As of today, the following school mass-killing is fictional. Unfortunately, in a godless, culturally depraved America, with a populace indoctrinated in CRT & Intersectional dogma-driven hatred, this scenario, or some variation of it, will eventually move from the realm fiction to shocking reality:
Seething with hate, DeAndre, Deshawn, Darnell, Treyvon & Jamal, had been inculcated in CRT dogma-driven, rabid, hate-whitey racism from birth, as well as endless claims by leftist politicians that they were the victims of white-supremacist-established "Systemic Racism". They were laughing about all the white kids they were "...gonna cap..." and smirked upon seeing a “Gun-Free Zone” sign as they casually walked past it onto the campus of a local, mostly-white-student, elementary school. The recess bell had just rung and all the little white kids poured out of the classrooms toward the playground.
Though scary-looking, "assault" rifles had been banned after the Uvalde, Texas school mass-killing, they could easily buy one, smuggled over the open Southern border, from their local Crips gang street vender, Willie, who had connections to arms dealing Mexican drug cartels, but they decided more white kids could be slaughtered in less time if they just used sawed-off,12 gauge, pump-action shotguns, spewing double-aught buck-shot. Besides, Willie was offering them at a deep discount. Treyvon was the exception; he
didn't like guns, insisting that “...they're unsafe!” so, citing the dead whites racked up by their fellow black-supremacist, Darrell Brooks, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with his fully-automatic assault SUV, he decided he'd arm himself with his 1987 Buick Riviera.
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Darrell Brooks--Black- supremacist RACIST who used fully-automatic Assault SUV for mass- Killing white people |
didn't like guns, insisting that “...they're unsafe!” so, citing the dead whites racked up by their fellow black-supremacist, Darrell Brooks, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with his fully-automatic assault SUV, he decided he'd arm himself with his 1987 Buick Riviera.
It was a short distance from the school gate to the school playground, and just as they reached it, Treyvon crashed through the perimeter fence with his Buick, barreling-over and instantly killing12 little white kids. Deshawn, Darnell, Treyvon & Jamal watched the spectacle with wide grins as they shouted "Die whiteys!" and uncloaked their shotguns at a crowed of screaming children and defenseless teachers running toward them in an effort to escape Treyvon's steamrolling Buick.
They had rehearsed their team, precision killing endlessly; Deshawn & Darnell moved in one direction while Deshawn pumped off 5 shots of double-aught Buckshot dispatching12 little white kids to eternity. DeAndre & Jamal moved in the other direction with Deandre quickly jacking 5 shots of double-aught Buckshot, downing 10 little white kids. DeAndre & Jamal laughed and screeched "Die whiteys” when they saw one well-placed shot actually behead, into a pink mist, a little blond-haired girl of about 8 years of age. As soon as Deshawn & DeAndre had emptied their shotguns, Darnell & Jamal would hand them a freshly loaded one while taking the empty one, with which they were tasked with immediately reloading for the next hand-off.
Three and a half minutes into their "ethnic cleansing", Treyvon had succeeded at ruthlessly crushing over 30 little kids and 3 teachers with his Buick, while the shotgun teams had killed well over 60 more, and no sirens could yet be heard from any approaching police.
Meanwhile, at a committee hearing in D.C. filled with corrupt, leftist, P.O.C.-supremacist RACIST politicians, they were discussing what other guns they could ban, given the "success" of their ban on ugly-looking "Assault" rifles; rifles that kill far fewer people every year than those killed by their beloved invaders pouring over our open borders sustained by the same corrupt & traitorous, invader sphincter-sucking politicians.