Read Hunter Biden's Laptop emails: Anti-Statist
Monday, July 4, 2022
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
As of today, the following school mass-killing is fictional. Unfortunately, in a godless, culturally depraved America, with a populace indoctrinated in CRT & Intersectional dogma-driven hatred, this scenario, or some variation of it, will eventually move from the realm fiction to shocking reality:
Seething with hate, DeAndre, Deshawn, Darnell, Treyvon & Jamal, had been inculcated in CRT dogma-driven, rabid, hate-whitey racism from birth, as well as endless claims by leftist politicians that they were the victims of white-supremacist-established "Systemic Racism". They were laughing about all the white kids they were "...gonna cap..." and smirked upon seeing a “Gun-Free Zone” sign as they casually walked past it onto the campus of a local, mostly-white-student, elementary school. The recess bell had just rung and all the little white kids poured out of the classrooms toward the playground.
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Darrell Brooks--Black- supremacist RACIST who used fully-automatic Assault SUV for mass- Killing white people |
didn't like guns, insisting that “...they're unsafe!” so, citing the dead whites racked up by their fellow black-supremacist, Darrell Brooks, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with his fully-automatic assault SUV, he decided he'd arm himself with his 1987 Buick Riviera.
Friday, April 8, 2022
**Wheat Berry Breakfast Cereal Recipe
(1) Boil 1 cup of wheat berries for 20 minutes and then allow to soak & cool for 3 hours (Makes about two full bowls of breakfast cereal).
(2) Drain the water and refrigerate until breakfast time the next day.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
**The Salvation Army Remains Unrepentant Of Its Hate-Whitey Racism
In November of 2021, The Salvation Army released its indoctrination "Guidebook" titled
"Let's talk about Racism", which betrayed its embrace of CRT dogma-driven, P.O.C.-supremacist, rabid, hate-whitey racism. It has since been deleted because the evidence of their going "Woke" resulted in a sizable reduction in donations and volunteers.
Now, they're feigning repentance, but a close examination of their response to the outrage generated by their going "Woke" is a smokescreen of obfuscation, notably focused on calling-out one organization--Color Us United--for exposing their apostasy. This is clearly evidenced in one part of their linked response wherein they say:
"As Color Us United’s president, Mr. Xu has also called for The Salvation Army to eliminate positions focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. That’s not going to happen. The work of ensuring equal opportunity and treatment within The Salvation Army is far too important not to be intentional about it."
Since "..diversity, equity and inclusion" are all CRT dogma-driven code words for P.O.C.-supremacist, hate-whitey racism and anti-meritocracy, clearly, they still cling to the ideological paradigm articulated in their incriminating, and now-deleted, "Let's Talk About Racism" indoctrination publication. It appears they're betting that easily duped donors and volunteers will equate "Equity" with "Equality", though within the context of CRT racist ideology, they are antithetical to each other: "Equity" denoting equal outcomes detached from merit and personal choices, whereas, "Equality" denotes equal opportunity within the context of one's merit and personal choices.
Upon learning of this, I immediately contacted the Salvation Army by email and told them I would no longer be donating to their orgaization:
Here are some links for more information regarding the Salvation Army's apostasy:
The Salvation Army's Response To Getting Caught In Apostasy
The Salvation Army's "Seeking Justice Together Study Guide On Racism"
Salvation Army Withdraws Anti-White ‘Let’s Talk About Racism’ Guide After Uproar
Salvation Army Wants White Donors To Offer ‘Sincere Apology’ For Their Racism
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
**The Vaccine Against Eternal Death
HIS vaccine is manifested in one aspect of his triune personage--Jesus. Through his death on a cross and his authenticating resurrection from the dead, he bore upon himself the sins of the world, and Gods righteous wrath for those sins, something only an eternal and loving God, incarnate in Jesus, could do on our behalf.
Unlike the Fascist Progressives who demand that you take their sacrament to statism by injecting into your body their EXPERIMENTAL mRNA FAUX-ccine, God has no desire to deprive you of your free will and force you to accept his Jesus-based, vaccine-like protection from his righteous judgment. Sadly, many people truly hate their creator, and the vaccination-like sacrifice he provided in Jesus on the cross. Evidently, they would rather spend an eternity totally separated from him, sequestered in a "lake of fire" with others who embrace their "I am my own god" rebellion against the one true God with such tenacity that they couldn't care less about the prospect of their endless existence in a place where unhampered evil and punitive misery is the bane of one's endless existence.
Conversely, there ARE those who recognize their mortality-destined peril of falling into the hands of a righteously wrathful God who will judge their sins; sins unobscured by the immunity from his judgement; an immunity that ONLY Jesus's inoculating death and resurrection can provide. God-hating, Fascist Progressive statists implicitly assert that their good works, e.g. taking the mRNA FAUX-ccine, wearing double masks, forcing kids to be masked, socially distancing & hating those who refuse their experimental mRNA FAUX-ccines, will save them from death--at least temporarily. But those who accept God's vaccine-like protection from his righteous wrath, found ONLY in Jesus, recognize there are not enough good works through which they can blot out their sins from a righteously judging God; thus, they understand that they must depend on the perfect inoculating immunity from God's judgement that only the perfect Jesus can provide.
With your eternal destiny hanging in the balance, and your metamorphic transference into death's eternal realm being only one tenuous heartbeat away, let wisdom quash your self-worshipping pride. Turn away from your disobedience to God, and instead embrace his free gift of a fool-proof vaccination against his righteous wrath that can be obtained through faith in Jesus. In so doing, you'll receive a guilt cleansing reconciliation with your creator and a peace '.. which transcends all understanding".
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
**The Mega Anti-Statist's Multi-Orgasmic Delicious, Black Bean & Brown Rice Burrito Recipe
Mega Anti-Statist's, Multi-Orgasmic, Black Bean & Brown Rice Burrito--Air-fried
Yields approximately twenty-two, meal-sized Burritos.
- 8 each 15oz cans of unseasoned black beans–drained.
- 6 cups of cooked Brown Rice
- 3 each 4.5 oz cans of chopped green chiles–drained.
- 1 dozen eggs
- 2½ Cups diced yellow onions
- 1½ Teaspoon of salt
- 1Tablespoon pepper
- 1 Teaspoon of Ground Cumin
- 3 Teaspoons of Chili Powder
- 1 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
- 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 4 Tablespoons of butter.
- 15 Cups of grated. sharp cheddar (About 1½ 2lb blocks, i.e. 3 lbs, of Costco Cheddar Cheese)
- 22, +/-, 12” Flour Tortillas
Prepare the brown rice In your automatic rice cooker. I do this the day before rolling the burritos. The directions for your automatic rice cooker for cooking brown rice may differ from those found below. If you don’t have an automatic rice cooker, improvise by using a regular pot and the directions for cooking brown rice that can be found on the bag of brown rice.
- Put 1 32oz (2 lb bag that is equal to 6 cups rice) of rinsed brown rice into the Rice-Making Machine removable steel pot.
- Fill the pot containing the 32 oz of brown rice to water-line 6 mark.
- Add 3 crushed beef Bouillon cubes.
- Add the 2 Tablespoons butter.
- Depress the “Brown Rice” button on the Rice-Making machine. The cook time is about 1 hr & 12 minutes. I prefer the rice to be a little under-cooked since this prevents it from becoming “mushy” after “aging” in the burritos that are frozen for later meals.
- Remove the steel pot containing the cooked rice and allow to cool at room temperature.
- Cover and place in the refrigerator.
Prepare The Eggs:
- Wisk-beat 1 dozen eggs in a bowel along with 1½ teaspoons of Salt and 1 Tablespoon of Pepper.
- Melt 2 Tablespoons of butter in the large non-stick frying pan.
- Pour the bowl of fork-beat and seasoned eggs into the frying pan and scramble on low heat.
- Allow to cool to room Temperature.
Prepare The Onions:
- Melt 2 Tablespoons of butter in the medium, non-stick frying pan.
- Saute the 2½ cups of diced onions in the melted butter.
- Allow to cool to room temperature.
Mix The Final Brown Rice, Onions, Eggs, Cheese Burrito Filling.
- Pour the 8 cans of drained, unseasoned black beans into very large bowl. I use a canning pot since the extra room is useful for easy mixing.
- Mix in 1 Teaspoon of ground Cumin
- Mix in 3 Teaspoons of Chili Powder
- Mix in 1 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
- Mix in 1 Teaspoon of garlic powder.
- Mix in the 2½ cups of the cooled sauteed onions
- Mix in the 3 cans of the drained, chopped green chilis.
- Mix in 6 cups of the cooked Brown Rice.
- Mix in the cooled, 1 dozen scrambled eggs
- Mix in 15 cups of grated, sharp cheddar cheese.
Prepare the Extra Large Tortillas
- Turn the microwave oven turntable up-side-down so it doesn’t rotate. This may not be necessary if you have a very large microwave oven.
- If your frozen tortillas are thawed, nuke 3-at-a-time for 30 seconds. If frozen, place package of tortillas on the up-side-down turntable and nuke for 1 minute
- Turn-over the package of frozen tortillas and nuke again for 1 minute
- Repeat as often as necessary to make the tortillas pliable enough to roll burritos
Roll the Burritos
- Using a large, steel, buffet/cafeteria spoon, place about 1½ cups of the final mix onto one side of a tortilla and hand-form-compress it into a rectangle.
- Roll and bag the burrito for freezing
- Yields 22, +/- Meal-sized burritos.