey Thug, Trayvon Martin |
At this point, you've made it clear to the potential threat, and as many witnesses as possible, that you are in fear for you life and for the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer to stay away from you. Any sane person, without malicious intent would recognize and respect your concern for your safety and immediately halt their advance toward you.
Up to this point, you've done done everything possible to negate the possibility of being accused of "brandishing a weapon" (research your state laws on this subject). Now, if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to advance toward you, this is the time when your danger awareness escalates to the RED level. Things are getting serious now and you may have to implement one or more of the possible courses of action you formulated earlier during the "ORANGE" level.
Assuming an exit/retreating option is not viable, and only if you still have sufficient time/distance between you and the seemingly unarmed advancing racist/evil-doer threat, again, raise your hand in the universally recognized palm-outward sign to stop while shouting as loud as you can, in a strong commanding voice "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! Do this as you grab the grip of your still holstered gun. For the ladies carrying in their purse, this exposure would probably entail a partial withdrawal of your gun from your purse, being careful to keep the muzzle pointed into the purse.
This "hand on grip", exposing of your weapon step, when faced with a seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer, will serve you well should some ass-hole "progressive" or other anti-civil rights leftist-nut, zealot prosecutor try to put you in prison for defending your life or the lives of your loved ones. Why? Because now if the seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer continues to approach you and you stupidly decide not to shoot in self-defense defense, it is plausible and reasonable to assume that the hate whitey racist/other evil-doer could overpower you, take your gun and use it on you/your loved ones. It has happened to many hesitant/careless police officers.
If the hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer is so stupid that even after they see you're armed with a gun, and are prepared to use deadly force and they are still advancing toward you, quickly remove your previously gripped gun from your holster/purse and, assuming you still have time/distance, bring it to the "low-ready position" while continuing to command "Stop! Stay back! I fear for my life!!! In my never-go-be-humble opinion, "..sufficient time/distance would be no less than 21 feet (Tueller Rule), particularly if the advancing threat is wielding a knife or other non-ballistic (not a gun) weapon, i.e. fists, knife, blunt object, etc . At this point, i.e. 21 feet or less, if the still seemingly unarmed hate-whitey racist/other evil-doer keeps advancing toward you after you have issued the second or subsequent "Stop" commands, he/she/they is/are an existential lethal threat to you.
Now's the time to rabpidly shift into the "BLACK" or "Battle" level of situational awareness. You'll be legally justified in shooting him/her/they until he/she/they no longer poses a threat of grave bodily harm or death to you or a third party. In this kind of do or die situation, your body will flood with adrenaline, you'll lose your fine motor skills and you may develop tunnel vision. If two or more hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers are threatening you, may need a lot of ammunition. This is where those extra "high capacity" (actually they are standard capacity) magazines will come in handy since, contrary to what the producers of Hollywood "shoot-em-up" movies would have you believe, it is a rare single bullet that will stop a determined single threat let alone a group of two or more approaching hate-whitey racists/other evil-doers.
Remember, everything up to this point applies only to a seemingly unarmed threat and only if if you still have time to use your weapon to prevent the threat from getting close enough to you (21 feet) to use a concealed weapon on you or to overpower you. If at anytime the threat displays a non-ballistic weapon in their approach toward you, quickly draw your gun, "front-sight" the threat and shout, (only if there is still time) "Stop!!! Drop the crowbar/club/knife/bottle/table leg. If they refuse and keep coming at you, "Front Sight" and fire for "center mass" until the threat no longer exists. If at any time they display a gun as they approach you, immediately draw your weapon, "Front Sight" and start firing as you put as much distance/cover between you and the approaching, gun wielding hate-whitey racist/criminal as possible. This will be the time when all those hours you spent at the outdoor range practice firing while moving may prove to be what saves your life.
When you have to shoot, always aim for center mass and keep firing until the potential hate-whitey racist ""sons/daughters"" of Barry is/are no longer an immediate, unavoidable threat of great bodily harm or death. The "no longer" includes consciously overcoming any tunnel vision to check for additional threats on your periphery and behind you. It doesn't include chasing after a fleeing hate-whitey racist while you blaze away. If you killed the hate-whitey racist under that kind of circumstance, a competent prosecutor could have no problem convincing a jury that the fleeing racist posed no threat to you at that point and that you were nothing more than a cold-blooded killer for shooting him to death
When you've finished using your lead-based hate-whitey racist repellant, this is when you shift into the D-SAS (Don't Say Anything Stupid) color level of "situational awareness. Yeah, I know it's not a color, but the objective now is to avoid doing or saying anything that an asshole, leftist-DemonCrap, self-defense, civil-right-hating zealot prosecutor could use to advance his/her political career at the expense of your being incarcerated in a cell with Bubba who keeps telling you what a nice tush you have. So, if you havn't already done so, immediately call 911 to report that "....there was a shooting" and that "I feared for my life!" Under no circumstances volunteer any other information to the 911 operator other than the location of "the shooting" and the need for emergency medical personnel to arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Leave the line open but DO NOT volunteer any additional information regarding the circumstances surrounding the shooting to the 911 operator. If no other threats are evident, unload your weapon and place it in plain view with the slide back, magazine removed/cylinder out and the gun out of your immediate reach This is so the cops will view you as less of a threat to them when they arrive. If possible, lend first aid to the wounded or dying hate-whitey racist "son(s)" of Barry Soetoro or the wounded/dying criminal.
At this point you, if it appears that the hate-whitey racist(s) is/are still conscious but may not be long for this world, why not share the gospel of Jesus Christ with him/her/them. Sure he/she/they wanted to kill or maim you, but like you and me, they're a sinner in need of the God's forgiveness through the price paid for all our sins on that cross so long ago.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our lord.Romans 6: 23
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.Romans 10:13
..that if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.Romans 10:9If no witnesses are there during your "neutralization" of the hate-whitey racist(s)/criminal(s), your credibility with the police and before any future jury will be greatly enhanced if you not take the time to pee and even crap your pants after the fact, if you already didn't do so as the incident transpired. There is nothing like shit and pissed pants for augmenting your assertion that you where scared shitless for your life and that's why you shot the dying or dead hate-whitey racist.
the cops arrive, keep your hand where they can see them, follow their commands and move slowly. Under no circumstances, no matter what they ask you, say nothing to
them beyond "I thought he/was going to kill me. I've never been
so scared in my life. I thought I was going to die. See, I was soo
scared I shit and pissed myself." Never say anything more than
this until you have an attorney there with you. If the cops ask you
questions then just keep repeating the previously given talking
points with the addition of "I'm too stressed and upset now to
talk further without an attorney," and then repeat the talking points as
often as necessary. If there are plenty of witnesses to all your attempts to keep from using deadly force, the cops may or may not arrest you. The more witnesses verifying how you did all of the above, the better chance you have of not being arrested, and if you are arrested, the better chance you have of no charges being filed. If you're targeted by a leftist-lunatic, anti-civil rights prosecutor, the less chance he'll have of getting a conviction.
Even though you may/may not spend the night in jail, look on the bright side: You're alive and not seriously or permanently injured by one or more rabid, son-of-Barry hate-whitey racists; furthermore, if you followed all of my suggestions, it will be less likely that, non-hate-whitey racist D.A. or non-DemonKrap D.A. will put you on trial or that a evil DemonCrap anti-civil rights D.A. could every get a jury to convict you of an unlawful shooting.
good advice
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEXCELLENT Advice. It is going to get uglier until the Klan with a Tan crawls back under the rock they came from. We must not forget that the Moslem Invaders are watching the success/failure of this terrorist organization quite closely. It is time for a 3rd American Revolution. More so, the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure. The Tyrants are clearly defined: Moslems and Libtards.
ReplyDeleteI agree, only adding the further claification that libtards are also present in the RepugnantGoon faction of the DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly.