Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
In the wake of the murders of 49, anti-self-defense, gun-banning DemonCraps at a homosexual sphincter-phile club in Orlando Florida, by a Satan-worshiping, registered DemonCrap & Islamo-Nazi, the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly tyrants in D.C., avoiding any REAL SOLUTION to the murderous Muslim problem for fear of political incorrectness, are falling all over themselves in non-sequitur maliciousness to use this latest Islamist terrorist attack as an excuse to increase their despotic power over us by attacking our 2nd and 5th Amendment civil rights.
With that in mind and since the demonic religion of Islam is antithetical to the principles and precepts upon which a free & civilized society function are you still not convinced that we need THE REAL SOLUTION ? Consider these facts (Hat Tip):
Additionally, because ORTHODOX Islam (not "radical" as we are constantly propagandized to believe, i.e. lied to) demands, AND 51% OF AMERICAN MUSLIMS WANT the seditious, anti-constitutional implementation of freedom-loathing, women-degrading, homosexual-murdering Sharia law, this amendment should also revoke the citizenship of all U.S. citizens that are Muslims, followed by their deportation or permanent (if necessary) detention in internment camps. We have some precedent for this kind of action in Korematsu V. United States. This is precedent initiated by the fascist DemonCrap President FDR and his stacked Supreme Court of fellow despots, who because of their tyrannical proclivities couldn't be bothered with the passage of a constitutional amendment to incarcerate American citizens of Japanese ancestry whose religion or cultural ethos did not direct them to kill their fellow citizens. That can't be said for the Muslims to be interred in order to keep the rest of us safe from their infidel-phobic hate and intolerance.
The aforementioned proposed amendment should stipulate that they can only be released from an internment camp when they eat a pound of bacon, eight pork chops, ten pounds of BBQ'd pork ribs, urinate and defecate on the Quran, record five full minutes of curses against Allah, aka: Satan, and agree, upon their death, to be buried under a layer of pig dung.
There; problem solved with THE REAL SOLUTION.
For the Muslim-butt-kissing-and-importing, traitorous DemonCrap and RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly in D.C., attacking American freedoms is much less politically risky than implementing THE REAL SOLUTION for preventing domestic attacks by murderous Muslim savages. After all, their fellow Muslim-butt-kissers in the media, most being constitution-contemptuous moral relativists indoctrinated in cultural equivalency, will applaud and not smear them if they demagogically and substantively attack our 2nd and 5th Amendment civil rights; but God help them if they do anything to inconvenience the media's newest, politically-correct, minority protectorate, i.e. all the infidel-phobic Muslim savages roaming freely among us. That's why THE REAL SOLUTION will never enter the demented consciousness of the ruling duopoly. Why? Because THE REAL SOLUTION is based on the indisputable FACT that Obama's fellow Muslim savages, or anyone else for that matter, DO NOT have a right to immigrate to our country.QUESTION:
Why is it that the despotic corrupticians in Washington, D.C. can easily assume that all American citizens are latent mass-murderers as justification for permanently infringing our existential 2nd and 5th Amendment civil rights but refuse to rightly assume that all Muslims are latent mass-murderers for the purpose of denying them their NON-EXISTENT “right” to immigrate to the U.S., and therefore, permanently ban their immigration to here?
With that in mind and since the demonic religion of Islam is antithetical to the principles and precepts upon which a free & civilized society function are you still not convinced that we need THE REAL SOLUTION ? Consider these facts (Hat Tip):
- 83 percent of Palestinian Muslims, 62 percent of Jordanians and 61 percent of Egyptians approve of jihadist attacks on Americans. World Public Opinion Poll (2009).
- 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half their total population. ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015.
- Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research(2015).
- 45 percent of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” BBC Radio (2015)
- 38 percent of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015).
- One-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam.Center for Social Cohesion (Wikileaks cable).
- 78 percent of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons. NOP Research.
- 80 percent of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with holy war against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters. Motivaction Survey (2014).
- 68 percent of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. NOP Research.
- 81 percent of Muslim respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). Al-Jazeera poll (2015).
THE REAL SOLUTION is a constitutional amendment establishing A PERMANENT BAN ON ALL MUSLIMS IMMIGRATING TO THE U.S..
Additionally, because ORTHODOX Islam (not "radical" as we are constantly propagandized to believe, i.e. lied to) demands, AND 51% OF AMERICAN MUSLIMS WANT the seditious, anti-constitutional implementation of freedom-loathing, women-degrading, homosexual-murdering Sharia law, this amendment should also revoke the citizenship of all U.S. citizens that are Muslims, followed by their deportation or permanent (if necessary) detention in internment camps. We have some precedent for this kind of action in Korematsu V. United States. This is precedent initiated by the fascist DemonCrap President FDR and his stacked Supreme Court of fellow despots, who because of their tyrannical proclivities couldn't be bothered with the passage of a constitutional amendment to incarcerate American citizens of Japanese ancestry whose religion or cultural ethos did not direct them to kill their fellow citizens. That can't be said for the Muslims to be interred in order to keep the rest of us safe from their infidel-phobic hate and intolerance.
The aforementioned proposed amendment should stipulate that they can only be released from an internment camp when they eat a pound of bacon, eight pork chops, ten pounds of BBQ'd pork ribs, urinate and defecate on the Quran, record five full minutes of curses against Allah, aka: Satan, and agree, upon their death, to be buried under a layer of pig dung.
There; problem solved with THE REAL SOLUTION.
Friday, June 17, 2016

Why? Because the NRA has crapped on the 5th & 2nd Amendments by giving its blessing the corrupticians in D.C. to deny “The People” their 2ndAmenment rights if they are on the so-called "Terrorist Watch List", aka: the proverbial “No Fly List”. The NRA issued a press release demonstrating their newly adopted constitution-contemptuous fascism, saying:
"The NRA’s position on this issue has not changed. The NRA believes that terrorists should not be allowed to purchase or possess firearms, period. Anyone on a terror watch list who tries to buy a gun should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing. If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale, and arrest the terrorist." (underline emphasis mine)
So now, the NRA has now joined forces with the anti-civil rights, freedom-phobic fascists within the 2nd and 5th Amendments-trampling, domestic terrorist DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly. They've done this by agreeing that because an un-elected bureaucrat has put a citizen on a list, that citizen should be deprived of exercising their 2nd Amendment civil rights until the bureaucrats, at their leisure, decide to get around to seeing that the due-process-deprived citizen is "..thoroughly investigated by the FBI..." and that they should be deprived their rights until..." said investigation is completed.
The NRA's approval of the deprivation of one's 2nd Amendment & 5th Amendment civil rights is further contrasted by their statement reported in the same article, saying that:
“..due process protections” outlined in the Constitution must be honored for “persons not on the list” [underline emphasis mine]
In summary, if you're on "the list" the NRA agrees that the constitution-detesting domestic terrorists in D.C. should be able to deprive you of your 5th and 2nd Amendment Civil rights.
forget who makes these "lists"; it is UN-elected,
unaccountable government bureaucrats, subject to prodding by corrupt, 2nd Amendment-loathing politicians, who determine who is or is not included on the so-called
“Terrorist Watch List” or any other government list of
"suspects". These lists DO NOT, in any way, embody “Due
Process” as guaranteed under the 5th Amendment.
For the NRA to capitulate to the freedom-loathing demands of political-correctness-obsessed fascists in the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly to this kind of banana republic tyranny totally redefines the NRA. Now it is a constitution-contemptuous, traitorous organization that spits, urinates and defecates in the spilled blood of those who died to facilitate the creation of our country. A country where our rights are supposed to be defended by our government not attacked by it with the blessing of the NRA.
For the NRA to capitulate to the freedom-loathing demands of political-correctness-obsessed fascists in the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly to this kind of banana republic tyranny totally redefines the NRA. Now it is a constitution-contemptuous, traitorous organization that spits, urinates and defecates in the spilled blood of those who died to facilitate the creation of our country. A country where our rights are supposed to be defended by our government not attacked by it with the blessing of the NRA.
With the the approval of the NRA, it is proposed that the same kind of politicized, gun-running corrupto-crats that infest the BATFE and trafficked guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, and the same kind of leftist-zealot corrupto-crats that infest the politically-weaponized
IRS-Gestapo and targeted conservative groups for special
discriminatory scrutiny because their political views
didn't comply with those of the Obama administration, should now determine who can exercise their 2nd
Amendment civil rights and who can't?
The only
people who should be on the so-called Terrorist Watch List are the domestic terrorist corrupticians of the DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly or actual
terrorists convicted in a court of law. That is not the case now; which induces the question; who are the people on this list? Why weren't
the San Bernardino and Orlando Islamo-fascist terrorists on it?
What is the criteria for being included or not being included on this
list? If the citizens on it are so dangerous that they should not be
able to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, why haven't
they been arrested, arraigned and tried in a court of law before a
jury of their peers instead of being allowed to roam free among us?
How convenient, that thanks to the traitorous NRA's blessing, their freedom loathing fellow banana republik fascists could eventually be equipped with an all purpose, due-process-devoid, bureaucrat-controlled, corruptician-influenced, universally flexible tool, i.e. the “Terrorist Watch List”, for eviscerating the 2nd Amendment.

Since 9/11, not only have we learned that the traitorous, Muslim-Butt-kissing DemonCrap & RepugnantGoon ruling duopoly were complicit in covering-up the Saudi Government's logistical support for the terrorists, but we also know that the constitution-contemptuous RepugnantGoon and DemonCrap ruling duopoly, which now treats us like suspects instead of citizens, is actively importing more infidel-hating Muslims into this country to breed killers like the Orlando Muslim (one million more since the Muslim domestic terrorist Obama became our dictator). And they're importing these Muslim savages into our country even though top intelligence officials say we can't insure more terrorists won't be among them. We also know they are still issuing student and work VISAs to infidel-hating Muslims from the same countries that the 9/11 terrorists were from; and as an added bonus, they keep our borders open to foreign invaders, including terrorists, to come in and suck at the government tit or kill us or both.
In reality, the only things that have changed since 9/11 and this latest attack in Orlando by a registered DemonCrap Infidel-phobe, is now, in compliance with D.C.s obsession with political correctness, the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies are explicitly prohibited from surveilling mosques but the ruling duopoly want's to further infringe your 2nd Amendment rights as citizens suspects to defend yourselves from the infidel-hating Muslims and tyrannical, corrupt, power-hungry politicians. Of course, their government goons still get to grope you and your wife at the airport, spy on your credit card accounts, your bank accounts, your emails, texts, phone calls and web surfing, invade your privacy with "warrants" not signed by a judge, seize your property via their unconstitutional "asset forfeiture" tyranny, deny you your civil rights through politically influenced, bureaucratic additions to "No Fly", "Terrorist Watch" and other lists, and the president can kill you if he wants to, simply by declaring you to be a terrorist.
What's even more amazing is that the hordes of simple-minded, easily manipulated and demagogued "useful idiots" that make up most of the electorate (that probably means you too) will continue to stupidly and robotically vote the ruling duopoly back into power election after election.
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